4th of July anti-NSA protest info - VIVA LA REVOLUCION!


DATE: July 4, 2013, 1:38 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.4 kB

HITS: 1165

  1. A bunch of websites are protesting the NSA today because of the big NSA PRISM debacle thing.
  2. For those of you not in the know, tl;dr a contractor for the NSA named Edward Snowden blew the whistle on this huge spying program called PRISM they've been doing that tracks everybody's phone and internet traffic. The internet's been going nuts over this.
  3. Get info about the NSA PRISM program here:
  4. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/the-nsa-files
  5. If you wanna participate in the protests, here's how to get involved:
  6. Petitions you can sign:
  7. https://cms.fightforthefuture.org/july-4th-celebrate-4th-amendment-post-it-everywhere/
  8. https://optin.stopwatching.us/
  9. You can get codes to put on your website too:
  10. http://members.internetdefenseleague.org/
  11. http://heynsa.tumblr.com/
  12. Take to the streets, find a picket going on near you:
  13. http://www.restorethefourth.net/
  14. Call and harass a congressman near you:
  15. 1-STOP-323-NSA
  16. Thunderclap's protest is only going on until Noon today:
  17. https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/2594-july-4th-protest-nsa-spying
  18. Also protesters are trying to get an anti-NSA commercial on TV, here's the donation info:
  19. Commercial itself: http://www.youtube.com/embed/X5iz66dwrms
  20. Donation goodness: https://donate.fightforthefuture.org/
  21. Fight the power this 4th of July! VIVA LA REVOLUCION!

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