#pragma config(Hubs, S1, HTMotor, HTMotor, HTServo, none)
#pragma config(Hubs, S2, HTMotor, HTMotor, none, none)
#pragma config(Sensor, S1, , sensorI2CMuxController)
#pragma config(Sensor, S2, , sensorI2CMuxController)
#pragma config(Motor, motorA, , tmotorNXT, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, motorB, , tmotorNXT, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S1_C1_1, notused, tmotorTetrix, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S1_C1_2, notused1, tmotorTetrix, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S1_C2_1, motorD, tmotorTetrix, PIDControl, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S1_C2_2, motorF, tmotorTetrix, PIDControl, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S2_C1_1, motorE, tmotorTetrix, PIDControl, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S2_C1_2, motorG, tmotorTetrix, PIDControl, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S2_C2_1, notused2, tmotorTetrix, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, mtr_S2_C2_2, notused3, tmotorTetrix, openLoop)
#pragma config(Servo, srvo_S1_C3_1, servo1, tServoNone)
#pragma config(Servo, srvo_S1_C3_2, servo2, tServoNone)
#pragma config(Servo, srvo_S1_C3_3, servo3, tServoNone)
#pragma config(Servo, srvo_S1_C3_4, servo4, tServoNone)
#pragma config(Servo, srvo_S1_C3_5, servo5, tServoNone)
#pragma config(Servo, srvo_S1_C3_6, servo6, tServoNone)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
#include "JoystickDriver.c";
void initializeRobot(){
nMotorEncoder(motorD) =0;
nMotorEncoder(motorE) =0;
nMotorEncoder(motorF) =0;
nMotorEncoder(motorG) =0;
void move(int direction, float revs);
void turn(int direction, float revs);
int fullrev = 1440;
task main()
//This function is for turning. The "int" is actually a boolean. Use 0 for a left turn, 1 for a right turn.
void turn(int direction, float revs)
nMotorEncoder(motorD) =0;
nMotorEncoder(motorE) =0;
nMotorEncoder(motorF) =0;
nMotorEncoder(motorG) =0;
if (direction==0)
while(nMotorEncoder(motorD) > -(fullrev*revs) & nMotorEncoder(motorE) > -(fullrev*revs) & nMotorEncoder(motorF) > -(fullrev*revs) & nMotorEncoder(motorG) > -(fullrev*revs))
motor(motorD) = -60;
motor(motorE) = -60;
motor(motorF) = -60;
motor(motorG) = -60;
while(nMotorEncoder(motorD) < (fullrev*revs) & nMotorEncoder(motorE) < (fullrev*revs) & nMotorEncoder(motorF) < (fullrev*revs) & nMotorEncoder(motorG) < (fullrev*revs))
motor(motorD) = 60;
motor(motorE) = 60;
motor(motorF) = 60;
motor(motorG) = 60;
//This function is for moving. The "int" is actually a boolean. Use 0 for forward, 1 for backward.
void move(int direction, float revs)
nMotorEncoder(motorD) =0;
nMotorEncoder(motorE) =0;
nMotorEncoder(motorF) =0;
nMotorEncoder(motorG) =0;
if (direction==0)
while(nMotorEncoder(motorD) > -(fullrev*revs) & nMotorEncoder(motorE) < (fullrev*revs) & nMotorEncoder(motorF) > -(fullrev*revs) & nMotorEncoder(motorG) < (fullrev*revs))
motor(motorD) = -60;
motor(motorE) = 60;
motor(motorF) = -60;
motor(motorG) = 60;
while(nMotorEncoder(motorD) < (fullrev*revs) & nMotorEncoder(motorE) > -(fullrev*revs) & nMotorEncoder(motorF) < (fullrev*revs) & nMotorEncoder(motorG) > -(fullrev*revs))
motor(motorD) = 60;
motor(motorE) = -60;
motor(motorF) = 60;
motor(motorG) = -60;