Earn bitcoins - Essential links


DATE: March 5, 2013, 10:14 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 6.2 kB

HITS: 1260

  1. The bitcoin currency is becoming more and more popular and it's value increases almost every day.
  2. You'll make a good decision when you invest in this. The bitcoin market is also growing, you can now
  3. purchase various goodies for this digital money.
  4. As the economy is collapsing and fiat money is loosing value each day, this baby goes the opposite direction.
  5. To the SKY!
  6. The following list gives you all the links you need in order to get you going.
  7. Separated into categories for further reference and easier reading.
  8. -----------
  9. BitCoin wallets and information about the bitcoin currency.
  10. -----------
  11. WEUSECOINS - http://cur.lv/gi9h
  12. The best page to get started. Includes a brief explanation on what bitcoin is
  13. and offers free client-side programs to get you going.
  14. Bitcoin WIKI - http://cur.lv/gicr
  15. Wikipedia page for bitcoin and what it is.
  16. Bitcoin P2P digital currency - http://bitcoin.org/
  17. The official project page.
  18. BitCoin Wallet (online) - http://cur.lv/giaa
  19. Here you can secure your bitcoin wallet online.
  20. How to use Bitcoin - http://cur.lv/gice
  21. Quick how-to with images.
  22. Easy Wallet - http://cur.lv/gico
  23. Another online wallet.
  24. Armory - http://cur.lv/gicz
  25. Online bitcoin wallet. Offers strong security for bitcoin management.
  26. MultiBit - http://cur.lv/gid1
  27. Local bitcoin wallet. Pumped up with features and security enhancements.
  28. BitcoinTalk - http://cur.lv/gimh
  29. A Forum community that is based around bitcoin. If you have questions regarding bitcoin no one seems to have the answer to
  30. this is a good place to start.
  31. -----------------------
  32. Sites to earn bitcoin
  33. -----------------------
  34. Earn Free Bitcoins - http://cur.lv/giab
  35. Browse web pages and earn bitcoin for visiting them for a certain ammout of time.
  36. Bitvisitor - http://cur.lv/gicq
  37. Another 'visit and get paid' service. Requires you to stay on a page for some time.
  38. CoinURL - http://bit.ly/XKEw8X
  39. Shorten urls and earn bitcoins from clicks.
  40. CoinWorker - http://cur.lv/gicd
  41. Complete small analytical tasks that can be performed from your browser.
  42. After you earn 180 points, you can convert them to bitcoin and send them to your bitcoin address.
  43. CoinTube - http://cur.lv/gid5
  44. Watch videos on the web and get paid. Hourly payouts.
  45. ChromaticCreative - http://cur.lv/gir6
  46. Browse pages and answer questions about them. Earn some small ammounts of btc. Includes a referal program.
  47. -------------------
  48. Bitcoins Free For All
  49. -------------------
  50. Daily Bitcoin - http://cur.lv/gijw
  51. Site for getting bitcoin 100% free. The ammounts are small and the rewards are
  52. generated once per hour per visitor.
  53. Bitcoiner - http://cur.lv/gijz
  54. Again, free bitcoins at random. 24 hour wait.
  55. Bunny Run - http://cur.lv/gipv
  56. You throw your guess on the fastes bunny, and earn the reward associated with your rank.
  57. Coinreaper - http://cur.lv/gipx
  58. Browses you through 'free bitcoin' pages. You enter you address and do whatever the site wants you to do
  59. and earn the free coins.
  60. Bitcoin Dispenser - http://cur.lv/giqm
  61. A free to enter lottery. If you win you get bitcoin. If not, you do not lose anything.
  62. Bitcrate - http://cur.lv/giqt
  63. Break a crate and get free bitcoins. Another free for all.
  64. --------------------
  65. Surveys for bitcoin
  66. --------------------
  67. Earn The Bitcoin - http://cur.lv/gi9e
  68. Fill out surveys and get paid bitcoin. Some surveys are only country specific.
  69. iWantFreeBitcoins - http://cur.lv/gi9f
  70. Another site where you fill out surveys and get paid
  71. Earn Free Bitcoins - http://cur.lv/gicv
  72. Another survey page.
  73. BTC 4 Free - http://cur.lv/gid2
  74. Yet another survey page. Register, fill out a survey, earn bitcoin.
  75. ---------------
  76. Bitcoin mining
  77. ---------------
  78. A quick guide on how to mine bitcoin (youtube) - http://cur.lv/gicw
  79. Bitcoin miners quick guide - http://cur.lv/gid6
  80. A short guide on mining.
  81. CGMiner (software) - http://cur.lv/gipu
  82. Open Source and free bitcoin mining software. Can be used to connect to mining pools as well.
  83. Bitcoin mining - http://cur.lv/gijc
  84. An extensive article on bitcoin mining. (Wiki)
  85. BitcoinPlus - http://cur.lv/gije
  86. Web java application to let your computer (CPU or GPU) mine some additional coins.
  87. Good for starters or adding some small coins to your wallet, not great for full-time mining dedication.
  88. Bitcoin mining calculator - http://cur.lv/gicx
  89. Calculate your expected earnings.
  90. Deepbit - http://cur.lv/gicy
  91. A mining pool to join forces with other miners and share earnings.
  92. Eclipse Mining Consortium - http://cur.lv/ginf
  93. Another mining pool. Along with a brief list of GPU miner programs.
  94. --------------
  95. Bitcoin Trade
  96. --------------
  97. Bitcoin Central - http://cur.lv/gin2
  98. The #1 place to exchange bitcoin for real currencies and vice versa.
  99. Includes statistics and up-to-date exchange rates.
  100. Coinabul - http://cur.lv/gimq
  101. Buy silver or gold with bitcoin
  102. What would you do for bitcoin? - http://cur.lv/ginc
  103. Well? It is a page where you offer anything you know in return for bitcoin.
  104. BitMit - http://cur.lv/gitv
  105. Bitcoin eBay alternative.
  106. -----------
  107. Hazard
  108. -----------
  109. Royal Bitcoin - http://cur.lv/giac
  110. Dice game. You place your bet against certain odds of your chosing and
  111. then get bitcoin if you won.
  112. Bitcoin addict - http://cur.lv/gimj
  113. Another bet and win website.
  114. BetWithBTC - http://cur.lv/giq1
  115. Play the usual casino games only with BTC.
  116. AnoniBet - http://cur.lv/giq8
  117. Sport betting website. Covers a lot of sports, 100% anonymous.
  118. Bitcoin Kamikaze - http://cur.lv/gira
  119. Place a bet, play a game and win bitcoin. Rules are explained on the page.
  120. Dragons Tale - http://cur.lv/girc
  121. Role play based casino based entirely on bitcoin.
  122. ---------------------------------------------------
  123. March 5th 2013 - All links working.
  124. Please share this paste if you find it useful.

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