January 2018 LNETM (AI Theme)


DATE: Jan. 20, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 482

  1. January’s LNETM will focus on AI in the enterprise, with a keynote from David Kelnar (Investment Director & Head of Research at MMC Ventures), who will present the findings of his recent report into the state of AI in the UK, followed by a fireside chat discussion moderated by John Newton (CTO & Founder of Alfresco Software and former founder of Documentum).
  2. In addition to the keynote, there will be three demo presentations from:
  3. Action.ai provide fully configured natural language AI instances to ensure your Chatbot is Intelligent from day one. This means users are understood however they express themselves in the relevant domain, benefitting from truly intuitive user experiences that Chatbots really can deliver.
  4. Grakn is a distributed hyper-relational database for knowledge engineering, that provides the knowledge base foundation for cognitive/intelligent systems to manage complex datasets. Graql is Grakn’s reasoning (through OLTP) and analytics (through OLAP) query language. Graql is a much higher level abstraction over traditional query language – SQL, NoSQL, or Graphs.
  5. TrueAI provides automatic, intelligent response suggestions for customer support operators. These suggestions can be integrated with existing CRM systems using a plugin. The product is more intelligent and effective than currently used automation alternatives, such as copy & paste templates or rule-based chatbots.
  6. The academic speaker will be Will Venters from the London School of Economics, who is researching the economic/cultural/sociological aspects of AI.
  7. Tickets are £7.50, with an opportunity to purchase early bird discount tickets for £5.00 up until one week before the event.
  8. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  9. David Kelnar (Investment Director and Head of Research at MMC Ventures)
  10. David joined MMC in 2016 and leads the Firm’s research team, which provides MMC with a deep and differentiated understanding of the technologies, themes and sectors in which it invests.
  11. David has eight years of entrepreneurial leadership experience in early stage companies, having served as the founding CEO and CFO, respectively, of two consumer service technology companies, and is an advisor to a range of early stage ventures.
  12. Previously, David was an equity research analyst and investor in the European technology sector, at Goldman Sachs in London and a hedge fund in New York. David graduated with double First Class Honours in Philosophy from the University of Cambridge.
  13. John Newton (CTO & Founder of Alfresco Software)
  14. John Newton, CTO and Founder, has had one of the longest and most influential careers in content management. In 1990, John co-founded, designed and led the development of Documentum®, the leader in content management acquired by EMC.
  15. For the next ten years, he invented many of the concepts widely used in the industry today. In addition, he built Documentum’s marketing and professional services organizations in Europe. John has also been an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Benchmark Capital. John was one of the founding engineers at Ingres where he helped develop the world’s first commercial relational database. John graduated with a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley.
  16. Dr Will Venters (Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Dept of Management, LSE)
  17. Dr Venters has an international reputation for his work in distributed systems development, Grid and Cloud Computing and Knowledge Management. He holds a doctorate from the University of Salford, and a first-class degree in computer science from the University of Manchester.
  18. He has researched the organisation of distributed work and systems in various organisations including government-related organisations, the construction industry, financial services, health, and most recently among particle physicists at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
  19. Will has undertaken consultancy for a wide range of companies and has published articles in journals such as the Journal of Management Studies, Information Systems Journal, Journal of Knowledge Management Research & Practice. He is a member of the board of Youthnet, the UK’s first online charity, and the former chair of a national volunteering charity.
  20. Ticket Prices
  21. £7.50

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