
SUBMITTED BY: festuskid

DATE: Nov. 6, 2016, 6:23 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 153

  1. ’re just looking to trade the cycle, gold has everything going for it right now.
  2. But if you are betting on total collapse and a return to the gold standard, I can’t exactly say I’m with you. Sure, gold would be a good thing to own during financial Armageddon, but only in physical form, and only if it’s well protected. If you really think the apocalypse is coming, you might as well just stock up on guns, ammo, and MREs instead.
  3. And that’s the thing about gold that caps its upside... its point of highest value is only when the world falls into chaos. It’s a bet based on pessimism. It’s a form of insurance or a trading vehicle at best. Frankly, I’d rather just set up my bug-out bag and be done with it.
  4. The fact of the matter is if you were to ask any of the world’s richest people how they made their fortunes, not a single one will tell you they did it with gold. Most of them probably own gold in some form as a hedge, but none of them have leveraged it to reach such enormous levels of wealth.

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