

DATE: March 11, 2013, 1:43 p.m.

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  1. I used to identify as "Wiccan." I was researching it extensively and it greatly appealed to me during a time in my life when I was living in this very small, Baptist town. I remember some of my brother's friends were really interested in it as well, so I started teaching them about it a little, explaining what it meant and started putting them on that spiritual path, but they were probably about 12 at the time (I was 14) and I remember their parents found out and got very upset. They came to my house to inform my mother that I was "practicing witchcraft." My mother was like "So? It's a very empowering religion for females and I think it's healthy that she's exploring this" and they were completely shocked that my mother was so lax about it. After that, they didn't allow their kids to come over anymore. Incidents like that have completely skewed my view of traditionalist Christians (I know, I shouldn't make any broad generalizations, but I had some extremely bad experiences from being a religious outsider)

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