MARCH 6 bitcoin rise forecast


DATE: March 8, 2013, 3:45 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 4.7 kB

HITS: 1436

  1. March 6, 2013: Bitcoin Charts Forecast Materialized: Up +174%
  2. Before: Expectation from January 28, 2013:
  3. Bild
  4. Above is our projected bitcoin charts development of bitcoin prices on January 28, 2013.
  5. After: Actual Bitcoin Chart from today, March 6, 2013:
  6. Bild
  7. As evident in the chart above, the parallel to the bitcoin charts development to Spring 2011 has materialized.
  8. January 28, 2013: What Is The Next Big Bitcoin Price Move?
  9. 2011: The Run Up to the All-Time-High of 31.91 $
  10. Bild
  11. In spring 2011, after about one month of sideways move of the bitcoin rate, the above bitcoin chart shows that bitcoin prices exploded after 2-3 consolidation periods.
  12. After moving net sideways at 3 $ (first green ellipse) and then between 6-7 $ (second green ellipse), bitcoin prices rallied to 31.91 $ on June 8, 2011, a 10-fold increase vs. the first consolidation (3 $) and a 4-fold rally vs. the second consolidation. And I still remember the bears screaming about the bitcoin crash at 3 $ and 5-6 $ which did only come after the subsequent huge rally.
  13. 2013: Will We See a "DEJA VU" of 2011?
  14. Bild
  15. Interestingly enough, the past 6 weeks look very similar to the bitcoin chart pattern in those first 6 weeks in the bitcoin chart from 2011 above.
  16. What does this tell us?
  17. Perhaps nothing, perhaps this is just a coincidence. But chart patterns do repeat frequently. Chart patterns are based on mass psychology of traders, speculators and investors. And their emotions will again be in a "subconscious freeflow".
  18. Again, this is not a rally call. It is just to show the big picture and the big bitcoin chart parallel from 2013 and 2011.
  19. It will be exciting to watch the next weeks of bitcoin charts development. We had covered already bitcoin prices in 2011 in the subscriber section and we will continue over the next weeks...
  20. Stay tuned.
  21. January 25, 2013: Bitcoin Charts Update
  22. Bild
  23. Bitcoin prices continued to rally strongly in 2013, at an even stronger pace as in 2012. Last year, bitcoin prices were up +188%.
  24. After an almost +30% rise over the first 3.5 weeks, the expected pullback came yesterday. The bitcoin chart above shows some key support levels.
  25. More up-to-date bitcoin charts forecasts, including the outlook for the coming days will be given as usual in the subscriber section. We expect volatility to remain high and potentially further increasing - and this will probably provide ample trading opportunities.
  26. Bitcoin and Financial Market News
  27. Jan 25, 2013: Stock Markets Targeted By Bears Soon?
  28. Jan 9, 2013: Will Bitcoin Replace PayPal in File Sharing?
  29. Jan 7, 2013: BitPay Raises 500 k$ from Angel Investor
  30. Jan 4, 2012: Fiat Currencies And Gold Collapse vs. Bitcoin
  31. Dec 28, 2012: Bitcoin in top 5 new technologies 2012
  32. Dec 7, 2012: Bitcoin exchange partnering with a bank
  33. Nov 30, 2012: Bitcoin in Iran!?
  34. The BitcoinBullBear Index (BBBI)
  35. We appreciate your vote on future bitcoin price development. In turn, we will regularly publish Bitcoin Sentiment analyses for you for free here.
  36. Vote on the poll below!
  37. What do you expect BTC/USD prices to do in the next 4 weeks? (Poll Closed)
  38. Up 63.5%
  39. Down 24.09%
  40. I do not know 8.39%
  41. Same as now 4.01%
  42. Comments (4) Create Your Own Poll
  43. Examples Of Our Service: Powerful BitcoinBullBear Forecasts
  44. We show a few examples of how powerful bitcoin forecasts and stock market forecasts of the BitcoinBullBear Services can be.
  45. In case you like to become a NEW SUBSCRIBER, you can enter at a -65% discount at 0.99 BTC per month with a maximum trial duration of 3 months (click here).
  46. 1) The first example is a short term Bitcoin forecast:
  47. Bild
  48. The above bitcoin chart shows that the forecast expected a break below the red uptrend line and to reach two possible bitcoin price targets on the way down:
  49. 1) The 13 - 13.2 $ bitcoin price zone
  50. 2) Possibly also the 12.45 - 12.8 $ bitcoin prize zone.
  51. What happened in reality to bitcoin prices?
  52. Bild
  53. Indeed, almost immediately after the forecast was issued in the subscription service, the bitcoin price fell to 13.16 $ and reached the first bitcoin chart target.
  54. We will see if bitcoin prices will also reach the second target or not. More in the subscriber section.
  55. 2) The second example is a mid term Bitcoin forecast:
  56. We anticipated the bitcoin price breakout out of the 5-5.5 $ resistance. We gave a short term target of 7.22 $ and a mid term target of 15 - 20 $. Both have been achieved over the past months which equals to a potential bitcoin trading profit of +44% and +308%, respectively.

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