CS602 mid exam paper Mcq's

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  1. CS602 MCQ,s for midterm paper with reference solved by gamernass yt
  2. CS602 MCQ,s for mid term Page 1
  3. Question#1
  4. Rotating a point requires
  5.  The coordinates for the point
  6.  The rotation angles
  7.  Both of above Page No 175
  8.  None of above
  9. Question#2
  10. In Trimetric the direction of projection makes unequal angle with the three principal axes
  11.  True Page No 192
  12.  False
  13. Question#3
  14. We can draw the circle
  15.  Pentane
  16.  Hexanes
  17.  Trident
  18.  Octants Page No 61
  19. Question#4
  20. __________transformation produces shape distortions as if objects were composed of layers that
  21. are caused to slide over each other.
  22.  Rotation
  23.  Translation
  24.  Reflection
  25.  Shear Page No 124
  26. Question#5
  27. __________ is the process of describing an object or scene so that we can construct an image of
  28. it
  29.  Rendering
  30.  Modeling Page No 159
  31.  Meshing
  32.  None of above
  33. CS602 MCQ,s for midterm paper with reference solved by gamernass yt
  34. CS602 MCQ,s for mid term Page 2
  35. Question#6
  36. Boundary Filling Algorithm can work for complex polygons.
  37.  True
  38.  False (Not Sure)
  39. Question#7
  40. Concave polygons are superset of________ polygons, having fewer restrictions than ______
  41. polygons.
  42.  Hybrid, Complex
  43.  Concave, Complex
  44.  Convex, Convex Page No. 79
  45.  Complex, Complex
  46. Question#8
  47. Incomplete
  48. Question#9
  49. A unit vector has zero magnitude.
  50.  True
  51.  False Page No.169
  52. Question#10
  53. Each hyperbola consists of two ___________.
  54.  Vertices
  55.  Nodes
  56.  Branches Page No. 70
  57.  Points
  58. CS602 MCQ,s for midterm paper with reference solved by gamernass yt
  59. CS602 MCQ,s for mid term Page 3
  60. Question#1
  61. Parity is a concept used to determine which _________________ lie within a polygon.
  62.  Edge
  63.  Vertices
  64.  Pixels Page No.80
  65.  Points
  66. Question#2
  67. Various curve functions are useful in ________________________.
  68.  Object modeling
  69.  Graphics applications
  70.  Animation path specifications
  71.  All of the given Page No.69
  72. Question#3
  73. Polygons are basically concave polygons that may have self-intersecting edges
  74.  Complex Page No.79
  75.  Hybrid
  76.  Convex
  77.  Convex and Hybrid
  78. Question#4
  79. Concave polygons are a superset of ________ polygons, having fewer restrictions than _____
  80. polygons.
  81.  Hybrid, Complex
  82.  Concave, Complex
  83.  Convex, Convex Page No.79
  84.  Complex, Complex
  85. Question#5
  86. There are _________ basic types of polygon.
  87.  2
  88.  3 Page No.81
  89.  4
  90.  5
  91. Question#5
  92. Both Boundary Filling and Flood filling algorithms are _____________ as compared to scan
  93. CS602 MCQ,s for midterm paper with reference solved by gamernass yt
  94. CS602 MCQ,s for mid term Page 4
  95. line filling algorithm.
  96.  Better (not sure)
  97.  Worse
  98.  Almost same
  99.  Good
  100. Question#5
  101. We can draw eight points corresponding to each (x , y) point calculation in _________ drawing
  102. algorithm.
  103.  Sutherland
  104.  Mid Clipping
  105.  Midpoint Circle Page No.61
  106.  Sutherland Clipping
  107. Question#6
  108. The horizontal refresh ------------------------------
  109.  Is no longer used in any system
  110.  Is distracting and can cause eye fatigue
  111.  Eye into thinking the horizontal refresh rate is faster
  112. Question#7
  113. Computer graphics is very helpful in producing graphical representations for scientific
  114. visualization.
  115.  True Page No.9
  116.  False
  117. Question#8
  118. In video text memory, ______ are used to display a character.
  119.  2 bytes Pages No.43
  120.  4 bytes
  121.  8 bytes
  122.  16 bytes
  123. CS602 MCQ,s for midterm paper with reference solved by gamernass yt
  124. CS602 MCQ,s for mid term Page 5
  125. Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 05:54:29 AM )
  126. Twice the radius of circle is called as ____________________.
  127. 1. Area
  128. 2. Diameter Page No.59
  129. 3. 2*Pi Radian
  130. 4. Circumference
  131. Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 05:56:14 AM )
  132. Both Boundary Filling and Flood filling algorithms are non-recursive techniques.
  133. 1. True
  134. 2. False
  135. Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 05:58:54 AM )
  136. We can take transpose of any matrix.
  137.  True
  138.  False
  139. Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 06:01:03 AM )
  140. _________________ is the set of points that are equidistant from its origin.
  141. 1. Line
  142. 2. Parabola
  143. 3. Circle
  144. 4. Ellipse

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