Get Free Bitcoins


DATE: Sept. 7, 2014, 11:23 a.m.

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HITS: 649

  1. Increase Your BITCOINS
  2. We regularly secure access to grey money in various forms and choose to distribute it back to the community (after we keep a cut unlikely to attract attention).
  3. How?
  4. It's really simple. Make a payment (of your choosing) to this address:
  6. And within 4 hours we'll send it back to you INCREASED, to the bitcoin address you paid it from. We generally double the funds. Depending on our own cashflow, we may at times only increase it by 150%, but never below. You're helping us keep our own laundry clean.
  7. Warning
  8. We've been in business for over two years, and have helped hundreds of people (and ourselves)! But there are other pages claiming to offer a similar service, and some certainly do.
  9. A lot of the other pages are fraudulent. Especially beware anyone who asks for your email address, they usually want it to begin stealing your identity.
  10. Restrictions
  11. We're moving a fairly high volume of BTC, so any payment below 0.15BTC will be ignored.

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