Ethereum Full Setup Ubuntu AMD miner

SUBMITTED BY: mollamolla

DATE: Sept. 20, 2016, 12:01 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 8.1 kB

HITS: 517

  1. # Ubuntu 15.04 64-bit mini.iso is located at:
  2. #
  3. ------------------------------------------
  4. Update/upgrade package lists
  5. ------------------------------------------
  6. sudo apt-get update
  7. sudo apt-get upgrade
  8. ------------------------------------------
  9. Install AMD drivers + misc configuration
  10. ------------------------------------------
  11. # may have to try this twice
  12. sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-core fglrx-dev fglrx-amdcccle git screen
  13. # confirm that all GPUs are detected
  14. sudo aticonfig --lsa
  15. # only delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf when reconfiguring
  16. sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf && sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial -f
  17. # otherwise, when first setting up just run the aticonfig command as such
  18. sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial -f
  19. sudo nano /etc/default/grub
  20. # change the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line to read as: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text"
  21. sudo update-grub
  22. nano .bashrc
  23. # add the following at end of the script: export DISPLAY=:0
  24. Ctrl + O # save
  25. Ctrl + X # exit nano
  26. sudo nano /etc/profile
  27. # add the following at end of the script: export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority
  28. Ctrl + O # save
  29. Ctrl + X # exit nano
  30. sudo reboot
  31. ------------------------------------------
  32. Install minimal x server & display manager
  33. ------------------------------------------
  34. # install xorg
  35. sudo apt-get install xorg
  36. # reconfigure and choose "Anybody"
  37. sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common
  38. ------------------------------------------
  39. Install and configure Dwarfpool's stratum-like eth-proxy
  40. ------------------------------------------
  41. # See here for limited install directions:
  42. # See here for more info: midway down one the left-hand side under a section called "Stratum Proxy v0.0.5"
  43. sudo apt-get install python-twisted
  44. git clone
  45. cd eth-proxy
  46. # Be sure to edit eth-proxy.conf and setup YOUR ETH address
  47. # Here is how I have mine setup for
  48. nano eth-proxy.conf
  49. #==============================================
  50. # Begin ~/eth-proxy/eth-proxy.conf example
  51. #==============================================
  52. # Select Ethereum ETH or Expanse EXP
  53. COIN = "ETH"
  54. # Host and port for your workers
  55. HOST = "" # this needs to be the IP address of the machine that is running eth-proxy
  56. PORT = 8080
  57. # Coin address where money goes
  58. WALLET = "0x0000000000000000000" # this needs to be YOUR ETH address and the quotes stay
  59. # To donate please use wallet 0xc6cf855a302412ebb91ee1e823284b928fb4286d
  60. # It's useful for individually monitoring and statistic
  62. # On DwarfPool you have option to monitor your workers via email.
  63. # If WORKER_ID is enabled, you can monitor every worker/rig separately.
  64. MONITORING = True
  65. MONITORING_EMAIL = "" # your notification email address
  66. # Main pool
  67. POOL_HOST = "" # use whatever your pool's address is here
  68. POOL_PORT = 3333
  69. # Failover pool
  71. POOL_HOST_FAILOVER1 = "" # use whatever your pool's 2nd address is here
  72. POOL_PORT_FAILOVER1 = 3333
  73. POOL_HOST_FAILOVER2 = "" # use whatever your pool's 3rd address is here
  74. POOL_PORT_FAILOVER2 = 3333
  75. POOL_HOST_FAILOVER2 = "" # use whatever your pool's 4th address is here, etc...
  76. POOL_PORT_FAILOVER3 = 3333
  77. # Logging
  78. LOG_TO_FILE = True
  79. #==============================================
  80. # End ~/eth-proxy/eth-proxy.conf example
  81. #==============================================
  82. Ctrl + O # save
  83. Ctrl + X # exit nano
  84. ------------------------------------------
  85. Setup a script to start eth-proxy
  86. ------------------------------------------
  87. cd # change to your home directory
  88. nano
  89. #==============================================
  90. # Begin ~/
  91. #==============================================
  92. #!/bin/bash
  93. cd ~/eth-proxy && python
  94. #==============================================
  95. # End ~/
  96. #==============================================
  97. Ctrl + O # save
  98. Ctrl + X # exit nano
  99. chmod +x # make the script executable
  100. ------------------------------------------
  101. Build Genoil's Ethminer
  102. ------------------------------------------
  103. sudo apt-get -y install software-properties-common
  104. sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
  105. sudo add-apt-repository "deb llvm-toolchain-trusty main"
  106. sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum
  107. sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum-dev
  108. sudo apt-get -y update
  109. sudo apt-get -y upgrade
  110. sudo apt-get -y install build-essential cmake libedit-dev libboost-all-dev automake unzip zlib1g-dev libgmp-dev libtool libleveldb-dev yasm libminiupnpc-dev libreadline-dev scons libncurses5-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev wget libjsoncpp-dev libargtable2-dev libcryptopp-dev libjson-rpc-cpp-dev libmicrohttpd-dev clang-3.5 lldb-3.5 llvm-4.0-dev libv8-dev mesa-common-dev opencl-headers
  111. # I run Genoil's version of ethminer -- specifically version 1.0.8
  112. # The following will show you how to grab the code for it from the source
  113. # repository and build it:
  114. mkdir Genoil
  115. cd Genoil
  116. mkdir 1.0.8
  117. cd 1.0.8
  118. git clone --recursive -b 108 --single-branch
  119. cd cpp-ethereum
  120. mkdir build
  121. cd build
  122. cmake .. -DBUNDLE=miner -DGUI=0 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  123. make
  124. # Wait for the build to complete
  125. # strip unneeded symbols from the binary -- this reduces its size by a little
  126. strip ethminer/ethminer
  127. # confirm that ethminer sees the correct # of GPUs
  128. ethminer/ethminer --list-devices
  129. cd # change to your home directory
  130. ------------------------------------------
  131. Setup Basic X-Window Environment (required for fglrx and aticonfig to work)
  132. ------------------------------------------
  133. # setup ~/.xinitrc to set GPU fan and clock speeds and to open a permanent xterm window
  134. #
  135. # ~/.xinitrc is a script that gets executed when 'startx' gets called.
  136. # It gives the user a chance to do things when X starts up.
  137. # You can read more about it here:
  138. #
  139. # The following is an example ~/.xinitrc file for a 3-GPU rig -- if you have more or
  140. # fewer GPUs, then add or remove lines as necessary to account for each GPU
  141. nano .xinitrc
  142. #==============================================
  143. # Begin ~/.xinitrc
  144. #==============================================
  145. #!/bin/bash
  146. amdconfig --od-enable
  147. DISPLAY=:0.0 && aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 60" # set fan 0 on card 0 @ 60%
  148. DISPLAY=:0.1 && aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 60" # set fan 0 on card 1 @ 60%
  149. DISPLAY=:0.2 && aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 60" # set fan 0 on card 2 @ 60%
  150. DISPLAY=:0.0 && aticonfig --adapter=0 --odsc=1150,1500 # set core clock @ 1150 and memory clock 1500 on card 0
  151. DISPLAY=:0.1 && aticonfig --adapter=1 --odsc=1150,1500 # set core clock @ 1150 and memory clock 1500 on card 1
  152. DISPLAY=:0.2 && aticonfig --adapter=2 --odsc=1150,1500 # set core clock @ 1150 and memory clock 1500 on card 2
  153. DISPLAY=:0 && xterm -geometry +1+1 -n login
  154. #==============================================
  155. # End ~/.xinitrc
  156. #==============================================

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