Ncert solutions for class 9 english the snake and the mirror


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  1. Ncert solutions for class 9 english the snake and the mirror
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  3. Say which of them tell you, that the author: a was afraid of the snake, b was proud of his appearance, c had a sense of humour, d was no longer afraid of the snake. It is strongly recommended that students prepare the answer based on their own experience and understanding. He was so scared because of the lurking danger and he had an opinion about himself was that a poor, foolish, and stupid doctor.
  4. I knew a man was following me, I was scared out of my wits. Say which of them tell you, that the author: a was afraid of the snake, b was proud of his appearance, c had a sense of humour, d was no longer afraid of the snake.
  5. This was the most humorous sequence of events depicted in the story. He looked at himself for a long time and wondered why the female monkey he had recently approached rejected him. Pran asked me if I had finished reading the newspaper. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw the bull coming towards him. He wanted to marry a woman doctor who had plenty of money and a good medical practice because he did not have any of those. I looked into the mirror and smiled.
  6. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 5 The Snake and the Mirror - Is it a harmful snake?
  7. What did he think it was. How many times did he hear it. Find the places in the text. When and why did the sounds stop. The doctor heard a familiar sound caused by the movement of something on the beam. He thought Image of Snake in Mirror Image of Snake In Mirror Q. First important decision was to look more handsome by shaving daily and growing a thin moustache. The second earth-shaking decision was to keep his attractive smile again to look more handsome. A little later he says, forgot my danger and smiled feebly at myself. In what way do his thoughts change in between, and why. On the first smile in front of the mirror, doctor was appreciating his attractive smile. Then he decided to keep that smile to look more handsome. His thought that he was a bachelor and a doctor. Later, when smiling feebly at himself, he found that he no medicines in his room. At that moment, he thought himself as a poor, foolish, and stupid doctor. Lurking danger from the snake sitting on his shoulder, which fell in the interim, changed his thoughts. Earlier, he thought that the noise was created by rats. Question 2: This story about a frightening incident is narrated in a humorous way. Think of the contrasts it presents between dreams and reality. Some of them are listed below. The story depicts the contrast between dreams and reality in an amusing manner. His earnings were therefore meagre. In contrast he had big dreams and ambitions. Humor arises from the situation in which he made this decision. However, he ended ncert solutions for class 9 english the snake and the mirror marrying a thin and slender person who could run like a sprinter. This contrast between the kind of wife he wanted and the kind of wife he ends up marrying adds to the humour of the story. Image of a Sprinter Runner Sprinter running very fast Q. He appreciated his good looks when he was looking at the mirror. He appreciated of beauty and wasted to look handsome. He decided to shave daily, grow a thin moustache, and keep smiling. Later when the snake was coiled around his arm, he turned into a stone. If the snake bit him, he did not have any medicines. In that instant he realized that, he was a poor, foolish, a stupid doctor. This was the most humorous sequence of events depicted in the story. Question 3: Here are some sentences from the text. Say which of them tell you, that the author : a was afraid of the snake, b was proud of his appearance, c had a sense of humour, d was no longer afraid of the snake. I was turned to stone. Was afraid of the snake Q. I was no mere image cut in granite. Had a sense of humour Q. The arm was beginning to be drained of strength. Was afraid of the snake Q. Was afraid of the snake Q. Was no longer afraid of the snake Q. I looked into the mirror and smiled. It was an attractive smile. Was proud of his appearance Q. I was suddenly a man of flesh and blood. Was no longer afraid of the snake Q. I was after all a bachelor, and a doctor too on top of it. Was proud of his appearance Q. The fellow had such a sense of cleanliness…. The rascal could have taken the vest used it after washing it with soap and water. Had a sense of humour Q. Was it trying to make an important decision about growing a moustache or using eye shadow and mascara or wearing a vermilion spot on its forehead. Had a sense of humor.

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