DATE: Nov. 20, 2013, 7:15 a.m.

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  1. I THIS IS A SPECIAL NOTE DO NOT PUT THIS ON PASTEBIN! If I see it on pastebin again I will have to do some pretty lame shit like delay guide updates even more than they already are or perhaps stop updating it altogether! I've already had a non-goon come up to me with the fucking guide in a pastebin.
  2. Here's an update to my guide that has added almost all new medbay/healing chems. I really don't know much beyond those especially now that black powder has changed.
  3. To do list: Create pod guide, botany information needs to be updated, quartermasters stuff, decide what to do with locations, more secret items, update my traders section, and find the fertilizers my guide is missing.
  4. I am Parker Unk in game, if you have a question talk to me in goonsay. My byond key is secretagentcow. If you a a pubbie I will ignore you.(Hilariously Lane Stewart was the pubbie I was referring when making this message and he is now banned)
  5. --CONTENTS--
  10. SMOKE
  15. ENGINE
  16. BOTANY
  26. PIPES
  27. --CREATIONS--
  28. Rocket Shoes: Use an emergency tank on a pair of shoes.
  29. Cyborg: You must have robot parts in order to do this. Add a wire and power cell to your robot chest. Add brain to body. Add your robot arms, legs, head, & chest to your robot frame. After all pieces are in place wrench the frame and activate the cyborg. To get a brain, see --WEIRD SHIT-- category.
  30. Electric Chair: Add an electropack to a security helmet then attach to chair.
  31. Grenade: Add a timer/igniter assembly to a metal casing. Add a container with chemicals and/or any other biotic material necessary to the unsecured grenade. Use a screwdriver on to finish the grenade. (Can only get casings from traitor Chemist!)
  32. Medibot: Empty a Medpack. Add a robot arm to the Medpack. Add a health analyzer to the unfinished product. Add a proximity sensor to finish your Medibot. You can now add containers to the Medibot to make it inject the chemicals in said container.
  33. Pills: Insert a beaker containing chemicals into the Chem-Master 3000. Click on the Chem-Master 3000 with nothing in hand. Select the create pill option. Name the pill. The chemicals that were in the beaker are now in a pill.
  34. Robot Parts: With metal in main hand, click a robotic fabricator several times until you have added enough metal to the fabricator to make robot part. Click on the robotic fabricator with nothing in hand, choose a robot part. Wait until you receive the robot part.
  35. Securibot: Use a screwdriver on a remote signalling device. Attach the remote signalling device to a helmet. Weld a hole in the helmet and signaller assembly. Add a proximity sensor to the helmet and signaller assembly. Add a robot arm to the assembly. Add a stun baton to finish the Securibot.
  36. Buttbot: Use a robot arm on a butt.
  37. Super flashes: Screwdriver a flash then put a power cell in.
  39. You might need magnetic boots or some shit for step 8 to work, I'm still working this out.
  40. To fix this you need wires, a crowbar, a wrench, a screwdriver, and 4 paint cans filled with paint which you can order for 1000 credits from the quartermasters.
  41. Step 1. Screwdriver the maintenance panel open. Step 2. Use a crowbar to pry the maintenance panel off. Keep the panel for later! Step 3. use a wrench to remove the service module bolts. Step 4. Use wires to replace the burnt out wires. Step 5. Use all 5 units of each paint can you got from the crate you hopefully ordered and received from QM. Step 6. Wrench the bolts again. Step 7. Add the now removed maintenance panel back. Step 8. Resecure the panel with the screwdriver. Step 9. Paint everything pink and curse angriestibm.
  42. Note: I am not sure this can actually be fixed.
  43. --HACKING--
  44. Mulebot: NOTE: To ride a Mulebot, drag your character on to it. Use a screwdriver on a Mulebot. Method 1: Cut wires with wire cutter. Cut wires until you find the one that allows you to ride the Mulebot. Mend wires that do not allow you to ride it. Method 2: Use a multi-tool to pulse wires until you find the one that allows you to ride the Mulebot. Cut that wire.
  45. Airlocks: Use a Screwdriver on airlock. Method 1: Find a random airlock that you do not need. Cut wires until you find the one that drops the door bolts. Memorize the wire that drops the door bolts. Go to a useful airlock. Cut every wire except the one that drops the door bolts. Use a crowbar on the door. 2: Use a multi-tool to pulse wires until you find the one that drops the door bolts. Cut every wire except the one that drops the door bolts. Use a crowbar on the door.
  46. --CHEMICALS--
  47. Everything has been changed! I would appreciate people giving chem recipes to the non super deadly chems thanks.
  48. Acetone(Used in a lot of reactions):Welding Fuel + Oil + Oxygen
  49. Ammonia (a fertilizer): Hydrogen + Nitrogen.
  50. Anti-histamine: Bromine + diethylamine + Ethanol
  51. Antihol (cancels drunkenness): Charcoal + Ethanol
  52. Atrazine (Weedkiller): Chlorine + Nitrogen + Hydrogen
  53. Ash(Used in other recipes): Oil + Heat
  54. Atropine (Excellent Cardiac stimulant, high doses may kill and cause confusion): Acetone + Sulfuric acid + Diethyline + Ethanol
  55. Bath Salts (Makes you virtually immune to stunning, hallucinations, horror, tramp beard, and the urge to eat someone's face! Also breaks down into various chemicals in blood including jagged crystals which can cause direct damage and other nasties.): ???? + Monosodium Glutamate + Plant nutrients + Mercury + Space Cleaner + Mugwort + Denatured Enzyme All of these can be found in spooky dans soups. You need to heat it.
  56. Bilk (milk and beer mixed): Milk + Beer.
  57. Booster Enzymes(Decays into 2 of one good chem in your blood stream): A chem that should not be told
  58. Calomel (removes all non-organic compounds from body, but does extreme toxic damage): Chlorine + Mercury + heat
  59. Capulletium(makes alive things appear dead): Neurotoxin + Chlorine + Hydrogen
  60. Capulletium plus(Paralyzes, prevents talking, instant. Basically is sleep toxin with no downsides. I guarantee you this recipe will change almost immediately after me posting this recipe): Cappuletium + Ephedrine + Methamphetamine
  61. Carpet (creates a dirty carpet on the floor): Space Fungus + Blood
  62. (Causes you to meow, hiss, and hallucinate.): Ammonia + Welding fuel + Catonium(extracted from catnip which you can get seeds for from hacking the botany seed dispensers)+ Psilocybin(mutated mushrooms or spooky dans)
  63. Charcoal(treats toxin damage): Ash + Salt + heat
  64. Chlorine Trifluoride (burns pretty hot) Chlorine + Fluorine + Heat to 300 degrees. Will always burst into flames
  65. Cola (It is cola): Sugar + Water + Carbon + Oxygen
  66. Corn Syrup(it makes things sugary): Corn starch + Sulfuric acid + heat
  67. Crank (You're making meth! While it's heating get as close to the machine as to get the most realistic experience possible! Makes you speedy and hot. Can kill in higher dosages.): Ammonia + Antihistamine + Lithium + Sulphuric Acid + Welding Fuel then heat.
  68. Cryoxadone (Speeds cryogenic healing): Unstable Mutagen + Plasma + Acetone
  69. HEATING: changes into tricordrazine, heat fast
  70. Cryostylane (Freeze): Plasma + Water + Nitrogen
  71. Cyanide(heavy toxin damage): Oxygen + Ammonia + Oil
  72. Diethylamine (a better fertilizer): Ammonia + Ethanol + Heat
  73. Ephedrine(Decreases the time you are stunned for): Oil + Sugar + Diethylamine + Hydrogen
  74. Fire Fighting Foam(Extinguishes fire tiles. Explodes when mixed with Clfl3): Carbon + Sulfur + Chlorine
  75. Flash Powder now updated! (used in a flashbang): Chlorine + Potassium + Sulfur.
  76. Fluorosulfuric Acid (Like sulfuric acid but will melt peoples faces and do a lot of brute when splashed on them): Sulphuric Acid + Fluorine + Potassium + Chlorine + heat
  77. Fluorosurfactant (Can be used to make foam with sulfuric acid): Fluorine + Carbon + Sulfuric Acid
  78. Foam (causes people to slip unless they're walking): Carbon + Fluorine + Sulphuric Acid. The more Fluorine the better.
  79. NOTE: For this to work in a grenade, you must put in the container containing these ingredients and a reagent glass of water.
  81. Formaldehyde(embalming fluid): Silver + Oxygen + Ethanol + Heat
  82. Grog(Like suicider but with more alcohol. When consumed gives you an eyepatch and renames you with Captain title.): haha no
  83. Gro-Boost Fertilizer: Syptic Powder + Saltpeter + Salbutamol
  84. Haloperidol (Cures a bunch of diseases like berzerker and space madness. Also impedes movement and may KO someone in higher doses): Oil + Aluminium + Chlorine + Fluorine + Idodine + Potassium
  85. Hairgronium(Grow great hair): Carpet + Synthflesh + Ephedrine
  86. High Fructose Corn Syrup: Corn syrup + Denatured enzymes
  87. Holy Water(Will cause severe pain to vampires): Wine + Mercury + Water
  88. Hootingnium(Flashbang-like effect):Phosphorus + Oxygen + Ethanol
  89. Ice: Cool down water!
  90. Initropodril(Causes a heart attack): haha hell no
  91. Itching powder(Causes damage in high dosages): Space Fungus + Ammonia + Welding Fuel
  92. Jenkem (sewage drugs): Compost + Urine.
  93. Silver Sulfadiazine (treats burn damage): Silver + Sulfur + Oxygen + Chlorine + Ammonia + Oil
  94. Krokodil (Cools you down, makes you itchy, and when in high doses will cause a one time skin melting that will deal about half someone's total health in damage and also knocks people unconsious. This is probably the most dangerous drug.): Anti-histamine + Space cleaner + Potassium + Phosphorus +(I am not sure either sulfanol or Haloperidol) + Welding Fuel + Heat
  95. Lexorin (prevents suffocation but does brute dmg): Cigarettes
  96. Life (Live out your dreams and play god.): synthflesh + blood + strange regeant + heat
  97. Lipolicide (Makes you skinny if fat, but causes toxic damage if you are not): Ephedrine + Diethylamine + heat
  98. LSD (makes you see trippy things): Space Fungus + Diethylamine
  99. Mannitol (cures brain damage!): Sugar + Water + Hydrogen
  100. Methamphetamine(makes you run much faster): Hydrogen + Iodine + Phosphorus + Epinephrine
  101. Montaguone(makes things dead appear unconcious on the ground): tricordazine + dexalin + bicardine
  102. Montaguone Extra(makes things dead appear alive and moving): Montaguone + Kelotane + Anti-toxin
  103. Mutadone(Cures genetic defects): Acetone + unstable mutagen + bromine
  104. Mutriant Plant Formula(Randomly changes plant plant stats): Potassium iodine + Radium + Saltpeter
  105. Napalm(it's a flammable gel): Ethanol+ Sugar + Welding Fuel
  106. Neurotoxin (causes brain damage, impairs movement, and gradual toxic damage): Heat up Space Drugs
  107. Nicotine(makes you cough a lot and stammer): Smoke cigarette and draw blood from yourself.
  108. Oculine (heals blindness / eye dmg): Atropine + Saline + Spacecillin
  109. Oil(Speeds up robots when splashed and used in other chems): Carbon + Hydrogen + Welding fuel
  110. Omega Mutagen(May not exist probably just cogwerks fucking with me): ONE OF THOSE CHEMS NOT TO TELL PEOPLE
  111. Omnizine(heals superbly): Only available via life weed or propuff cigarettes
  112. Painkiller: Sulphuric Acid + Phenol + Carbon + Oxygen + Sodium + Oxygen
  113. Pentetic Acid(like calomel but with less toxin damage): Welding fuel + Chlorine + Ammonia + Formaldehyde + Sodium + Cyanide
  114. Perfluorodecalin(Allows you to breath without o2, heals some brute, and prevents you from speaking): )Oil + Hydrogen + Fluorine
  115. Phlogiston (liquid fire): Plasma + Sulphuric Acid + Phosphorus.
  116. Phenol (Used in other recipes): Oil + Chlorine + Water
  117. Potassium Iodide (treats radiation poisoning): Potassium + Iodine.
  118. Power Plant Fertilizer(boosts plants traits): Saltpeter + Silver Sulfadiazine + Methamphetamine
  119. Pyrosium (It heats up on its own): Phosphorus + Radium + Plasma
  120. Salbutamol (treats oxygen deprivation): Painkiller + Lithium + Ammonia + Aluminium + Bromine
  121. Saline (Live your goon dreams never eat!): Salt + Water + Sugar
  122. Salt(It's salt): Sodium + Water + Chlorine
  123. Saltepeter (WIP): WIP
  124. Silicate (Reinforces Windows): Silicon + Oxygen + Aluminium.
  125. Simethicone(prevents use of the *fart emote): Silicon + Chlorine + Hydrogen + Oxygen
  126. Steam (Superheated water): Water + Heat
  127. Use in spraybottle to kill people silently!
  128. Smoke Powder (used in a smoke grenade): Potassium + Sugar + Phosphorous.
  129. Spaceacillin (heals clown disease): Space fungus + Ethanol
  130. Space Cleaner (cleans things): Ammonia + Water
  131. Space Drugs (drugs... in space): Mercury + Sugar + Lithium.
  132. Space Lube (causes people to slip even if they're walking): Silicon + Oxygen + Water.
  133. Stabilizing Agent: Iron + Oxygen + Hydrogen (keeps stable mutagen stable(note you will require a lot of stable mutagen, stabilizing agent, and blood due to the code taking forever for a full transformation), allows for the creation of smoke powder without it flashing you, allows for liquid fire to be made without burning everything, and finally the creation of firefighting foam when mixed with water and fluorosurfactant.)
  134. Stable Mutagen(can be used with blood to transform people into genetic copy of the blood's owner): Acetone + Unstable + bromine + lithium
  135. Strange Reagent (used to revive the dead) Holy Water + Unstable Mutagen + Tricordrazine
  136. Sulfuric Acid(Used in a bunch of other recipes, melts objects when smoked or foamed): Sulfur + Hydrogen + Oxygen
  137. Super Hairgronium(Grow tremendous hair): Probably will be changed/I shouldn't tell you
  138. Synthflesh (Fake flesh heals brute and burn when splashed): Blood, Syptic Powder, Carbon,
  139. Syptic powder(heals brute): Aluminium + Oxygen + Hydrogen + Sulfuric Acid
  140. Teporone(Prevents you from getting cold): Silicon + Plasma + Acetone
  141. Thermite (can be applied to things like walls and then used with a welding tool to melt them): Oxygen + Iron + Aluminium.
  142. Unstable Mutagen (gives random genetic mutations): Radium + Chlorine + Plasma
  143. Werewolf serum(turns you into a werewolf): THIS IS ONE OF THOSE CHEMS YOU SHOULD NOT TELL PEOPLE
  144. TIP: Dylovene = Anti-Toxins
  145. You can mix any of these recipes, but I cannot guarantee it will be useful, nor will I guarantee it will not explode in your face.
  146. --SMOKE--
  147. It'll use whatever is left after the reaction
  148. Beaker 1 - Potassium, phosphorus
  149. Beaker 2 - Sugar, <CHEMICAL>.
  150. Voila, <CHEMICAL> smoke.
  151. --COOKING--
  153. Apple on a stick: apple + rods
  154. Baconatrix: Raw bacon, dough. 7 seconds, high
  155. Bacon on toast: Raw bacon, bread. 6 seconds, high
  156. Bacon Cake: 3 raw bacon, cake batter. 7 seconds, high (lethal amounts of porktonium)
  157. Candy apples: apple on a stick, sugar. 3 seconds, high
  158. Chili Con Carne: Meat + Chili cook: 6 seconds high
  159. Chili con flagaration: Meat + Chili + Hot sauce + Hot sauce cook: 6 seconds high
  160. Chili con queso: chili pepper, cheese. 7 seconds, high
  161. Droopy Cake: Brain + cakebatter 7 seconds, high (Gives Type-D Owns Syndrome)
  162. El Diablo (sets people who eat it on fire!): Chili con Carne + Chili con Flagaration + Hot Sauce + Chili cook: 10 seconds high
  163. Elvis Bread: Dough + banana + peanut butter(causes you to talk like elvis. Funky.)
  164. Gruel - 3 ??????s: Time doesn't matter.
  165. Hound dog: Hotdog + elvis bread
  166. Moon pie: x2 of one of the following: sugar, oatmeal, chocochip or iron cookies; + cream. 2 seconds low
  167. Swedish Meatballs (makes consumer talk with swedish accent) : Meatball + Meatball + Flour + Egg cook: six seconds high
  168. Whoopie pie: chocolate chip cookie + chocolate chip cookie + chocolate bar + cream. 2 seconds, low
  169. To hide something in a cake: Make a creamy sponge cake(Not sure if it works for other cake.) then put it back into the oven along with the item you want to be in the cake: one second low.
  170. --GENETICS--
  171. I know how it works WIP time
  172. Good news this is much easier than before: bad news you now need to get more than one person to genetics since injectors are gone and you can't get every super power anymore!
  173. Basics: Each person has a potential set of mutations. To activate these blocks you must stabilize the mutation block by completing its genetic sequence. A Mutation Block looks like this(this being the picture I get when my screenshots actually capture the block screen). Each person has multiple mutation blocks, you need research them by going to the potential section clicking on the block and hitting research. Research uses Resource Points.
  174. Research Points: You now have a currency in genetics they are called Research points, these can be either bought(1 point for every 50 dollars via the research budget) or gained through changing a sub block in a potential mutation.
  175. Mutation Blocks
  176. Mutation blocks contain a mutation. They are sequences that can contain multiple blocks each containing four sub blocks. Sub blocks have pairs. These pairs can either be C-G or A-T combinations. That means if you have a partial pair in a block you can find the corresponding letter. If the box has T then the other part of the pair(the other box) must be A; If C then the other box is G, etc.
  177. List of powers(I have to list them out like this because the way SA handles returns.): Horns on your head, self-immolation, fire resistance, making other people cold, x-ray vision, cold resistance, hulk, telepathy, various accents and talking defects, invisibility when standing still, general invisibility, the ability to transform into other people, the ability to leap far distances, the ability to melt into a lifeless skeleton, toxic farts, being a walking nuclear reactor, be a walking battery, the glorious return of super farts, and so much more(that aren't very interesting)!
  178. --TELEPORTER--
  179. Here is an excel sheet that will basically do telescience for you! Made by goon Razage.
  180. This guide is for understanding how the teleporter works. If you want you can just use that spreadsheet above and skip this provided you understand what it is talking about.
  181. The z/random number will now change during the round every so often. Formula will stay the same though. Just a heads up.
  182. Formula = f(x)=x/y + z
  183. x in this case is the real coordinate(GPS Coordinate). y is a random divider either 1,2, or 4. z is a random number added on(this now will change every so often). f(x) is the coordinate you put in the computer. Some basic algebra can solve this.
  185. Cow's "Method" (this is me trying to explain basically y=mx+b if you don't want to use algebra just use that excel sheet above)
  186. This is an example for only the X coordinate, however; finding the Y coordinate formula is the exact same method. I always try to find 1,1 through this method so I can
  187. 1. First find valid x/y/z levels.
  188. 2/Once you have found a valid set of coordinates, put a space gps on the pad(the next part will be easier if you set it's distress signal) and grab a gps for yourself.
  189. 3.Now use the teleporter to send the gps on the pad to it's location.
  190. 4.Using the second gps in your hand find where the teleporter actually sent the other gps.
  191. 5.Record the Computer X/Y and the Actual X/Y coordinates.
  192. 6.Receive the gps back. Now increase the computer coordinates by one. Send the gps again.
  193. 7.Record the actual x/y coordinates and the Computer x/y coordinates. Notice the change in real coordinates.
  194. 8.If it increases by 4, the y in the formula is 4, 2 y is 2, etc. Finding the z in the formula is just basic algebra at this point.
  195. Here is an example for the algebra illiterate. (160= 50/2 +z)->(160=25+z)->(135=z) So now for your equation you know that 135 is added on to your real x/2 coordinate. Using this we can simply substitute real coordinates for item locations(a whole bunch below). You will have to add on the equivalent of 1 x/y coordinate unit after this equation is done since you cannot get 0 as an x/y coordinate in byond.
  196. If you have noticed, yes, this formula does mean that you can get fractions as your input coordinates. This is more often seen with a divider of 4 and 2.
  197. Fun Locations!(in x,y)
  198. Station Z level:
  199. Vintage 2010: (53,70 OR(not sure which quite yet)52,70)
  200. Mailmen Outfit:(92,118)
  201. Apprentice's Cap:(125,98)
  202. Mining Station Z level:
  203. Abandoned crates:(181,17-18)(182-184,19)(185,17-18)
  204. Listening Post:
  205. Tactical turtle neck:(25,9)
  206. Pinpointer:(33,5)
  207. Red space suit locker:(26,12)
  208. Various computer modules:(32,11)(32,13)
  209. Note: On the restricted z level only these points will allow you to send and recieve.
  210. Restricted Z level:
  211. Solarium:(99,85)
  212. Martian Ship:(191,173)
  213. Biodome:(120,164)
  214. Ice Planet:(15,150)
  215. Hemera VII Z level:
  216. Hemera VII
  217. Telecrystal:(101,103)(105,99)(105,65)(two here:(96,62)(96,63 is a good place to teleport to for the hept emitter)
  218. Obsidian crown:(99,76)
  219. Skull:(113,85)
  220. Goodybag(this is theoretical atm try it!): (97,91)
  221. Recorder with story: (105,64)
  222. Taser tool module: (101,73)
  223. Computer(turn off guardbuddies here): (112,98)
  224. Diner
  225. Middle of diner: 52 39
  226. Wreckage Field:
  227. Twin Phaser Array:(130,100)
  228. Crate with miracle matter and ectosensor:(102,119)
  229. Stinkeye's Special Reserve:(122,75)
  230. Artifacts:(70,105)
  231. Radical Jumpsuit+cerekinite power core:(66,105)
  232. Plasmastone: (66,102)
  234. --ARTIFACTS--
  235. Here is matty's new and updated artifact guide. I can not put the whole thing in my post because I a currently at 48k characters out of 50k!
  236. Cut certain parts to make room for rest of guide.
  237. Getting started: This guide will run through the shit you need to do from working the dos computer all the way down to activating an artifact.
  238. 1-9 run through how to work machines/the os. In this case it is an xray but with the information I provided you can infer how to work other machines. I go into detail about the various machines below the quick machine guide.
  239. 1. Place an artifact into the x-ray scanner. You can do this by clicking on it with an artifact in your hand or clicking and dragging an artifact into it.
  240. 2. Insert your card into the computer and type term_login.
  241. 3. Type cd /mnt/artlab. This will put you in the artlab program.
  242. 4. Your commands in artlab must begin with gptio. Type that in now. You will see a list of commands come up to be used with gptio.
  243. 5. For now type in gptio list. This will show you the list of machines that you can use to test/activate artifacts. The numbers in brackets you see correspond with the the code you will need to type in to use one of these machines. See 6.
  244. 6. Now that you know the code to the xray machine type in: gptio info code(in my case it is 02000c6d which I will use throughout this guide). Here you will see if it is active, if it is the sensor/enactor or both and at the bottom a configurable option. You can see what the variable set for the configurable is by typing in gptio peek 02000c64 RADSTRENGTH. To change the value type in gptio poke 02000c6d RADSTRENGTH #. If the device responds to radiation but is not activated by it you can increase the radstrength value to activate it. Careful changing this value on any machine as it could destroy your artifact!
  245. 7. What you need to do now is make the machine actually start sensing the object. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STEP BEFORE ACTIVATING THE MACHINE! Type in gptio sense 02000c6d . This makes the machine sense the object inside of it for an upcoming activation. Activate the xray machine by typing in gptio activate 02000c6d .
  246. 8. After a short while the machine will beep and you can now read the data. In order to do so type in: gptio read 02000c64. You will see information pertaining to object's features and whether it responded to the xray machine or can be activated by it. NOTE: There is one more thing: you can type in gptio deactivate code to deactivate the machine. Congrats you now know how to work artlab fairly competently.
  247. 9. See various activation methods in Matty's now heavily edited due to character restriction guide below.
  248. X-ray Machine:
  249. Place the artifact in the xray machine. Make the machine sense and then activate the machine. After it is done working read the results. If it is affected by radiation but not yet activated, increase the Radstrength configurable.
  250. Heater:
  251. For the heater place the artifact on the pad, then make the machine sense and activate it. Read the data while it is active. If it is activated by heat, but not yet working increase the temptarget configurable. To control how quickly the machine reaches its temptarget change the temperature configurable.(this may or may not be wrong still working this out sorta)
  252. Elec_Box(this machine kinda mystifies me may or may not be accurate)
  253. Place the artifact in the box. Make the machine sense, then activate. While it is activated read the data. This one doesn't seem to mark whether or not a device can be activated by it. Pretty sure it will pass current through it though if it does. Raise the current if the current does actually pass through (interference not 100%). Need an object first to work out what to do with voltage and wattage. Still working this one out here folks.
  254. Pitcher: This machine throws objects at the impact pad. It has a power configurable that goes up to 100. It is used to test impact against an artifact. Use a wrench or something
  255. Impact pad:
  256. The impact pad is where you need to sense impact from the pitcher. It has a stand configurable that I believe needs to be at 1 for smaller objects to be hit by the pitcher. Still testing this one as it does not inform you if the artifact is affected by anything.
  257. Quick guide now heavy edited originally by Matty
  258. The following things can activate an artifact: (list may be incomplete)
  259. Radiation: Use the x-ray scanner. Start low as not to destroy the artifact. The scan from the x-ray will report whether artifact is affected by radiation.
  260. Heat/cold: Use welder or hot/cold plate in lab. Fire itself will also activate. Heaters may be bugged at the moment and not report whether artifact is activated by temperature.
  261. Electricity: Run current through artifact with electric box. Too high of a setting may result in destruction of artifact.
  262. Touch: Click on the artifact with an open hand.
  263. Impact: May require use of pitcher in lab. Sometimes toolbox will suffice.
  264. Attacking: Activated by hitting another mob with artifact.
  265. Water: Splash water
  266. Hydrogen: Splash with hydrogen
  267. Liquid Plasma: Splash with Plasma
  268. Oxygen: Splash with oxygen.
  269. Acid: Splash with sulphuric acid.
  270. Energy weapons: Activated by stun baton or taser.
  271. Artifact: Activated by universal activator artifact.
  272. Artifact types
  273. Healing artifact: Large Radiate healing wave on activation. Large
  274. Artifact Gun: Fires randomly generated projectile. Rarely need to be activated. Can have up to infinite shots. Handheld.
  275. Artifact Melee Weapon: can stun all the way to instantly gib. Handheld
  276. Shield gun: fires a weak sparkly blue shield. handheld
  277. Explosive: Massive explosion. Large
  278. Container: Acts like beaker with massive storage capacity. Handheld
  279. Force wall: Creates several walls. Large
  280. Gravity: May be single use? Pulls everything in towards them similar to singularity. Large
  281. Repulsion: Repulses objects. Large
  282. Cyborger: On touch will flay person and turn them into a cyborg. Large
  283. Insta-killer Instantly kills your or gibs you when you touch it. How rude!
  284. Annoyer Makes a constant, never changing sound, which ranges from a mild buzzing to ear-splitting bangs or piercing chimes. Always large
  285. Alien power cell: Acts like a massive power cell
  286. Alien seeds: Creates artifact plant. Handheld
  287. Universal activator: Will activate almost any artifact you hit with it. handheld
  288. Universal de-activator: Deactivates artifacts. Handheld
  289. --ENGINE--
  290. This is the picture of the current combustion engine.
  291. Engine Guide
  292. Note: This is going to be a basic engine guide. This is not for maximum power purposes but to help those who are stuck in the engineer job and have no idea how to set up a reliable engine.
  294. 1.The first thing you should do is grab a toolbox. Then proceed to the cold loop room. Place a plasma tank on one of the pads and wrench them it. Then open the valves. You can get the tanks from the north area of the cold loop room.
  295. 2. Head towards the main engine and open the inlet and outlet valves for the cold loop. Go ahead and put in char into the furnaces and light them up while your at it.
  296. 3. Go back to the cold loop room and pull out a plasma tank and oxygen tank, head to the hotloop room and wrench them onto the combustion pads at the top. Open the valves to these for about two seconds and then close them. You can now hit the ignition switch. DO NOT KEEP THEM OPEN AND DRAIN ALL THE TANKS YOU DO NOT NEED THE FULL TANKS FOR THIS. (Note: If you really want to be spiffy, go to the pump control computer set the combustion supply inlets to 1 and place the plasma and oxygen tank from the pod hangar on the pads and leave the valves open for the rest of the round)
  297. 4. Unwrench the plasma tank at the top then drag it down to the hotloop supply pads below and wrench them into place. In this room you want to open everything except the bypass valve along the wall. Ignore the combustion chamber unless it runs out of plasma or oxygen.
  298. 5. Head to the engine and open all the valves there. You can go ahead and head down to the pump controller computer and set everything to 5(Unless you are spiffy see step 3) If the engine starts going critical(flashing red) you can go ahead and lower the options incrementally until the engine stabilizes. Note: This really should not be a problem as the only thing you need to worry about is pressure breaking pipes which has no correlation to the engine screen.
  299. 6. By now the engine should be at least in yellow if not green or higher. Go ahead and set the SMES input to 200k and the output to 100k.
  300. These next two step is perfectly optional if you did everything correctly and are used to get some more mileage out of the engine.
  301. 7. This step is a little risky, but will assuredly give the engine a lot of power. Check the pressure(hit the pipe with an analyzer of the heatloop pipe, if it is low(100-300ish or so. Basically if you did everything right and the engine is still yellow.) go ahead and head back to the hotloop room and place the o2 tank from the combustion pad and place it on a hotloop supply pad. Open the valve then immediately close it. This will start a fire in the pipes and increase the pressure and temperature of the hotloop air.
  302. 8. Remember if you do step 9 you can use the pressure release valves above the engine to vent extra pressure and use the computer to lower the amount of gas going through the pipes.
  303. Additional things: you can get more o2/plasma tanks from the Pod Construction Bay(southwest side of the map) as well as toxins. If a pipe ruptures(the sprite looks like it is missing half) use a lit welder on it. There are fire suits and fire fighting grenades in the room just south of the cool loop room that you can put on in case of emergency ruptures.
  304. When to panic: If you see pipes get ~16k kpu pressure, start opening the release valves.
  305. I may substitute this guide with a picture guide or video guide at a later date with a more in-depth explanation of how this works. Unfortunately I cannot promise any of this because I would have to record a round where shit doesn't go wrong and edit it.
  306. --BOTANY--
  307. I'm running out of words to put in this guide! I will work on a botany guide soon! I promise!
  308. --WEIRD SHIT--
  309. Ass: Put your subject on the operating table. Aiming at groin area, use a scalpel, saw, scalpel, and saw in that exact order. You can wear an ass on your head.
  310. Brain: Put your subject on the operating table. Aiming at the head area, use a scalpel, saw, scalpel, and saw in that exact order.
  311. These are used for cyborgs. See --CREATIONS-- for cyborg making.
  312. Piss: Fill your stomach with water. Use the "*piss" emote without quotes.
  313. Yellow Vomit: Get the flu or witness someone scooping up green vomit. If used with milk makes regular cheese.
  314. Green Vomit: Thrown up from slurrypod burst or ingestion. Can be scooped in a beaker to make others vomit. If used with milk makes weird cheese.
  315. Synthorange: meatball + orange
  316. George Melon: meatball + melon
  317. --PIPE BOMB--
  319. 3 metal sheets
  320. Fluid container
  321. Welder
  322. Screwdriver
  323. Wires
  324. Igniter
  325. Timer (Get from vending machine, see Hacking)
  326. 1. With 3 metal sheets, make a pipe frame.
  327. 2. Weld the pipe frame to hollow it out.
  328. 3. Fill a beaker or other reagent container with welding fuel and pour it into the hollow frame (I like to hack a vending machine for free space cola, drink it, then use that).
  329. 4. Attach some wires to the filled pipe frame.
  330. 5. Use screwdriver on igniter.
  331. 6. Use timer on igniter.
  332. 7. Use Timer/Igniter assembly on pipe bomb frame.
  333. 8. Left click to start 3 second timer; then throw/drop!
  334. --HACKING--
  335. This is now incomplete will update at later date.
  336. Vendor in tech storage to get the Prize vending module
  337. Cigarette vendor for igniter
  338. Drink machines for space cola
  339. Robotics manufacturers for flashes
  340. General manufacturers for vuvuzelas/bike horns/harmonicas
  341. VendTech (found in Tool storage and Janitorial room beside electronics) for Timers/Flashlights
  342. Seed dispenser for Cannabis/Space Grass/Bad weeds
  343. SecTec for Helmet
  344. Mining fabricators for Rapid Construction Devices and Compressed Matter Cartridges
  345. Monkey Vendor for bananas.
  346. --LOCATIONS--
  347. Well I could add a bunch of stuff here but I am unsure if I want to. It is a ton of fun finding this stuff out on your own and I may just give general information and hints towards getting certain secret items in the zones here. This is up for debate at the moment and I wouldn't mind suggestions on how to proceed
  348. --SECRET ITEMS--
  349. Station Z level:
  350. Moon Shoes + brick: Hidden in bush in the top right section of the escape hallway.
  351. Vintage 2010: Just south of telescience in a pocket of space.
  352. Custodian Helmet: In the 9x9 box of reinforced left of the interrogation room.
  353. Stinkeye's Special Reserve: In the captain's bonsai tree.
  354. Barkley's Basketball: Right click the Barkley's Balling gym sign right outside the gym.
  356. See teleport locations for a few coordinates
  357. --TRADERS--
  358. Obviously very work in progress right now
  359. Right now I dont have the names or item lists off the top of my head but I have locations. Will update with names eventually.
  360. Locations:
  361. Robotic Traders: 1. Eastern part of wreckage field. 2. In the center of the diner. 3.In the bathroom in the eastern part of the diner.
  362. Martian Traders: 1.In the martian ship in the southwestern part of the ship. Carry's the same as the other martian trader. 2. North of the space diner.
  363. CARL: In the listening post in the southwestern part of the Mining Z level.
  364. --MISC REAGENTS--
  365. Noodles taken from goon Airconswitch
  366. Discount Dan's Quik-Noodles - Macaroni and Imitation Processed Cheese Product Flavor
  367. 10 units of Chicken Soup
  368. 11 units of Space-Soybean Oil
  369. 9 units of Monosodium Glutamate
  370. 8 units of Nicotine
  371. 2 units of Cheese Substitute
  372. 2 units of Thalmerite
  373. Rabatt Dan's Snabb-Nudlar - Inkokt Lax Smörgåsbord Smak
  374. 10 units of Chicken Soup
  375. 3 units of Space-Soybean Oil
  376. 9 units of Monosodium Glutamate
  377. 8 units of Nicotine
  378. 2 units of Space cleaner
  379. 2 units of Mercury
  380. 6 units of Swedium
  381. 2 units of Thalmerite
  382. Discount Dan's Quik-Noodles - Gamer Grubs Flavor
  383. 10 units of Chicken Soup
  384. 3 units of Space-Soybean Oil
  385. 9 units of Monosodium Glutamate
  386. 8 units of Nicotine
  387. 10 units of ????
  388. 2 units of Thalmerite
  389. Morning Dan's Quik-Noodles - Mechanically Reclaimed Sausage Biscuit Flavor (NOTE: 44 units)
  390. 10 units of Chicken Soup
  391. 3 units of Space-Soybean Oil
  392. 9 units of Monosodium Glutamate
  393. 8 units of Nicotine
  394. 2 units of Ammonia
  395. 4 units of Gravy
  396. 3 units of Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil
  397. 3 units of Coffee
  398. 2 units of Thalmerite
  399. Descuento Danito's Quik-Noodles - Tuna Melt Taco Fiesta Flavor
  400. 10 units of Chicken Soup
  401. 3 units of Space-Soybean Oil
  402. 9 units of Monosodium Glutamate
  403. 8 units of Nicotine
  404. 3 units of Cheese Substitute
  405. 3 units of Mercury
  406. 4 units of Capsaicin
  407. 2 units of Thalmerite
  408. Sconto Danilo's Quik-Noodles - Italian Strozzapreti Lunare Flavor
  409. 10 units of Chicken Soup
  410. 3 units of Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil
  411. 9 units of Monosodium Glutamate
  412. 8 units of Nicotine
  413. 4 units of Tomato Juice
  414. 2 units of Wine
  415. 2 units of Water
  416. 2 units of Venom
  417. 2 units of Thalmerite
  418. Comrade Dan's Quik-Noodles - Beef Perestroikanoff Flavor
  419. 10 units of Chicken Soup
  420. 3 units of Space-Soybean Oil
  421. 9 units of Monosodium Glutamate
  422. 8 units of Nicotine
  423. 3 units of Milk
  424. 7 units of Denatured Enzyme
  425. 2 units of Thalmerite
  426. Frycook Dan's Quik-Noodles - Curly Fry Ketchup Hoedown Flavor
  427. 10 units of Chicken Soup
  428. 3 units of Space-Soybean Oil
  429. 9 units of Monosodium Glutamate
  430. 8 units of Nicotine
  431. 4 units of Tomato Juice
  432. 3 units of Mugwort
  433. 3 units of Capsaicin
  434. 2 units of Thalmerite
  435. Discount Deng's Quik-Noodles - Sweet and Sour Lo Mein Flavor
  436. 10 units of Chicken Soup
  437. 3 units of Space-Soybean Oil
  438. 9 units of Monosodium Glutamate
  439. 8 units of Nicotine
  440. 3 units of Sulphuric acid
  441. 7 units of Very-High-Fructose Corn Syrup
  442. 2 units of Thalmerite
  443. Pirate Dan's Quik-Noodles - Spicy Imitation Crab Meat Paste Flavor
  444. 10 units of Chicken Soup
  445. 3 units of Space-Soybean Oil
  446. 9 units of Monosodium Glutamate
  447. 8 units of Nicotine
  448. 3 units of Synthetic Flesh
  449. 3 units of Saltpeter
  450. 14 units of Capsaicin
  451. Frycook Dan's Quik-Noodles - Mushroom-Swiss Burger-Bake Flavor
  452. 10 units of Chicken Soup
  453. 3 units of Space-Soybean Oil
  454. 9 units of Monosodium Glutamate
  455. 8 units of Nicotine
  456. 2 units of ????
  457. 2 units of Weird Cheese
  458. 6 units of Psilocybin
  459. 2 units of Thalmerite
  460. Burritos:
  461. Descuento Danito's Burritos - Strawberrito Churro Flavor!
  462. Space-Soybean Oil - 3
  463. Monosodium Glutamate - 9
  464. Very-High-Fructose Corn Syrup - 8
  465. Motor Oil – 2
  466. Danito's Burritos - Pancake Sausage Brunch Flavor!
  467. Space-Soybean Oil - 3
  468. Monosodium Glutamate - 9
  469. Porktonium - 4
  470. Very-High-Fructose Corn Syrup - 2
  471. Coffee – 4
  472. Sconto Danilo's Burritos - 50% Real Mozzarella Pepperoni Pizza Party Flavor!
  473. Space-Soybean Oil - 3
  474. Monosodium Glutamate - 9
  475. Cheese Substitute - 3
  476. Cheese - 3
  477. Pepperoni – 3
  478. Descuento Danito's Burritos - Spicy Beans and Wieners Ole! Flavor!
  479. Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil - 3
  480. Monosodium Glutamate - 9
  481. Lithium - 4
  482. Capsaicin – 6
  483. Descuento Danito's Burritos - Beff and Bean Flavor!
  484. Space-Soybean Oil - 3
  485. Monosodium Glutamate - 9
  486. Uranium - 2
  487. Beff - 4
  488. Cheese Substitute – 4
  489. Spooky Dan's BOO-ritos - Nightmare on Elm Meat Flavor!
  490. Space-Soybean Oil - 3
  491. Monosodium Glutamate - 9
  492. Beff - 3
  493. Synthetic Flesh - 2
  494. Tongue of Dog - 5
  495. Descuento Danito's Burritos - Homestyle Comfort Flavor!
  496. Partially Hydrogenated Space-Soybean Oil - 3
  497. Monosodium Glutamate - 9
  498. Mashed Potatoes - 5
  499. Gravy - 3
  500. Diethylamine - 2
  501. Spooky Dan's BOO-ritos - Texas Toast Chainsaw
  502. Space-Soybean Oil - 3
  503. Monosodium Glutamate - 9
  504. Cheese Substitute - 3
  505. Space drugs - 3
  506. Sodas: I totally forget which goon I took these from otherwise I would credit you with them.
  507. Grife-O: Radium 2, Cola 28 (Can hurt you slightly, but due to the low dose usually does nothing)
  508. Spooky Dan's: Chlorine 5, Phosphorus 5, Mercury 5, Cola 25
  509. Orange Aid: Imidazoline 20, Orange Juice 20 (use to cure eye damage)
  510. Robust-Eez: Hyperzine 2, Cola 28
  511. Lime-Aid: Antihol 20, Lime Juice 20
  512. Dr. Pubber: Impedrezene 2, Cola 28
  513. Grones Anti-Bacterial Air Freshener: Spaceacillin 10, Cola 20
  514. Grones Awesome Asbestos Candy Apple: Lithium 10, Cola 20
  515. Grones Ballin' Banana Testicular Torsion: Urine 10, Cola 20
  516. Grones Chunky Infected Laceration Soda: Dylovene 10, Cola 20
  517. Grones Cool Keratin Rush: Hairgrownium 10, Cola 20
  518. Grones High Fructose Traumatic Stress Disorder: Cryptobiolin 10, Cola 20 (Forcefeed this to people and become the Changeling you always wanted to be)
  519. Grones Icy Fresh Social Incompetence: Tetrahydrocannabinol 10, Cola 20 (For all those guys who can't get a fix from the Botanist, this bottle offers THC distilled for your drinking pleasure)
  520. Grones Manic Depressive Multivitamin Dewberry: Hyperzine 10, Cola 20 (Makes you run fast.)
  521. Grones Minty Restraining Order Pepper Spray: Capsaicin 10, Cola 20 (Heats you up)
  522. Grones Radical Roadkill Rampage: Blood 10, Cola 20
  523. Grones Salt-Free Senile Dementia: Mercury 10, Cola 20
  524. Grones Sweet Cherry Brain Hemorrhage: Cola 30
  525. Grones Tangy Dismembered Orphan Tears: Inaprovaline 10, Cola 20
  526. Grones Wicked Sick Pumpkin Prolapse: Diarrhea 10, Cola 20 (Causes food poisoning)
  527. Alcohol:
  528. Beepsky's Brew(Drive a pod or segway for something special): Nanites into the beer keg.
  529. BOOrbon(spooky messages): Ectoplasm+ bourbon Thanks Daeren!
  530. Spaced Rum: Rum 30, Yobihodazine 30 (Lets you walk around in space and gets you drunk to boot)
  531. Miscellaneous Drinks
  532. Weight Loss Shake: Lipolicide 30, Chocolate 5 (Drink just one, Lipolicide does nasty things to you if it's in your system too long)
  533. Robust Coffee: Coffee 30 (Raises body temperature)
  534. Chicken Soup: Chicken Soup 30 (Can heal the common cold)
  535. Happy Elf Hot Chocolate: Chocolate 45 (Can be made into chocolate bars, raises your body temperature)Drinking too much will put you into hyperglycemic shock.
  536. Poisons
  537. Changeling Neurotoxin: A potent mix of 30 units of Cryptobiolin and 15 units of Impedrezine. Take a benzocytazine pill. Synaptizine will also help.
  538. Space Bee Sting: Neurotoxin
  539. Miscellaneous Reagents
  540. Eye of Newt: Unknown.
  541. Lipolicide: A compound found in many seedy dollar stores in the form of a weight-loss tonic. (Makes you lose weight. If this stuff is in your system while you're not fat, it will constantly cause toxin damage until you either die or it wears off. You can easily counter the toxin damage by popping an anti-toxin pill)(is this still in the game?)
  542. Porktonium: Decays into 1 unit of radium and cyanide when fat. It can kill in high doses.
  543. Sedative: Sleep toxin. (This is the shit inside the sleepypen and in sleep toxin bottles.)
  544. Suicider: Second alcoholic content in the game way easier to make than higher alcohol content grog. (A drink that is mixed by an experienced Barman, this substance gets you fucked up faster than you ever though possible.)
  545. Toe of Frog: Unknown
  546. Tongue of Dog: Unknown
  547. Venom: Does toxin damage. Gibs you when you get 50 units of it in you. Obtained from discount dans or space arachnid bites.
  548. Wool of Bat: Unknown
  549. Yobihodazine: Prevents vaccuum damage and suffocation damage. Found in Spaced Rum. It also causes brain damage.
  550. --BARMAN DRINKS--
  551. Suicider: Welding Fuel + Inaprovaline + Vodka + Cider
  552. Triple Citrus: Orange Juice + Lemon Juice + Lime Juice
  553. Bloody Mary: Vodka + Tomato juice
  554. Screwdriver: Orange juice + Vodka
  555. Port: Sugar, Iron, Wine, Vodka
  556. --MAKING BOMBS--

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