1.NEVER RUSH IN LIFE:-Don't rush in doing things all because others are doing or have done it, what is yours will always be yours and what is not yours will never be yours.
2. DON'T COPY OTHERS:- Copying others ways of life may defile you as you don't know what their journey is all about, our goals are always different, we may be running in the same lane though.
3. BE CONTENTED:- your life will be simple and peaceful if you are contented, Everybody want to be better everyday but, you'll encounter a lot of people that are better than you, Never envy or start running after them. Just be happy with what you've got.
4. PERSEVERANCE:- When things are difficult, don't relent or give up, keep the pot boiling. It may be rancid but, your ability to continue going when things are hard may determine your elevation sometimes.
5. Even if you've got nothing or little, just be happy for other's success, don't bad mouth people because they are flourishing than you. "Never fight a man under grace because, the grace he carries may disgrace you". God will eventually bless you to.