I first saw a reference to the Ruby Roman grape right here on BitBin http://bitbin.it/1xxJD8DR/ so I Googled it https://www.google.com/search?q=grape+%22Ruby+Roman%22&oq=grape+%22Ruby+Roman and found the following info... amazing!
From WikipediA:
In 2008, the Ruby Roman grape debuted as a new variety of premium grapes in Japan. The new grape was named Ruby Roman via public referendum. Every grape is checked strictly to guarantee its quality, with certification seals placed on those thus selected. The Ruby Roman has strict rules for selling; each grape must be over 20g and over 18% sugar. In addition, a special "premium class" exists which requires the grape to be over 30g and where the entire fruit bunch must weigh at least 700g. In 2010, only six grapes qualified for premium status while in 2011, no grapes made the cut.