DATE: Nov. 23, 2013, 1:32 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 7.8 kB

HITS: 864

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  29. By: a guest on Nov 23rd, 2013 | syntax: None | size: 1.89 KB | hits: 1 | expires: in 14 days
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  32. ====== XSS ======
  33. = URL : https://www.hostinet.com/comprar/comprar_dominios_alojamiento.php
  34. = Type : non-persistant
  35. = Method : get
  36. === Faulty parameter : tld
  37. === Other parameters : {u'sld': 'XSSploit'}
  38. ===== Bad characters :
  39. @
  40. sCriPt
  41. onLoad
  42. javascript
  43. onClick
  44. _
  45. !
  46. `
  47. #
  48. "
  49. %
  50. '
  51. &
  52. script
  53. -
  54. ,
  55. /
  56. .
  57. jAvaScrIpt
  58. ;
  59. :
  60. =
  61. <
  62. >
  63. ===== Contexts :
  64. <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'>
  65. <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'>
  66. <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'>
  67. <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'>
  68. <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'>
  69. <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'>
  70. <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'>
  71. <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'>
  72. <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'>
  73. ====== XSS ======
  74. = URL : https://www.ripe.net/@@search
  75. = Type : non-persistant
  76. = Method : get
  77. === Faulty parameter : SearchableText
  78. ===== Bad characters :
  79. &
  80. "
  81. <
  82. >
  83. ===== Contexts :
  84. <input name="SearchableText" type="text" size="18" value="(Pf1R4HSmo6Ih10x)" tit
  85. le="Search Site" placeholder="Search Site" accesskey="4" class="searchField" id=
  86. "searchGadget" />
  87. <input name="SearchableText" type="text" size="18" value="(Pf1R4HSmo6Ih10x)" tit
  88. le="Search Site" placeholder="Search Site" accesskey="4" class="searchField" id=
  89. "searchGadget" />
  90. ====== XSS ======
  91. = URL : https://www.ripe.net/search
  92. = Type : non-persistant
  93. = Method : get
  94. === Faulty parameter : SearchableText
  95. ===== Bad characters :
  96. &
  97. "
  98. <
  99. >
  100. ===== Contexts :
  101. <input name="SearchableText" type="text" size="18" value="(z801zvLhLgUZiaL)" tit
  102. le="Search Site" placeholder="Search Site" accesskey="4" class="searchField" id=
  103. "searchGadget" />
  104. <input name="SearchableText" type="text" size="18" value="(z801zvLhLgUZiaL)" tit
  105. le="Search Site" placeholder="Search Site" accesskey="4" class="searchField" id=
  106. "searchGadget" />
  107. create a new version of this paste RAW Paste Data
  108. XSS HOSTINET Y RIPE ====== XSS ====== = URL : https://www.hostinet.com/comprar/comprar_dominios_alojamiento.php = Type : non-persistant = Method : get === Faulty parameter : tld === Other parameters : {u'sld': 'XSSploit'} ===== Bad characters : @ sCriPt onLoad javascript onClick _ ! ` # " % ' & script - , / . jAvaScrIpt ; : = < > ===== Contexts : <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> ====== XSS ====== = URL : https://www.ripe.net/@@search = Type : non-persistant = Method : get === Faulty parameter : SearchableText ===== Bad characters : & " < > ===== Contexts : <input name="SearchableText" type="text" size="18" value="(Pf1R4HSmo6Ih10x)" tit le="Search Site" placeholder="Search Site" accesskey="4" class="searchField" id= "searchGadget" /> <input name="SearchableText" type="text" size="18" value="(Pf1R4HSmo6Ih10x)" tit le="Search Site" placeholder="Search Site" accesskey="4" class="searchField" id= "searchGadget" /> ====== XSS ====== = URL : https://www.ripe.net/search = Type : non-persistant = Method : get === Faulty parameter : SearchableText ===== Bad characters : & " < > ===== Contexts : <input name="SearchableText" type="text" size="18" value="(z801zvLhLgUZiaL)" tit le="Search Site" placeholder="Search Site" accesskey="4" class="searchField" id= "searchGadget" /> <input name="SearchableText" type="text" size="18" value="(z801zvLhLgUZiaL)" tit le="Search Site" placeholder="Search Site" accesskey="4" class="searchField" id= "searchGadget" />
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  114. Pastebin v3.11 rendered in: 0.009 seconds
  115. XSS HOSTINET Y RIPE ====== XSS ====== = URL : https://www.hostinet.com/comprar/comprar_dominios_alojamiento.php = Type : non-persistant = Method : get === Faulty parameter : tld === Other parameters : {u'sld': 'XSSploit'} ===== Bad characters : @ sCriPt onLoad javascript onClick _ ! ` # " % ' & script - , / . jAvaScrIpt ; : = < > ===== Contexts : <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> <table id='xssploit__(83dfn1dorsd9bce)__es'> ====== XSS ====== = URL : https://www.ripe.net/@@search = Type : non-persistant = Method : get === Faulty parameter : SearchableText ===== Bad characters : & " < > ===== Contexts : <input name="SearchableText" type="text" size="18" value="(Pf1R4HSmo6Ih10x)" tit le="Search Site" placeholder="Search Site" accesskey="4" class="searchField" id= "searchGadget" /> <input name="SearchableText" type="text" size="18" value="(Pf1R4HSmo6Ih10x)" tit le="Search Site" placeholder="Search Site" accesskey="4" class="searchField" id= "searchGadget" /> ====== XSS ====== = URL : https://www.ripe.net/search = Type : non-persistant = Method : get === Faulty parameter : SearchableText ===== Bad characters : & " < > ===== Contexts : <input name="SearchableText" type="text" size="18" value="(z801zvLhLgUZiaL)" tit le="Search Site" placeholder="Search Site" accesskey="4" class="searchField" id= "searchGadget" /> <input name="SearchableText" type="text" size="18" value="(z801zvLhLgUZiaL)" tit le="Search Site" placeholder="Search Site" accesskey="4" class="searchField" id= "searchGadget" />

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