The requested certificate template is not supported by this ca


DATE: Jan. 28, 2019, 6:32 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 3.3 kB

HITS: 277

  1. The requested certificate template is not supported by this ca
  2. =>
  3. Make sure that you select your compatibility settings for the certificate template to be at least Windows Server 2008. Before we download the software, we also need to enable the subscription to the Certificate Connector. Or what does unavailable mean in this context?
  4. Perhaps you could rephrase it? Actually, I can request a certificate with Certenroll by using a template. Add the Client Authentication policy.
  5. Info on how to do this, found here: Each attempt I got the following message: Certificate not issued Denied Denied by Policy Module 0x80094801, The request does not contain a certificate template extension or the CertificateTemplate request attribute. So the fix, it was an easy one — add Authenticated Users back to the template and grant it Read permissions. This is a default configuration and one I recommend that never changes — because of issues like this. I was trying to get my Windows Mobile 6. On the Confirmation page, click Configure. Or what does unavailable mean in this context? It is very important that you select a computer or group of computer accounts to do this as the requests are going to come from computers, not the user logged into the computer.
  6. Cannot request certificate from internal CA - Could this be related to missing templates on the cert server? You can run a 2K3 server in a 2K Active Directory without upgrading the schema.
  7. Expand the first Certificate Templates tree, which should reveal more than 30 Certificate Templates. Right click on Web Server, duplicate the template, and then select either template type, but I choose Windows Server 2003 Enterprise. The 2008 template gives you more options, and is required if you want to use Suite-B encryption algorithms like elliptical curve. Click on Request Handling and change the key suite to suite your needs, and optionall check the option to allow the private key to be exported. You can also increase the key size here as well, if you want. Click on the Security tab. What we need to do here is allow web servers to Enroll in this certificate type. There are several ways you could do this, with varying levels of security. One way for a non-secure lab environment is add Domain Computers to the access list and give them the Enroll permission. Next, we need to make the certificate available to computers. To do this, right click on the second Certificate Templates container, as shown below. In the next window select the template that you just created. If you created a group that can enroll in this certificate type, then place the computer object into the group and reboot the server, so it gets the new group membership. If you went the easy route of adding Domain Computers to the enroll permission, no reboot is needed. Click Add to add the properties to the certificate request. Hi D,I followed everything you have above until step 11. The Web Server v4 did not show up on the View Connection Server where I need to request a new certificate.

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