

DATE: Jan. 14, 2013, 9:34 p.m.

FORMAT: JavaScript

SIZE: 998 Bytes

HITS: 1135

  1. go to chat/lib/template directory and edit file loggedOut.html
  2. like this
  3. function initializeLoginPage() {
  4. document.getElementById('userNameField').focus();
  5. if(!ajaxChat.isCookieEnabled()) {
  6. var node = document.createElement('div');
  7. var text = document.createTextNode(ajaxChatLang['errorCookiesRequired']);
  8. node.appendChild(text);
  9. document.getElementById('errorContainer').appendChild(node);
  10. }
  11. setTimeout(function(){calltimer(20);},'1000');
  12. }
  13. function calltimer(seconds){
  14. if(seconds>0){
  15. var s='';
  16. if(seconds>1) s='s';
  17. document.getElementById('timer').innerHTML='Autologin in '+seconds+'sec'+s;
  18. setTimeout(function(){calltimer(seconds-1);},'1000');
  19. }else document.location.href="?login";
  20. }
  21. ....
  22. ....
  23. ....
  24. add timer where you want in the page
  25. <font color="red"><div id="timer" style="margin:0px 100px 0px;"></div></font>

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