
SUBMITTED BY: maruf2026

DATE: Sept. 6, 2017, 6:29 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 3.6 kB

HITS: 218

  1. You may obtain strength from Christ to stand unsullied amid
  2. the pollutions of this corrupt age. “Whereby are given unto us exceeding
  3. great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the
  4. divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through
  5. lust.” Keep the eye steadily fixed upon Christ, upon the divine image.
  6. Imitate His spotless life, and you will be a partaker of His glory, and
  7. with Him inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of
  8. the world.
  9. *****
  10. Chap. 4 - Evilspeaking
  11. Brother F has had the cause of God at heart, but he has felt too deeply,
  12. and has taken on many burdens which he should not have borne. He has
  13. suffered in health in this way. He has sometimes viewed matters in a
  14. strong light, and has been too earnest and anxious to have all see them
  15. just as he did; and because they were backward in doing so, he has felt
  16. nearly crushed. He feels to the depths, and is in danger of urging his
  17. views of things too strongly.
  18. Sister F wants to be a Christian, but she has not cultivated discretion
  19. and true courtesy. She is of a very sanguine turn of mind, ardent and
  20. self-confident. She shows the rough part of her character, and has not
  21. appeared to advantage. She has moved from impulse, acting just as she
  22. felt, and sometimes her feelings have been much excited and strong.
  23. She has strong likes and dislikes, and has permitted this unfortunate trait
  24. in her character to develop itself, greatly to the detriment of her own
  25. spiritual advancement and to the injury of the church. She has talked
  26. too much and unwisely, just as she felt. This has had a strong influence
  27. upon her husband, and has at times led him to move from excitement of
  28. feeling, when if he had
  29. 50
  30. waited and looked at matters calmly and weighed them properly, it
  31. would have been better for himself and for the church. Nothing is gained
  32. by moving hurriedly, moving from impulse, or from strong feeling.
  33. Sister F moves from impulse, and finds fault, and has had too much
  34. to say against her brethren and sisters. This will cause confusion in any
  35. church. If she could control her own spirit, a great victory would be
  36. gained. If she would seek the heavenly adorning, even the ornament of
  37. a meek and quiet spirit, which God, the Creator of the heavens and the
  38. earth, calls of great price, she would then be a real help to the church. If
  39. she would cherish the spirit of Christ, and become a peacemaker, her
  40. own soul would flourish, and she would be a blessing to the church
  41. wherever she might be located. Unless she is converted and an entire
  42. change is wrought in her, unless she educates herself to be slow to speak
  43. and slow to wrath, and cultivates true Christian courtesy, her influence
  44. will prove injurious, and the happiness of others connected with her will
  45. suffer. She manifests an independence which is a damage to her and
  46. alienates her friends. This independence has caused her much trouble
  47. and has wounded her best friends.
  48. If those who had means were close in their deal with her husband,
  49. and did not favor him more than worldlings in business transactions, she
  50. has felt and talked, and aroused feelings of dissatisfaction where none
  51. previously existed. This is a selfish world at best. Many of those who
  52. profess the truth are not sanctified by it, and may not have a heart to
  53. make even a trifling variation in the prices of produce when dealing with
  54. a poor brother, sooner than they would with an able worldling. They
  55. do not love their neighbors as themselves. It would be more pleasing to
  56. God were there less selfishness and more disinterested benevolence.

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