

DATE: April 11, 2013, 6:45 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 969

  1. nyx: Markets could be left open and lawless in a recognized body of trust could be formed which new investors could turn to for sound investment advice. New investors could be referred to that group of trusted individuals in order to have their questions answered.
  2. purees: how can i cancel my order?
  3. elvisrene: hey soccer dude sorry for u
  4. laffenlarry: you can't
  5. needmoreltc: tedros, just buy some at ebay
  6. snuffy: Profile -> Order History
  7. gotanproject: sw00pster, im not clicking any links..and I would advise anyone to not click on any links in the chatbox.
  8. slickleg64: 3000ltc sell wall at 0.025, if you want a big drop, you know what to do :D
  9. system: tedros was banned for 1d by Jay1337
  10. dekdek: I need aproxi 50-60 LTC vs Pokerstars , paypal , CAD gift card pm me plz
  11. bittett: I haven't told my GF I'm trading this stuff... probably better to keep her out of it haha
  12. bitracer: luv the banhammer
  13. Tworker: Tworker's fantasy dream situation: The peopel realize BTC is owned by the chinese now with their ASIC miners, and every1 switches to LTC, flip flopping their current values
  14. i3lome: ozcoin is broke, any ltc pool ub beside cointron
  15. 4chall: (spain) at 190 btc / usd
  16. merlin69: man they have to work on the time it takes to trade this is crazy
  17. falken: Then, I think LTC will go boom.. Or at least mini-boom.
  19. gotanproject: i3lome, notroll
  20. Rob2285: pool-x.eu i3lome
  21. rmei123: sold .5 btc at 210 usd
  22. enigmaticmindx: here we go... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my6bfA14vMQ
  23. goodspeedprice: xtreamerpt, i am using preset settings for 7950 from my GUIminer.
  24. lajz99: this is fun guys, thanks for giving me something to do during my evenings
  25. 0num1pker0: dekdek where u from in canada
  26. PickleRoll: damn it stop raising so I can get my damn buy orders in, everytime I go to put huge order in price raises wtf
  27. yowimbuying: they're just lagging their servers to increase volume
  28. Schlurch: jammatron, byebye
  29. soccerdude: the trollbox is my new hobby
  30. Facepalm41: Guy who predicted 3.75 buy wall: You are pretty accurate. Good job
  31. dekdek: montreal
  32. Jay1337: No all caps or spamming9 Please read the rules9 Thank you -- https://btc-e.com/page/1 11
  33. TERA: PickleRoll its called chasing
  34. i3lome: thank you
  35. falken: bittett: Best to tell her you are "busy getting shit done" and that she should "be a doll and get you a cup of coffee." ;)
  36. elvisrene: viva la troll box
  37. mcbowler: its the 190 buy wall.
  38. Aambro: gox rising
  39. nyx: I meant to type: Markets could be left open and lawless IF a recognized body of trust could be formed which new investors could turn to for sound investment advice. New investors could be referred to that group of trusted individuals in order to have their questions answered.
  40. sycorex: Still after 11h+ no reponse from support and my BTC withdrawl still not on blockexplorer...
  41. indacoin: Wow people buy LTC on ebay
  42. snuffy: Tworker - I for one welcome our chikun overlords
  43. needmoreltc: warning!!! red alert!!! Mt. GOx is lagomgggggg
  44. bittett: FALKEN: DOING IT RIGHT!
  45. joesaiditstrue: Jay1337, is there any other methods of accessing this chat? like mIRC or something more "full screen"
  46. mrpotter28: someone is daring people to sell into a 10BTC TRC wall
  47. falken: bittett: :D
  48. Elitch: i can has typing now?
  49. PickleRoll: well my god ive tried to purchase 10,000 ltc like 5 times now and the damn price goes up before I can get the order in
  50. system: bittett was banned for 120m by serraz
  51. slickleg64: 3000ltc sell wall at 0.025, if you want a big drop, you know what to do 29
  52. panonym: Let's keep it simple. Now I lost money, probably like many of you. I'm going to forget my BTC, LTC, NMC for the next 6 month, and see what it worth. Like this, no thinking, no stress, no care.
  53. eastendit: Craigslist is also a great place to by BTC/LTC
  54. elvisrene: reggeton + corona = money and troll box hahahaha
  55. oMikeo: gox is lagging cause people are buying 2000BTC at a time, I saw a few huge lots go through
  56. romanornr: jeay btc is coming back up
  57. svutau: okay guys heres the plan
  58. mrpotter28: TRC coming up soon
  59. gotanproject: sw00pster, look at top of page. They did 3 million in exchanges today. Please NO ONE click his links.
  60. Aambro: gox 189
  61. rmei123: gox 200
  62. Faaz: ,,
  63. eastendit: Tax free...
  64. sw00pster: gotanproject, my links go to blockexplorer and imgur?
  65. svutau: nuke the bitcoins then give me all the litecoins, ????, profit.
  66. i3lome: what port for pool-x.eu/
  67. fizdoc: gox 160
  68. rmei123: gox 900
  69. joesaiditstrue: 8337
  70. sycorex: sw00pster what did support say then?
  71. astalavister: sw00pster, you can only use that address to make depo, later, btce can use your money as it needed. but you must see transfered funds on your btce account after confirmed by net
  72. inertia: I guess Mr. F turned on his pump.
  73. aupn91: port 8000
  74. sl48823: gox will be at all aforementioned prices sometime in future
  75. gotanproject: sw00pster, only an idiot would click a link in here. Some people have thousands in LTC/BTC and a link could exploit their windows machines thus costing me lots of money. Therefore, I do apologize for not sounding more concerned.
  76. falken: btc-e teases me by having a link saying "Add Funds PayPal" ... Yet I'm busting my ass to have a guy from the Ukraine to fondle my USD. (Albeit, a nice guy... I just haven't been taken out to dinner yet.)
  77. sw00pster: sycorex, Support did not respond to me
  78. Nightman: Ahhhh, watchin my earnings go up while sippin some wine n packin a bowl... Don't get better than that :D
  79. Up_Dog: What is the best option for withdrawing usd from here
  80. Courchevel: *yawn* another day at the office, another 217k in the account 11
  81. xtreamerpt: glad the last hours panic just stopped, out i go to buy more hardware 29
  82. aureliopuente: Up_Dog, donating to me
  83. rmei123: https://mtgox.com/press_release_20130411.html gox is back and stronger than ever
  84. bigbullballs: Courchevel, bastard!
  85. sycorex: sw00pster, they havent responded to me neither YET after 11h
  86. detonator: NVC dead
  87. Nightman: Up_Dog, LR

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