a thing that happened


DATE: April 30, 2013, 9:25 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 3.3 kB

HITS: 1019

  1. phoenixgodpony: hi there
  2. Me: "Hello to you, as well." Silver said, sliding her glasses up her nose with one of her manicured hooves.
  3. phoenixgodpony: -he bows like a gentleman- I'm Phoenix
  4. phoenixgodpony: Blaze Burne*
  5. Me: Silver nods her elegantly curved muzzle and extends one of her silvery hooves to this new pony. "Silver Spoon. Nice to meet you, I'm sure."
  6. phoenixgodpony: -he shakes is gently as to not damage the high class pony's hooficure-
  7. Me: "May I help you?" Silver asked, gingerly replacing her hoof on the ground.
  8. phoenixgodpony: I just came to meet you
  9. phoenixgodpony: I'm actually one of the new students in the school
  10. Me: "Charmed, I'm sure." Silver said, leaning her head to one side to get a better look at this new pony's side. Just as she suspected- no cutie mark. She straightens up her slender frame and takes her time in sliding her glasses up her silky muzzle. "...Blank flank."
  11. phoenixgodpony: I am not too bothered by it
  12. Me: Silver sighed, struggling not to roll her perfectly purple eyes back into her head. "I'm sure it doesn
  13. Me: doesn't, blank flank."
  14. phoenixgodpony: I don't mind you calling me blank flank since I am one
  15. Me: "Congratulations." Silver said. She raised one of her hooves to the chain of pearls wrapped around her slender neck, idly shuffling them around.
  16. phoenixgodpony: -he takes a seat in a chair and pulls out a book-
  17. Me: Silver's manicured hooves begin to beat against the ground, her slender body beginning to move on. "Did you need something?" She asked.
  18. phoenixgodpony: Remember that I just want to get to know you
  19. phoenixgodpony: You are my classmate after all
  20. phoenixgodpony: The better I know my classmates
  21. phoenixgodpony: The better off I am in class
  22. phoenixgodpony: Silver Spoon?
  23. Me: ((Sorry, had to pee))
  24. phoenixgodpony: Silver?
  25. Me: "Have fun with that, blank flank." Silver said, her manicured hooves refusing to stop. "I guess I'll see you."
  26. phoenixgodpony: Silver?
  27. phoenixgodpony: Do you have any dreams in life?
  28. Me: Silver stopped on one of her hooves and elegantly twirls around to face this annoying new pony. "That's kind of a weird question, blank flank." She said.
  29. phoenixgodpony: I'm just curious
  30. phoenixgodpony: I mean everypony has their own dream right?
  31. phoenixgodpony: Though you would think my dream is stupid
  32. Me: "I suppose so." Silver shrugged. "I guess I'll be happy with a nice inheritance when my dad dies." She sighed and turned around on her hoof again, continuing on her way home.
  33. phoenixgodpony: I want to be nurse redheart's assistant one day
  34. phoenixgodpony: and I'll do that by becoming a member of the Equestria Medical Corps
  35. Me: Silver didn't stop- she didn't even slow down. "Good luck, I suppose." She said, her hooves beating against the ground faster and faster. She was pretty sure the maid was going through her things again, and she was determined to catch her in the act.
  36. phoenixgodpony: -he sits down and pulls out a foals guide to medicine-
  37. Me: She continues on her way home, her hooves digging into the dirt with each and every step. An unpleasant feeling, but one Silver was used to. "Have fun with that." She said, continuing her trip home.

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