scam btc store


DATE: Sept. 15, 2013, 11:30 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.1 kB

HITS: 1465

  1. I could kick myself. I really should have known better. I
  2. went on this site ( and noticed
  3. they had 15x 25 GH/s Bitcoin Miner and 2x 10 USB ASIC
  4. miner, Block Erupter 333 MH/s. I sent an email asking
  5. to confirm and received this:
  6. Dear Elston,
  7. We have the 25 GH/s miner in stock.
  8. According to the real-time stock :
  9. 25GH/s miner, Stock Level: 15
  10. We can ship it after the payment has cleared.
  11. Shipping time with DHL is 3 days.
  12. Sincerely,
  13. Betty
  15. Original email:
  16. I went ahead and purchased but never received the items.
  17. On the 11th September I received 1 USB ASIC block Erupter from Benjamin Schlichter 19193 Greist Road Syoutsville OH 43154
  18. I replied stating:
  19. I did not order this $10 item.
  20. I ordered and paid 13Btc for a 25GH miner.
  21. I sent several emails and support tickets and tried phoning, but their phone number is unobtainable and they never replied.
  22. I was too anxious to get my hands on a 25GH miner and
  23. those Erupters and paid a huge price.
  24. Please do not purchase from this site. You will never
  25. get what you purchased.

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