SUBMITTED BY: josephneeoh

DATE: Aug. 25, 2017, 3:52 a.m.

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  1. Not that much is going on right now in industry, so I can write some article about things what might interest you. HYIP is not just what you see in webpage, there is something like core what holds it together and makes it running. Every website is running on some script, what has been made by some developers. I would like to say few words about scripts what you can see around in HYIP industry, for many of you this will be nothing new, but since new people all the time joins industry for some this will be new information.
  2. Goldcoders
  3. Goldcoders is for sure most popular HYIP script what you can meet daily, many new programs opens with this script every day. HYIP script from Goldcoders cost just $145 and that is why it is script what is seen around every day. Goldcoders has been good before, but since they are oldest and have some reputation they now do not put in that much effort like they did before and now popularity of them are going down. I would like to see some redesign in their website, but from other side who needs good design for company who sells scripts, admins later can put good design on script.
  4. ProBiz
  5. ProBiz script is better then Goldcoders and lately you can see it around quite lot. Reason why you see this script around is that it is $199 and many even non experienced admins can afford it. ProBiz script is well made and it offers various possibilities to change it like admin want, but usually admin put effort only on HYIP look form outside and inside stays same like when he bought his script.
  6. ShadowScripts
  7. ShadowScripts is most secure and most advanced script in industry. I know that is also most secure from commercial scripts around in this industry. Just script costs $495, and if admin is running his services on this script it is good sign. As much as I know they offer best service what reply usually fast and they are willing to help those people who bought their script. In the end I want to say that I have heard only good words about ShadowScripts.
  8. All of three mentioned commercial script sellers offers you to put on design, design banners and make some other modifications, but it is some extra fee. Mostly you see around HYIP with horrible design, I would suggest to stay away from such pages, because admin has not invested mostly any capital and time to air his HYIP and usually is totally inexperienced.
  9. There is people who sell those scripts for lower fee, but usually they are cracked and it is possible that nothing good wont come out of them, so for new people in industry I would recommend to check if they are licensed. If they are licensed then it mean that they are running usually latest version of those scripts what in same time mean that they are most secure. Below you can find links to verify if they are licensed:
  10. Goldcoders license checker
  11. ProBiz license checker
  12. ShadowScripts license checker
  13. But there is one more type of script what is "custom script", what is especially made just for one program. Most experienced admins use their own custom made scripts. Usually they are more advanced then any other scripts in industry or on the other hand way simple then any other scripts. Both variations are good, because it just shows that admin is not newbie and has invested good capital to air his website. Usually custom made scripts are far more expensive then already ready commercial scripts what you see around everyday. Also, in most cases they are far more secure then any other commercial script. If you see HYIP with custom made script it is good sign.
  14. In the end I want just to remind one thing - more expensive commercial script or custom made script do not mean instantly that program will preform better then its competitors. This is same like with hosting it just shows that admin has invested some more money and time to air his HYIP. Admins know that for example if they have BlackLotus server with Blockdos DDoS protection then investors will like his website more then competitors and vice versa. Every time think with your own brain and try to value if this program will be profitable or not.
  15. Thank your for reading and come back later,

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