Fishing at 10 - Dice Bot Strategy

SUBMITTED BY: psygambler

DATE: April 9, 2017, 6 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.4 kB

HITS: 1617

  1. -- Fishing at 10 - Preroll Strategy
  2. Like the strategy, please donate to 1PkbNePmQ9nbqqLYy87nCrFm1dwVgSQFpr
  3. base=0.00000030
  4. preroll=25
  5. prebet=0.00000001
  6. chance=10.00
  7. multiplier=1.15 -- <<multiplier for base>>
  8. multiplier2=1.3 -- <<multiplier for prebet>>
  9. target=0.01000000 --<< Set your Target Balance>>
  10. highlevel=0
  11. nextbet=prebet
  12. bethigh=false
  13. counter=0
  14. betcount=0
  15. counter=0
  16. c=preroll
  17. altbet=1
  18. e=0
  19. resetstats()
  20. resetseed()
  21. function dobet()
  22. betcount+=1
  23. counter+=1
  24. tmp = currentstreak+preroll
  25. if win then
  26. nextbet=prebet
  27. c=preroll
  28. altbet=1
  29. if e == 1 then
  30. bethigh=!bethigh
  31. e=0
  32. else
  33. e+=1
  34. end
  35. if balance > target then
  36. stop()
  37. print("TARGET REACHED!")
  38. end
  39. if profit>0 then
  40. print(" ")
  41. print("Bet WON!")
  42. print("Total Profit : "..string.format("%.8f", profit))
  43. print(" ")
  44. end
  45. if betcount>100 then
  46. print("Highest Win Level "..highlevel)
  47. print("Number of Rolls : "..counter)
  48. resetseed()
  49. betcount=0
  50. end
  51. else
  52. if tmp>0 then
  53. if tmp < (preroll*0.70) then
  54. nextbet=previousbet*multiplier2
  55. else
  56. nextbet=prebet
  57. end
  58. end
  59. if tmp == 0 then
  60. nextbet=base
  61. end
  62. if tmp < 0 then
  63. nextbet=previousbet*multiplier
  64. c+=1
  65. print("Lost Bet # "..c)
  66. if c > highlevel then
  67. highlevel=c
  68. end
  69. end
  70. if c == (45+altbet) then
  71. bethigh=!bethigh
  72. altbet+=7
  73. end
  74. end
  75. end
  76. end
  77. end
  78. end