[METHOD] Make $50+ a day with domain parking


DATE: Dec. 8, 2013, 4:53 p.m.

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  1. I’ve been here for well over a year now and feel that it’s time to make a worth while contribution. This is a legitimate method that can be used to generate at least $50 a day if you are willing to put in the work. You will need some start up cash, I’d suggest at least $100 which you can make back very quickly. This is definitely a black hat method, but it is NOT CLICK FRAUD. The reason that I say that it is not click fraud is because although you MAY be breaking the rules of the domain parking companies by promoting your domains and sending direct traffic to them, you are going to be sending legitimate, targeted traffic to your parked pages. It is very important that you send legitimate targeted traffic because otherwise your visitors won’t be clicking on any of the ads on your parked page. I’d also like to advise you to spread your traffic between domains because domain parking companies are smart and watch traffic carefully. Lastly, I cannot guarantee that you will make money with this method, but I will say it is very possible generate income if you put in the work and you don’t get greedy and make a mistake. I made around $100 a day with this method for quite a while (but with a few slight twists, but it would give away my main niche if I shared them here).
  2. Please do not PM me about this method, if you can’t figure it out then the method probably isn’t for you. However, I will try my best to help you out with questions in the thread but I make no guarantees.
  3. Now, how exactly are we going to drive traffic to these domains?
  4. One very important thing you must understand about domain parking is that you need TYPE IN TRAFFIC. People must type in your domain name opposed to following a link. You don’t want to post hyperlinks anywhere because this will get you banned with many (if not all companies). So we are going to make images with your URL watermarked or added to the photo using Microsoft paint. We are then going to host these images using sites such as photo bucket and then post them on popular sites such as classified ad sites, pinterest, tumblr and instagram.
  5. What you will need:
  6. 1. A basic knowledge of what domain parking is. If you don’t already know about domain parking, I would suggest searching this forum and the web. It’s a very basic concept and you should not have trouble finding a basic overview.
  7. 2. I would suggest buying at least buying at least ten domains (.com’s only under most circumstances) and another ten or fifteen that you already own. If you don’t have own any already, I would suggest buying at least twenty. I’ll explain more about this later.
  8. 3. A domain parking account. I would suggest using SEDO to hone your method, because getting kicked/banned from SEDO won’t be nearly as devastating as getting banned from one of the higher level domain parking companies.
  9. 4. Microsoft paint and an image hosting account such as a photo bucket account.
  10. 5. Accounts with sites such as tumblr, facebook, pinterest and instagram. This is where you can add your own twist. There are thousands of sites that you can use to drive traffic.
  11. Choosing domain names to use:
  12. Well the first thing to understand is you’ve got to be sneaky. I would suggest only using about 30% to 45% of the domains that you buy and park for this method. The reason being is that most parking companies will probably realize that most people are not able to strike gold with even the majority of domain names that they buy and park. Once again, you’ve got to be smart/sneaky. You want to choose domain names that seem as if they could legitimately receive type in traffic.
  13. The way I find these domain names are as follows:
  14. I first choose a popular niche. For this entire method I will use modern furniture as the example.
  15. I will use google to search for “modern furniture”. I want to choose one of the top five non-paid results. I also rather not use any super popular sites like Rooms To Go or Room Store, but that is up to you. So let’s go ahead and choose “ModernLineFurniture”.
  16. modern.png
  17. Next let’s visit Alexa(dot)com. Here we will type ModernLineFurniture(dot)com into the search bar on Alexa. We are looking for a traffic rank of at least 50K in the USA. Luckily this domain fits the bill.
  18. modern alexa.png
  19. Now let’s see if there is a “common” or easily believable misspell of ModernLineFurniture available for purchase.
  20. Once again we are in luck! So let’s go ahead and purchase the domain name ModernLinesFurniture(dot)com. If you look around online you can easily find promo codes for most domain name registrars so you can save some cash on buying all of these domains.
  21. Modern Domain.png
  22. Setting up your parked page:
  23. I’m not going to show images or instructions on how to do this, because all domain parking companies use different. More or less you need to set up your parked page to show results similar to your domain. You obviously want to use furniture related terms (couches, bedding, coffee tables) as your keywords. Some companies may not allow you to choose your own keywords, but in this case it would most likely come back with furniture related results due to the domain itself.
  24. Finding and watermarking and hosting an image related to your domain:
  25. This is pretty self-explanatory. Just use either flickr creative commons or google images to find images. After finding the image, you should add your sites URL to the image using Microsoft paint or something similar. When you are done it should look like this:
  26. modern watermark.jpg
  27. The next step is of course to host your image with photo bucket or a similar site. The reason I prefer to host it oppose to just uploading it directly is this: Your photo may go viral and you may start getting tons and tons of views on your site. THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING because this will look sketchy. If this happens you will want to go in and delete the image from your image hosting account. This should cause the image to disappear from everywhere that you’ve posted it. However, you will still want to double check that the images are no longer showing up everywhere that you have posted it. In reality, I would suggest deleting images that you’ve posted every few days and creating new ones. That’s what I’ve always done. If you get greedy, you will most likely get caught.
  28. Posting your images:
  29. I would suggest pinterest and tumblr for posting images. I’ve found that these are usually the sites that I have the most luck with. However, instagram, twitter, classified ad sites and many other mediums will also work. If you don’t know how to use any of these sites search this forum and you should easily find guides on how to get followers and other traffic to your pages on these sites.
  30. Rinse, repeat and grow! If you hone your skills and become successful with this method, I would suggest buying many more domains and splitting them up between a handful of separate parking companies. This way if you lose one account, you will still have many others that you are still making some cash with. Also you will call less attention to yourself if you are making $300 a month between five companies opposed to $1500 a month with one company.
  31. Well, that’s pretty much there is to it. Just remember to start small, be smart and don’t get greedy! If this doesn’t work for you, then add your own spin and make it work for you! Good luck everybody!

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