Watch Planes Movie Online Free 2013


DATE: Aug. 14, 2013, 7:17 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 2.3 kB

HITS: 2299

  1. Someone has rightly said, what you can conceive in your mind, you can achieve in your life. The upcoming movie proves this ancient secret in a very beautiful and awe inspiring story of a small plane called Dusty. Interesting, isn’t it? Well, the movie is even more interesting, if you actually watch Planes movie online for free and see for yourself.
  3. With Jeffrey M. Howard as the writer of this beautiful script, the movie is directed by Klay Hall. As for the star cast of this movie, the voices for all the main characters in this movie are given by the famous and talented actors such as Val Kilmer, Teri Hatcher, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus. So to enjoy all your favorite stars as voice over artists in this interesting animation film, download Planes movie online and watch it to your hearts content, whenever and whereever you want.
  4. The plot of this movie tells the story of a small Plane caled Dusty. Now Dusty has a big dream or ambition in life. He wants to participate in the most difficult and most prestigious aerial race of the times. Now you must be wondering, whats stopping him, if he is plane, he can easily go and participate. No doubts, Dusty is a plane who can fly and so easily take part in an aerial race.
  5. However, as you watch Planes movie online for free, you will see that things are not as easy as they seem. Despite being a plane and that too a plane with a high ambition, Dusty suffers from the fear of hieights. But when you truly desires something from all your heart, the whole universe conspires in your favour.
  6. Dusty finds a great mentor in Skipper who not only train him how to fly higher but also help him get rid of fear of heights and flying high. He is also helped in his ambition by all his friends and well wishers who strengthen his self belief and possibility of his dream coming true.
  7. So finally, it is great fun to watch Planes movie online with Dusty realising the most important dream of his life. Belonging to the genre of Action, Adventure, Animation and Comedy, the movie is going to be released on August 9, 2013. The movie rights are controlled and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures.

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