Autumn shows how beautiful it is to let go


DATE: Jan. 26, 2019, 1:23 a.m.

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  1. Autumn shows how beautiful it is to let go
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  3. The day I knew peace was the day I let everything go. The leaves begin to fall from the trees, the birds leave, and there seems to be a kind of sadness in the air.
  4. However, this analogy gives us courage and hope that we too can let go, knowing that this is the natural order of our lives. A tree is truly an incredible work of art for us human beings. We have to let go and embrace the change.
  5. This is the reason why it is so important to be able to let go: moving on helps us to Scientists at the University of St. Falling leaves can do that to you. Anyway, moving on… I adore summer. As your kids leave for the first day of school, you may remember those early school days from your own childhood. Still, the colors of fall are incredible. With all that said, I thought this quote was beautiful, and so perfect for this time in my life. The young geese heard it and knew that they would never be little goslings again. Each day would dawn without incident and end as it had begun. Cold weather means dry skin.
  6. Autumn: The Season of Letting Go - What you really need is understanding. Life is all about continuous change.
  7. Fall has always been my favorite season. I love the cooler temperatures before the cold rolls in. As a kid, fall meant apple picking, hay rides and cider donuts. Just thinking about it makes me happy. A few years ago, I heard a quote from Tiny Buddha that made me love fall even more. Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go. The beauty of the leaves turning precedes them dying. These trees are most beautiful before they are bare. And, of course, they return. A few days ago, my friend took a road trip to see the leaves changing in New Hampshire. I sent her a voice note to share that quote I love and also to read a passage from. I envy the tree, how it reaches but never holds. So we are left with feeling what was and what is, and we call the difference loss. But all the clinging and holding only makes it worse. What might it look like, in your life, to reach but not hold. What would it look like to acknowledge the change, like the leaves, but not see it as loss. What do you need to let go of. I talked about this in. You can go through change and still be happy. Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let go.

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