( stumbled up on these great Overwatch guides: http://bit.ly/2aFIht8 )
[10] Zenyatta
I felt that Zenyatta has the steepest learning curve out of all the support heroes and this is mostly due to the difficulty in aiming Zenyatta's energy orbs and knowing which ally or enemy to receive the Harmony Orb or Discord Orb before others.
Energy Orb:
Zenyatta's basic attack weapon fires fast flying projectiles that has a steep learning curve to them. I can only imagine years down the road where we start watching really good players with Zenyatta that can aim really well with him, only then when we really start unlocking the full potential of Zenyatta.
Orb of Harmony:
Knowing which ally to put the Harmony Orb onto before other allies will take some knowledge. Constantly being aware of your surroundings of who needs healed will take some experience.
Orb of Discord:
Keeping up with putting the Discord Orb on which enemy would benefit your team the most is not an easy task all the time and using this ability will most likely take some experience.
ULTIMATE Transcendence:
There is a lot more to this ability than just healing your teammates. One must learn how to communicate pushes with this ability to your team in order to be successful with Transcendence.