
SUBMITTED BY: pinnacleseth

DATE: Sept. 17, 2017, 12:39 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 925 Bytes

HITS: 427

  1. Loosing a sibling especially at his prime is terrible. In short loosing a dearest somebody puts one's mind in a f**k*d up state.
  2. Kidney disease, mostly arising from High Blood Pressure that is not controlled. HBP is called the silent killer bc ee no dey pain for body like that. Mild to mid-severe headaches here & there, but putting tremendous pressure on the kidneys. Africans, especially the men are the most affected but will not agree.
  3. Go for routine checks, mbanu. Ok if it is already diagnosed, take your meds as prescribed, wusai. If this thing doesn't mess up the kidneys , might take the other route, to stroke your brain out. Boom, hemi-paresis, left or left side.
  4. People, let's check on each other, encourage our loved ones to follow the medical route, and pray, even if we or they think it's of a spiritual origin.
  5. DiabĂȘtes too affect the kidneys after a long while, in fact it will affect most body systems.

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