Make a presentation on pollution of ganga and yamuna rivers


DATE: Jan. 28, 2019, 9:37 p.m.

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  1. Make a presentation on pollution of ganga and yamuna rivers
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  3. Plant also produce enzymes such as dehalogens and oxygenizes which help to catalyze degradation. It throws a big challenge to the present dispensation as well to ensure that its plans succeed. Throughout its length, the river flows through some of the biggest cities of India and these cities contribute heavily to the pollution of Ganges River.
  4. The first attempts at cleaning Ganga were started in 1985. Ganges is presently one of the most polluted rivers in the world with unchecked human abuse and industrial pollution. The annual water inflows from the catchment area of Manasarovar lake located at 4,590 metres 15,060 ft above msl, can be diverted by gravity to the basin of China through a 15-kilometre long tunnel. Ganges is presently one of the most polluted rivers in the world with unchecked human abuse and industrial pollution.
  5. The sanctity of the agreement is not preserved by the state and central governments of India after independence though it is legally valid. During the process of exchanging thoughts and ideas, difference in our opinions may step in along with unwanted mistakes covered…and so I beg apology from you in advance. As the problems have been created by humanity, they thus can be remedied by humanity, if the will and focus is there. The most ancient source of water, even before the human race came into being, was the rivers. First battalion of Ganga Task Force was recently deployed at Garhmukteshwar while three more such formations would be on course at Kanpur, Varanasi and Allahabad.
  6. Pollution, Solution and Ganga Revolution - The amount of parts per million of copper released in the Pandu before it even reaches the Gang is a thousand times higher than in uncontaminated water.
  7. The Make a presentation on pollution of ganga and yamuna rivers basin is the most heavily populated river basin in the world, with over 400 million people and a population density of about 1000 inhabitant per square mile. A ganga river present a ideal biodiversity area. It have over then 140 fish species, 90 amphibian species and five area hitch support bird found nowhere else in the world. Ganga river producing topes fertile soil in the world. It found in research the E. The Ganga was ranked among the five most polluted river's of the world in 2007. Construction activities along the coast of this river. Domestic activities like those of washer men. Industries is a main source of pollution of Ganga. In this 146144 is present in U. A major pollution industries on the ganga are the leather industries near Kanpur. Other industry like Tanning industrypharmaceutical companieselectronic planttextile and paper industries, fertilizers discharge ,different types of chemical and organic effluent into river. Industries is a main source of pollution of G anga. The effect of the pollution increase the organic matter in river water. Presence of toxic chemical in water. Impair light penetration due to oil spill. The effect of water pollution strongly impact the balance of naturewhich ultimately impacts all human. Harms the food chain : Break the link of food chain. Spread of disease: Cause cholera ,Typhoid infection diarrhea etc. Solid waste management system to prevent dumping of solid wastes in the river. A range of processes mediated by plant or algae are useful in treating environment problem. Plant also produce enzymes such as dehalogens and oxygenizes which help to catalyze degradation. With object treating 882 million liters per day of sewage and improve the water quality to bathing class standard.

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