These posts will give you a good foundation. And I did it all through Snapchat. Just reply and let me know. It's funny because Snapchat started off as a sexting app. It was a good way for people to send nudies to eachother without any negative consequences, given that photos and videos are permanently deleted within 10-seconds. Now, its a global social media platform that moved far past the sexting app that it used to be. Last year during the Super Bowl, for example, Gatorade created a snapchat filter that got over 165 million views. You're going to find out that Snapchat is a stunning way of marketing yourself and your lifestyle to the men and women around you. And that's where the beauty is. On any given day, Snapchat reaches 41% of all 18 to 34 year-olds in the United States. This means that at any given time, your target audience aka: the pretty girls you're trying to get at are on Snapchat. Get them added on Snapchat first, ask for their number second. What I love about Snapchat is fun snapchat story games people are always on it, even if they aren't posting directly to their own story. People love watching people's story and seeing what others are up to, even if they give no shits about you. That's what makes Snapchat so great. It's a platform that everyone is on and yet it requires little attention. This is why you can get away with asking people for their Snapchat 100% of the time. To the majority of people, Snapchat is the non-committal app they're on to post stupid photos. You build your social circle easily. In fact, I hardly ask for numbers now. Whenever I met someone cool but don't expect to immediately build a strong relationship with, I simply ask if they're active on Snapchat. Whereas if you ask for their number, it's a bit of a bigger commitment. Now they expect a text from you and texting people requires far more maintainance than watching people's story on Snapchat. Asking people for their Snapchat and watching their stories is low commitment and voluntary, whereas asking for a number and texting is high commitment and mandatory. Numbers have a serious connotation to then, Snapchat has a fun connotation to them. Everyone wants people to watch their story. It's validating when people watch your story and what you're up to in life. This is a universal feeling. I've never met anyone who has reacted negatively to people watching their story. It's like a movie star saying they don't want people to go watch their movie. It just never happens, lol. This is why you will have a 100% success rate when Snapchat closing people, rather than number closing. Another reason why I hardly ask for numbers as well is because I lack data in that channel. I can't see if they received my text or not, I can't see if they read or not, I can't see if they saved my number or not. Whereas with Snapchat, I've got access to all of that information. I can immediately see if they added me back, if they received my message, and if they opened my message. This information is lacking via text. I don't know about you guys but to me that kind of fun snapchat story games is very fun snapchat story games. The data lets me know where I stand instead of guessing. It allows me to understand how persistent I need to be or not be. Who to invest more time on and who to let go. I think when it comes to game a lot of people lack data. Half the battle is already won if you nail this technique down. The point of a story is to tell a story. I can personally guarantee it. Cardinal Principle 1: Every story must have a beginning, middle, and end. The point of a story is to show off your life. No, better yet, it is to portray who you are fun snapchat story games a person. The point of the story is to appeal to the general audience in your snapchat, as well. Most people are posting pictures of their food or their alcoholic beverages. And people will love them. People will begin to engage with you. It was absurd how many people messaged me about it and thought about me. I posted a story at fun snapchat story games in the morning, when I wake up to get to the gym. I was in the bathroom getting ready when a little mouse popped out under the cabinet and ran for the door. This was the beginning of my story and I documented it on my Snapchat story. The story escalated when I went to the store to go buy mouse traps. I was surprised to find they have various different traps and poisons dedicated to trapping mice. I picked a solution and bought it. This was the middle of my story and yes, I documented it all on my story. I documented my feeling of ambition - I must get the mouse. I set up the traps and left for work. Anyway, later that evening I came back from work and checked the traps. I was so frustrated, that I left the city for the weekend to visit family, hoping that when I came back after a few days the mouse would be caught and this would all be blown over. This was the end of the story, for now. It was to be continued. But the fact that the story had a beginning, middle, and end to it is what made it captivating. People would rather post lame stories that offer no value to their audience instead. People are going to look forward to your ridiculous stories fun snapchat story games keep you at top of mind. When you post good stories and do it with some level of frequency, people begin to think of you. People begin to hit you up and invite you to places. Girls begin to feel familiar with you and comfortable with your personality. All because you posted a few good Snapchat stories. How many people do you know fell through the cracks after high school. But nobody knows about it. Just hit me up on Snapchat add me: SnapSocialGuru and let me know. Cardinal Principle 2: Appeal to your general audience. You are going to see a lot of stories that aren't that good. People aren't mindful of their Snapchat audience. This leads to poor story telling. Okay…what do I mean by that. Quick example; A friend of mine posts a lot of political rants on his story. He's actually not bad at storytelling: he typically has a beginning, middle, and end to his rants. So where is the problem here. His not being conscious of his Snapchat's audience. If your target audience is composed of hot girls you want to go on dates with eventually, do you want to be posting deep, political rants. Remember my story about the mouse. It was a goofy story everyone can relate to. Combine good story telling into the mix and it's a funny story people find amusing. Alternatively, I've also come across guys who post sexy, duck face selfies on their story. Again, I bet their target audience is not entirely composed of girls. This is another example of not being aware of who your snapchat audience is composed of. No dude wants to see your fucking duck faces or try-hard mirror selfies. Be aware and thoughtful of who your audience is on Snapchat and try your best to appeal to it. My only recommendation to you is to be aware and thoughtful. This rule is abused by almost everyone. After nine months on Snapchat, even I fail this principle at times. Maybe you will do better. When people post on their story, yes, they want to positively portray their lifestyle and who they are. I think the point of the story is to always show your best self, your creativity, and the life you live. Know that when you post your story, you will look cool, but only if you are not trying to look cool. But I hope you get the point. Yet, when it comes to Snapchat, people fail to respect the paradox. Let them come to you. Be the Walt Disney of Snapchat stories. Create a story line more incredible than the Game of Thrones. This rule is simple but hard to follow. Resist the urge at all times. This is a muscle that will get stronger all the time. They like stories that they will find intriguing, funny, etc. Simply becoming aware is going to take you far with this method. This takes time but not that much time. Ideally, you want to have a healthy combination of activities you're doing on your story. This can be broken doing into three categories: doing actual cool stuff ex: taking a beautiful hike or attending fun snapchat story games exclusive party, hanging with friendsboring day to day stuff ex: grocery shopping, dentist appointmentand work related stuff a day in the office, prepping before a big meeting, etc. These healthy balance of all three things is meant to portray you as a normal, regular dude. Before I close off, I want to add another side note about creating stories. The following advice is an incentive for you to create better stories. However, if you post good stories all the time which you will if you follow my three cardinal principlespeople will keep coming back and engaging with your shit. This system has helped me get more attention than even the hottest girls I know. My username is SnapSocialGuru on Snapchat. Just reply and let me know. Most people's stories are shit, especially girls, and most of the time it's super-obvious attention whoring. It's always those dudes and deeds that try to make more of their snapchat story than it is, who end up posting cringy bullshit, massive amounts of uninteresting, completely pointless content. My take on it: Just a good way of letting people know that you are still there, if you post something very interesting you will sometimes get reactions to it, that much is true. But if you don't do interesting shit then you can't post interesting shit. And if the first thing you do everytime when interesting shit happens to you, is to take out your phone so that you can show off and keep some girls fun snapchat story games for a little longer, then your priorities are odd in life. Pretty sure no one gives a flying fuck about your snapchat story except for you. I haven't put a story up in 2 years. Snapchat is good for one thing, sending and receiving pictures that disappear. People only care about themselves and their lives mostly. Unless I'm about to land a fucking sword fish in the gulf of Mexico or some high caliber shit like that, I'm not real interested in putting it on my story. But I want to tell that my friend met a girl on a club kissed and exchanged snapchats. He didnt ask for her number but snapchat. He did some snapchat thing for awhile like 1 or 2 months now he is her fuckbuddy. He fucks her often and he made it through snapchat. If you use it wisely it will pay off. However I'm one of those people who find it rather pathetic when someone is documenting their life on snapchat. Unless someone is travelling somewhere interesting or is doing something awesome, I don't give a shit about what he's up to if it's not adressed to me in particular. Everything else is just a call for fun snapchat story games, period. I have nothing against people who send snapchats, but people who spam their story. It's cringy, it screams narcissism or insecurity. The important thing is what women think of it. As a 34 year old I'm super out of the loop and probably won't do shit with it, but I enjoyed SnapChat 1. This new wave intrigues me so I'm reinstalling based on this post. Look up managing brand you. Also see science influence and practice by robert cialdini. Your eyes will fun snapchat story games opened. Studying psychology and business has improved my social game by 1000. I've never had problems getting girls but professional networking and great guy bros is a different ball game. It has to be about you and not about the girls if you're going to do it. For me it was to get girls and I think that's a mistake. I added all the girls from tinder 20-25 and started making stories. Only one girl ever followed my snaps. She was ok cute but nothing crazy. Spending time making a story for 1 girl who isn't ever going to get with you isn't good. And it's a waste of time. Those minutes would be much better spent texting an actual person to meet up and building a social circle. Though he preaches using it. For him it's more for marketing to his customers anyways. What it seems to me I think the point of snapchat is you can use it for sexting etc. It's a nice way to keep up with a social circle if you already have one. Time would be much better spent building that social circle with real interactions. This sounds super shallowly egotistic I'm aware but hear me out. That is, if done correctly. This is an efficient tool to feel that you have options. If you don't feel needy, you won't be perceived as needy and you will appear to be more attractive to the women in your life. This is clearly not a solve all solution.