( stumbled up on these great Overwatch guides: http://bit.ly/2aFIht8 )
[15] Symmetra
Symmetra doesn't require too much skill with her abilities, but you do need to have good knowledge on how and where to use most of her abilities.
Photon Projector:
Like Winston's Tesla Cannon, Symmetra also has a short range self aiming channeled weapon. The weapon is easy to use with no precise aiming required. Her alternate fire shoots slow moving projectiles that will pierce everything in its path and that will take some practice to get better at.
Sentry Turret:
Placing her turrets on the battlefield is easy, its just knowing where to put them is the difficult part and this will take knowledge.
Photon Shield:
This gives an ally a +25 HP shield that lasts until the ally dies. This is probably the easiest ability in the game to use.
ULTIMATE Teleporter:
Just like her Sentry Turret, Teleporters are relatively easy to put down, its knowing where to put them down is the part that will take knowledge.