Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction - Walkthrough


DATE: Oct. 14, 2014, 1:09 p.m.

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  1. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction - Walkthrough
  2. Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
  3. Author: Ice T. Gressa and Panterror Flames
  4. Email: djtigresa@classicgaming.com and mcpantera@classicgaming.com
  5. Version v0.45
  6. Table of Contents
  7. -Author Notes
  8. -Introduction
  9. -Story
  10. -Getting Started
  11. -Controls
  12. -Stuff you need to know
  13. -Weapons
  14. -Inventory
  15. -Gadgets
  16. -Devices
  17. -Armor
  18. -Walkthrough
  19. -Credits
  20. Author Notes
  21. This is our first time making an FAQ for a Ratchet and Clank video game and what
  22. better way to start with Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction for the PS3. Like
  23. it predecessors, this game has a ton of weapons and gadgets to use to your arsenal.
  24. According to one source, it is said that the ending will leave you hanging. Thanks
  25. to a spoiler posted on a message board we frequent, it really does have a major
  26. cliffhanger that we don't want to spoil just yet till the end of the guide.
  27. Introduction
  28. From the backcover:
  29. An orphan of the universe, Ratchet never known anything of his Lombax origins. When
  30. an alient tyrant driven by an unexplainable hatred for Lombaxes attacks Ratchet and
  31. Clank's home, they are thrust into an epic adventure where they will discover that
  32. Ratchet's past is the key to the galaxy's future.
  33. Story
  34. From the manual:
  35. The infinite frontier of the uncharted universe can be a confounding place at the
  36. best of times. But for interprid interstellar superstars Ratchet and Clank, it just
  37. got even more perplexing. Emperor Tachyon-a ruthless Cragmite tyrant-has taken a
  38. personal disliking to Ratchet just because he's the last Lombax in existence. To
  39. make matters worse, Captain Qwirk-self made legend and "guardian" of the peace-
  40. has been spacenapped. Now, angry hardes of robot soldiers are marauding through the
  41. busting highways and byways of Metropolis.
  42. What in the name of Nanotech is going on?
  43. How can Tachyon's invasion be stopped?
  44. And why does Clank keep going on about invisible miniature creatures?
  45. Only one thing is clear: the answers lie deep within the Polaris galaxy, at the very
  46. edge of the known universe. It's going to take two mighty big heroes to blast this
  47. mystery wide open... with a little help from some awesome gadgets and absolutely
  48. humoungous weapons.
  49. Getting Started
  50. For starters, you need to update your PS3 to v1.94 in order to run this game. The
  51. initial setup takes 100 seconds.
  52. When you start you can choose from
  53. -New Game
  54. -Load Game
  55. -Delete Game
  56. -Options
  57. The Options is where you select the volume for Sound FX, Voiceovers, and Music. You
  58. also choose whether or not to use Help Text and SUbtitles as well as whether to use
  59. Surround or Stereo sound.
  60. When you choose New Game, you create a save file. Choose Load Game to load up a save
  61. file. Delete Game of course means to delete the save file.
  62. Controls - 3rd Person
  63. Left analog = walk/run
  64. Right analog = Camera/pan
  65. Hold L2 + left analog = Strafe
  66. () or R1 = shoot
  67. X = Jump, Pull up from ledge
  68. X twice = Double Jump
  69. X after Double Jump = Glide
  70. X while swimming = Surface
  71. [] = Melee Attack, Dive underwater
  72. [], [], [] = Combo Attack
  73. R2 = Crouch, drop from ledge
  74. Jump then Melee = Hyper Strike
  75. Crouch then Jump while still = Boost Jump
  76. Crouch then Melee = Comet Strike
  77. R2 then Jump while running = Stretch Jump
  78. Hold L2 or R2 then left analog stick left/right/down = Flip left/right/backflip
  79. L1 = Look Mode
  80. X after Jumping towards wall = Wall Jump
  81. /\ = Toggle between current and previous weapon
  82. Hold /\ and left analog = Quickselet mode
  83. Hold /\ then L1 or R1 = Quickselect pages
  84. () while jumping forward = Swingshot
  85. R2, R2 = Use Charge Boots
  86. R1 while underwater = Hydro Pack
  87. Start = Main Menu
  88. Controls - Lock Strafe
  89. Left analog = walk/run/Strafe
  90. Right analog = Camera/pan
  91. () or R1 = shoot
  92. X or L1 = Jump, pull up from ledge
  93. X or L1 twice = Double Jump
  94. X or L1 after Double Jump = Glide
  95. X or L1 while swimming = Surface
  96. [] = Melee Attack, Dive underwater
  97. [], [], [] = Combo Attack
  98. R2 = Crouch, drop from ledge
  99. Jump then Melee = Hyper Strike
  100. Crouch then Jump while still = Boost Jump
  101. Crouch then Melee = Comet Strike
  102. R2 then Jump while running = Stretch Jump
  103. Jump then left analog stick left/right/down = Flip left/right/backflip
  104. L2 = Look Mode
  105. X or L1 after Jumping towards wall = Wall Jump
  106. /\ then left analog = Toggle between current and previous weapon
  107. Hold /\ and left analog = Quickselet mode
  108. Hold /\ then L1 or R1 = Quickselect pages
  109. () while jumping forward = Swingshot
  110. R2, R2 = Use Charge Boots
  111. R1 then [] while underwater = Hydro Pack
  112. Start = Main Menu
  113. Clank Controls
  114. Left analog = walk/run
  115. Right analog = Camera/pan
  116. [] = Punch
  117. X = Jump
  118. X, X = Double Jump
  119. Hold /\ then left analog = Zoni Command Menu
  120. Hold R1 = Time Shift
  121. Starship Controls
  122. Left analog = Steer Ship
  123. Right analog = Aim target reticule
  124. () or R1 = Fire Blasters
  125. [] or L1 (hold to charge) = Fire Missiles
  126. L2 and R2 = Barrel Roll
  127. Menu Controls
  128. Left/Right = Adjust menu item
  129. up/down = navigate menu/highlight menu item
  130. () = Previous screen/return to main menu
  131. X = Select highlighted item
  132. Stuff you need to know
  133. -This game has infinite lives so that means you won't have to view that game over
  134. screen.
  135. -Crates and boxes give extra bolts, ammo, and life when smashed.
  136. -Nanotechs increase your max HP.
  137. -Gears on the screen indicate Autosaving.
  138. -Maps shows where you are located and Galatic Maps are for moving to other
  139. planets to complete missions.
  140. Weapons
  141. Tornado Launcher - Create and control your own cataclysmic and tornado wing patented
  142. gadgetron technology! Trailer Park Sold separately. Costs 40,000 bolts.
  143. Plasma Blasts - These synthetic bodyguards lay dormant until enemies move in, they
  144. strike with lethal efficiency. Costs 15,000 bolts.
  145. Fusion Grenade - Nothing ruins an enemy's day like a thermonuclear grenade! Default
  146. weapon.
  147. Combuster - Blast your opponents into oblivion with high-velocity plasma balls.
  148. Default weapon.
  149. Predator Launcher - Enemies can run, but they can't hide from this launcher's new
  150. and improved laser-guided lock-on system!
  151. Omniwrench 3000
  152. Buzz Blades
  153. Inventory
  154. O2 Mask - Never let a lack of oxygen keep you from saving the galaxy! This incredi-
  155. ble mask will actually synthesize and replace oxygen while you explore underwater
  156. areas and outer space.
  157. Gadgets
  158. Gravity Boots - The Gravity Boots magnetically lock to special metallic surfaces,
  159. allowing Ratchet to run up walls and across the ceiling.
  160. Thruster Pack - The thruster pack upgrade has High Jump, Long Jump, and Glide fea-
  161. tures just like the Heli-pack.
  162. Gelanator - The Gelanator is a GrummelNet utility gadget sold exclusively to the
  163. Gelatanium Mining Working Union and their licensed signatories. This gadget allows
  164. the operator to drain or fill any standard GU-MW isobaric gelatonium pump in the
  165. Polaris Galaxy.
  166. Swingshot
  167. Robowings
  168. Geolasers
  169. Devices
  170. Groovitron - Mesmarize your enemies with this dance-inducing disco ball.
  171. Leech bomb - Weary from battle? Low on nanotech? Throw one of these, and absorb the
  172. health of your enemies.
  173. Mr. Zurkon
  174. Armor
  175. Blackstar Armor - Designed by Captain Blackstar himself, this amazing armor uses
  176. biostatic nanomytes to absorb 25% of all damage. The finest in affordable anti-
  177. mutiny defense war! Costs 30,000 bolts.
  178. Planet Kerwin
  179. Go to Defense Center
  180. Escape on the Mag Rail
  181. Mission: Go to the Defense Center
  182. Qwark needs your help at the Planetary Defense Center! Fight past the invading army
  183. and help Qwark defend the city.
  184. Go forward and destroy the enemies at the end of the trail. After they are gone, go
  185. right and kill some more. If you need more ammo, life and extra bolts then smash the
  186. nearby boxes and crates to get them. Fight your way forward until you reach a green
  187. pad which is the Jump Pad. Stand on it and press the Jump Button. Ratchet and Clank
  188. will fly around wildly before they land. Fight your way to another Jump Pad. This
  189. one will make you bounce off a purple pad which bounces you to higher ground. Deal
  190. with the enemies here and get on the grind rail. Jump to right rail and be sure to
  191. jump up when you see breaks in the rail and when you see obstructions. At the end,
  192. you have to fend off enemies that attack from the sky. These spacecrafts require a
  193. few (well four actually) well-timed shots to be destroyed. First press L1 to get a
  194. closer look then press the Shoot button to aim. When the crosshairs turn red, that
  195. is when you shoot. Don't get hit by the dual lasers the ships shoot. They do 2HP of
  196. damage to you. Use the jump pad, and destroy two more spacecrafts and some ground
  197. enemies and take another jump pad to a section where the bridge is collapsing. At
  198. the end of that part, kill everything in sight and move forward to the guardrail and
  199. jump left or right to avoid the trains. Fight your way up to two jump pads and run
  200. across a collapsing bridge. Ignore fighting as much as possible as you run and soon
  201. there is a big explosion leading to a freefall. This is the fist time you'll need to
  202. use the Sixaxis motion to guide yourself to the ground without hitting anything but
  203. you don't have to worry about falling into anything this time around.
  204. ---------
  205. Escape on the Mag Rail
  206. It appears that the invading army is after Ratchet! Escape on the mag rail and look
  207. for a way to lure the army off the planet.
  208. Avoid the lasers and the trains. Get on the rightmost rail and jump to avoid any of
  209. the breaks in the rail made by the spacecrafts' missiles. The boss spacecraft fires
  210. a huge charged beam. Move left or right to avoid being hit at all costs until you
  211. reach the end of the rails. You meet Emperor Tachyan. Ratchet and Clank escape the
  212. planet.
  213. ++++++++++
  214. Planet Cobalia
  215. Explore Cobalia
  216. Defeat Leviathan
  217. Explore the Spaceport
  218. Restore the Gelitonium Pumps
  219. Search Cobalia
  220. Hitch a Ride with the Smuggler
  221. Mission: Explore Cobalia
  222. You have crash landed on a remote planet called Cobalia. Emperor Tachyon may not be
  223. far behind, so look for a way to get off the planet.
  224. Move forward and kill the numerous bugs you encounter. The small ones are really no
  225. problem to deal with but the centipedes spit venom at you. They take more hits to
  226. kill with your axe but Fusion Grenades will obliterate them easily. One thing to
  227. note about this part of the level is to stay out of the water at all times. When you
  228. see a break in the road, glide over it. You will reach what seems to be a dead end.
  229. Use your high jump to get over the wall. Before you enter the tunnel, go over the
  230. wall on the side and it leads to your first pieces of raritanium. Return to the
  231. tunnel and where there is another "dead end" use the wall jump technique to reach
  232. the top. Once up top, you will need to glide to safety. Use Fusion Grenades on the
  233. centipedes for an easier job. Enter the tunnel, wall jump to the top and get the
  234. Jackpot powerup. Drop down for a boss fight.
  235. ----------
  236. Mission: Defeat Leviathan
  237. Having stumbled across Leviathan's Lair, you'll need to defeat the voracious beast
  238. or end up as a Leviathan hors d' ouevre!
  239. ---------
  240. Boss Fight: Leviathan
  241. Avoid the bursts of light from its mouth as well as its chomp attacks. All it takes
  242. is 11 Fusion Grenades to destroy Leviathan. How can you use 11 Fusion Grenades when
  243. you can only hold 8? There are Fusion Grenade ammo boxes that spawn throughout the
  244. fight.
  245. ----------
  246. Restock and head for safe ground and go towards civilization.
  247. ----------
  248. Mission: Explore the Spaceport
  249. There must be some good, upstanding citizen who's willing tp give you a ride. Exp-
  250. lore the spaceport and find transportation off this rock.
  251. Don't be so hasty to smash every crate and box. Some of them have explosives in them
  252. and can damage you when blown up. Use your Comet Strike from a distance to safely
  253. break them. There is a weapons shop during your journey. Visit it if you want to buy
  254. a new weapon. Move forward to a guy with a parrot near him.
  255. ----------
  256. Mission: Restore the Gelitonium Pumps
  257. The empire has shut down the gelatonium plant. No ship can refuel until the gelaton-
  258. ium pumps are online. Use the Gelanator to get the fuel pumps working before Tachyon
  259. army finds you.
  260. Drain the Gel inside the tank and move ahead. Fire the gel at the arrow in the next
  261. room and bounce off of it. Fire two gels at the next arro to reach the top. Then use
  262. the gel before the river and bounce n' glide over the river. Knock out the robotic
  263. bugs so they won't eat the gel you make and use three gels on the wall to make it up
  264. the wall. Kill the bugs at the top and use your boots to run up the ramp. Access the
  265. bundle and move it into place. In the next area, use one cube to get on top of the
  266. first part and two cubes for the next. Use to get to cross the river. Kill the bugs
  267. and use the switch to put the track back in place then get up there and use the
  268. switch to put the tube in place.
  269. ---------
  270. Mission: Search Cobalia
  271. You may want to look around and see what else this planet has to offer.
  272. Hitch a Ride with the Smuggler
  273. Now that the gelatonium pumps have been restored, the smuggler may be willing to
  274. make good on that ride offer.
  275. Stun the metal bugs and use the Gelanator to boost up. Drain the Gelenator to open
  276. the door and take the elevator down. You will notice a golden bolt that is out of
  277. reach at this point so ignore it and go outside. There is a Device and a Armor shop
  278. outside. Visit them first then talk to the Smuggler and get a ride.
  279. ++++++++++
  280. Planet Kortog
  281. Escape Tachyon Forces
  282. Swing through the docks
  283. Explore Stratus City
  284. Fly to the Hall of Knowledge
  285. Explore the Hall of Knowledge
  286. Guide Ratchet and Clank as they freefall to the surface. Beware of the missiles that
  287. try to lock on to you.
  288. Mission: Escape Tachyon Forces
  289. Tachyon's Army is on your trail! Fight through the occupied zone to escape.
  290. The Shock Ravager is your best friend in this level. They will destroy almost every
  291. enemy in your way except the ones in the wheels. You should have all of your Groov-
  292. itron Devices on you because you'll need them to get past the wheel guys unless you
  293. bought a Predator Launcher. It's best to know that killing these guys will give you
  294. raritanium instead of bolts. After the second wheeled enemy, there is a tunnel that
  295. leads to some Raritanium and a Confuzzler gas pod. Run back out and use the last of
  296. your Groovitron if you haven't destroyed the wheeled enemy already and go up the
  297. stairs. Kill everyone with the Shock Ravager and it should upgrade itself to level 2
  298. at this point. Ride the zipline down.
  299. ---------
  300. Mission: Swing through the docks
  301. Tachyon's forces are still hunting for you. Use your swingshot to get through the
  302. shipyard.
  303. Use the Swingshot to cross the pits then as the train passes by, use the Swingshot
  304. to hitch a ride and don't let go until you reach a safe zone to land. Use the Pred-
  305. ator Launcher on the enemies ahead. Swing across the pits, kill more airships and
  306. use the ledges to get to the top pf the wall. Kill the wheeled enemy and do the wall
  307. jump technique. The water will shock you so stay out of it. Drain the Gelanator and
  308. use the Gel where it is marked. Sing across the pit and step on all three red spots
  309. to turn them blue and form a bridge. Destroy everything with Shock Ravager. Get on
  310. the crates and glide or use the zipline to the next area. Swingshot across the gap
  311. one more time.
  312. ---------
  313. Mission: Explore Stratus City
  314. Stratus City is rumored to have many treasures hidden among its floating docks and
  315. buildings. Try using Robo-Wings to explore the city, and you may find a lot of trea-
  316. sure.
  317. ---------
  318. Mission: Fly to the Hall of Knowledge
  319. A trio of small, mysterious creatures have led Clank to fly to the Hall of Knowledge
  320. building. They modified Clank's body with a set of Robo-Wings so that he can get
  321. there.
  322. Fly through all the rings in order to reach the building
  323. ---------
  324. Mission: Explore the Hall of Knowledge
  325. The creatures that Clank saw want him to find something inside of the Hall of Know-
  326. ledge. Explore the building and evade Tachyon's defenses to discover why the crea-
  327. tures sent you here.
  328. Stay underwater to avoid the mines and come out when it is safe to do so. Move for-
  329. ward and use Predator Launcher on the wheeled enemy. Swim through the water and hit
  330. the switches one at a time to reveal a drain. Swim through the drain and watch for
  331. the mines. At the end of the trial, kill the enemies and swim to the center and
  332. activate a switch to make the sea creatures rise up and use them for leverage to
  333. reach the ledges. Enter the tunnel and hop the gap to get the raritanium then go
  334. back and drop down. Kill all the enemies here to finish the level.
  335. ++++++++++
  336. Planet Fastoon
  337. Escape the Lombax City
  338. Find the Lombax Ship Parts
  339. Search the Mine
  340. Mission: Explore the Lombax City
  341. You have landed in the ruins of what was once a Lombax city. There may be clues
  342. about what happend here on the planet's surface.
  343. Just swing across the gap and Ratchet notices how empty and quiet the place looks.
  344. He spots a broken down ship.
  345. Mission: Find the Lombax Ship Parts
  346. You have found a damaged Lombax spaceship. Search the ruined city and find the nece-
  347. ssary parts to repair the ship.
  348. Destroy the enemies and the plants that they are repeatedly spawning from. There are
  349. six parts to collect total but Ratchet can only get five of them by himself:
  350. #1: At the beginning, go up the spiral rubble and fight your way towards it. When
  351. you got it, ride the zipline over the pit.
  352. #2: Spiral staircase leads to it.
  353. #3: A cave accessible with the anti-gravity boots. The part is at the end of it.
  354. #4: Swing across the pit and enter an alcove. Once you get it, swing back to the
  355. main area.
  356. #5: Inside a base where you have to swim your way to it and other treasure.
  357. The last part requires you to send Clank into the Raritanium Mine.
  358. Mission: Search the Mine
  359. The mysterious creatures have appeared again. This time they want Clank to search an
  360. abandoned Raritanium Mine. Explore the cavers to discover more about these strange
  361. creatures and what they want from Clank.
  362. Use the follow command to have the Zoni follow to the spot to raise the door. Wait
  363. for it to reach its apex then run through it. Do the same in the next area but use
  364. the Time Slow feature to make it. Next you must turn all 3 red buttons blue. Hit the
  365. first one then Levitate across and hit the others. Use the Time Slow to avoid being
  366. crushed at all times. The Zoni will help you fight any nearby enemies by shooting
  367. balls of light at them. Use Time Slow to clear the conveyor belts when they are not
  368. on the spiked sides. Use Manipulate to repair the elevator and ride it up. Kill the
  369. enemies here and grab more zoni to perform 2 more manipulations. Use Time Slow on
  370. the conveyor belts and use Manipulation to assemble something and activate all red
  371. buttons. Enter the door and the cutscene gets you the last part. Grab all the loot
  372. and exit. Once reunited, head for the ship. The ship talks. Ask it a few questions
  373. and leave the area.
  374. ++++++++++
  375. Voron Asteroid Belt
  376. Battle the Space Pirates
  377. Mission: Battle the Space Pirates
  378. Planet Murkow lies on the other side of space pirate territory. You'll have to batt-
  379. le your way through their fighters if you want to escape with your booty intact.
  380. Follow the onscreen instructions and shoot any enemy ships you see. When you see a
  381. red ring form on an enemy ship, it is going to fire at you. Maneuver through the
  382. Asteroid Belt without hitting any mines. There are rings that repair your ship if
  383. you should take any damage. This is where you can get the "What's that, R2?" skill
  384. point by barrel rolling several times.
  385. ---------
  386. Boss Fight: Main Pirate Ship
  387. Continuously fire and use missles as you avoid the space disk which will level with
  388. you then cut across to nick you. After taking enough damage, it will send missiles
  389. at you. Fly around in a circle to avoid them but watch out for the disk as it will
  390. start to mix in with the rockets. Another attack to watch out for is the laser. Once
  391. again, fly around in a circle and keep firing and avoiding attacks. Hang in there
  392. until you beat the boss.
  393. ---------
  394. You have escaped, onward to planet Murkow.
  395. ++++++++++
  396. Planet Murkow
  397. Explore the Festival
  398. Find Qwark
  399. Win the Coliseum Battles
  400. Fight for Cash Prizes
  401. Return to Aphelion
  402. Mission: Explore the Festival
  403. Search the fairground to discover what prizes lay hidden in Tachyon's carnival of
  404. pain.
  405. Mission: Find Qwark
  406. There's a good chance that Qwark is at the Coliseum. His ego craves an audiance and
  407. the main event will be sure to have one.
  408. Take the time to upgrade or purchase your weapons. Kill all of the enemies and get
  409. your Swingshot prepared for swinging across the pit to the Challenger Entrance. A
  410. new enemy appears with an extremely damaging Electric Clapper move. Shock Ravager
  411. won't work on it so use the Predator Launcher. Use the wall jump in the green area
  412. and at the top, step on the yellow button. Be prepared to destroy the Electrical
  413. Clappers as you wait for the door to open and then you can activate the Jump Pad.
  414. Kill another Electrical Clapper and go around the loop collecting treasures but
  415. as a precaution, touch the explosive block and back off to get the treasure safely.
  416. Once you are ready to proceed, ride the zipline. Nothing much to say here except you
  417. now have to run through a gaunlet of enemies and flamethrowers until you reach the
  418. entrance to the Rogar Tournament.
  419. Mission: Win the Coliseum Battles
  420. The only way to find out what Qwark is up to is to win the Coliseum battles and re-
  421. ceive the prize from the emcee himself.
  422. There are three rounds to survive. All you got to do is run around and let the Pred-
  423. ator Launcher do all the work for you. When you face Crushto, follow the same strat-
  424. egy but don't get sucked into its mouth or blown in the lava. The Shard Reaper does
  425. good damage too but is too risky to use up close. You win the Helipods as the prize.
  426. Mission: Fight for Cash Prizes
  427. The imperial festival offers bolts to their prizes for winning battles. It's a good
  428. opportunity to earn bolts and raise your nanotech and weapon levels.
  429. Mission: Return to Aphelion
  430. Qwark has given you an encoded message. You should be able to play the messages on
  431. the holoscreen of your ship, the Aphelion.
  432. You can stay and fight if you want to. Once you are done, use the Helipod on the
  433. loops to raise the doors. Use the pod to return to the ship. You can always come
  434. back to the arena via the boat.
  435. ++++++++++
  436. Nundac Asteroid Ring
  437. Get to the Space Station
  438. Sell your souls
  439. Make a Trade with the Smuggler
  440. Navigate the Gravity Cube
  441. Search the Station
  442. Mission: Get to the Space Station
  443. Qwark's message suggests that the Lombax Secret might be on the remote space station
  444. The Station is heavily defended and you will need special access codes just to reach
  445. it.
  446. Walk forward to meet up with the smuggler.
  447. Mission: Sell your Souls
  448. The Smuggler is offering cash for Leviathan Souls. The Nundac Asteroid Ring is inha-
  449. bited by many large and lucrative Leviathans. This is a good opportunity to earn
  450. bolts and raritanium. as well as a valuable experience.
  451. Mission: Make a Trade with the Smuggler
  452. The Smuggler has offered acces to the space station for a price. Give him enough Le-
  453. viathan souls and he'll give you the access codes to the station's maitenence shut-
  454. tle.
  455. Gather the rartitanium. Fight the Leviathan the same way you fout the one on Planet
  456. Cobalia but be careful not to fall. The Predator Launcher is a suggested weapon to
  457. use. No need for much strategies for a while. However, there is a golden bolt that's
  458. located after transporting to Teleporter Beta. Use the Swingshot to reach it. You
  459. need 3 Leviathan Souls but you can get more if you want. When you are ready, speak
  460. to the Smuggler and trade the souls for codes.
  461. Mission: Navigate the Gravity Cube
  462. The space station is powered by a giant gravity cube. Traverse the maintenence grid
  463. surrounding the gravity cube and look for a way inside the station.
  464. Take the Suttle to the station, ride the transporters but don't touch the bars. Do
  465. no land on the generator or it is instant death. You pretty much can do this next
  466. area with no more help from us. Just note that the blue platforms disappear when you
  467. stand on them so jump off immediately. Once you reach the end of the area, ride the
  468. elevator.
  469. Mission: Search the Station
  470. The Lombax Secret may be somewhere on this space station. But the station's owners
  471. are using every trick in their arsenal to stop you from reaching it.
  472. Kill everyone you see then when you reach a gear, twist it to reveal an underwater
  473. aqueduct. There us a raritanium chest in the water. Get it then go for dry land as
  474. you avoid the mines. Fight your way up the stairs and avoid the moving lasers. When
  475. you are near the end, kill everything on the screen to deactivate the laser grids.
  476. Climb up to get the Geo Laser. Follow where the Geo Laser points then use the
  477. SIXAXIS to heat up the weak wall points. The defenders are 2 weak robots and a lady.
  478. Stick around for co-ordinates to Ardolis and transport back to your ship and blast
  479. off.
  480. Planet Ardolis
  481. Infiltrate the Pirate Hideout
  482. Find the Treasure Room
  483. Catch up to Talwyn
  484. Mission: Infiltrate the Pirate Hideout
  485. Fight your way into the Captain Slag's hideout. The stolen Lombax artifact may be
  486. hidden with the rest of the pirates' pilfered loot.
  487. There is an optional area, early in the level to gain lots of bolts and raritanium.
  488. You just have to utilize your Helipods. Kill the first 2 pirates then take the left
  489. road. You should know what to do here but just in case you get stuck, we'll say that
  490. there is a spot facing away from you that has helipod targets that give you a ride
  491. across the river once you are inside. Kill the air piranhas and once you are done
  492. with this area, you'll end up back at the beginning of the level. Now take the other
  493. route and use the Geo Laser to enter the cave. The Ravager is the weapon of choice
  494. against the piranhas since you get lots of raritanium. Kill the pirates and use the
  495. Geo Laser to drop a Stalactite and use it for lever to get to the other side. The
  496. water is safe to stand on in case you were wondering. Use the Geo Laser again to
  497. open the treasure room.
  498. Mission: Find the Treasure Room
  499. You are deep inside the pirate territory and Captain Slag's crew are hot on your
  500. trail. Look for Slag's treasure room and retrieve the Lombax artifact.
  501. Shock everyone with the Ravager except the electric enemies. Use Predator Launcher
  502. on them instead. After everyone is dead, ride the zipline to the treasure room.
  503. Mission: Catch up to Talwyn
  504. Talwyn's explosive diversion may have saved your life, but now she has disappeared
  505. with the artifact. You have to find her or you will lose the only clue leading to
  506. the Lombax Secret.
  507. Swingshot across the pit and fight your way on to the deck of the airship. Defeat
  508. everyone that comes out. At the end of the ride, destroy Captain Slag with the
  509. Lightning Ravager and the hit and run technique. Exit and then enter your ship to go
  510. to Ryker V.
  511. Credits
  512. God - creator of all
  513. Insomniac - making the game and manual information
  514. IGN - for hosting this FAQ and provifding the opportunity to work on this game.
  515. You - For reading

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