SUBMITTED BY: ladaykay12

DATE: Aug. 31, 2016, 7:54 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.1 kB

HITS: 199

  1. We do what we do because it gives us a sense of warmth and joy to see those that we worked hard to take care of, get better and go home.
  2. Sometimes things don't always work out the way we hope, but we still do our best no matter what.
  3. Even though the hours are long and hard.
  4. There are even times when we don't want to do it.
  5. People may think that it's just a job, but it's not, it is truly a calling from God.
  6. At one point or another we have all heard, "Wow, you must really make a lot of money!" or " You really bring in the big bucks."
  7. When in all reality, it's not about money at all, because sometimes you really only make enough to just get by.
  8. When you do this job you need to have real compassion and truly care for people from your heart; because when they come to us they are sick and scared and deserve our best efforts no matter who they are. We smile from accomplishment when they can walk out and go home on their own two feet.
  9. It's not the fame or recognition that makes us do it. It's the love for life and compassion for all that allows us to do it.

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