BustaBank Money Making v1.4 - Extreme Package

SUBMITTED BY: unbanmodz

DATE: July 3, 2016, 4:35 p.m.

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  1. BustaBank Money Making v1.4 – Extreme Package
  2. Written by: Deuces
  4. A letter to the owner of this book:
  5. Firstly, before we begin I would like to sincerely thank you for purchasing this book. I know how frustrating it is to buy an e-book that makes no sense or is jammed with low quality content so I want to make it my job to guide you and help you earn money through some very clever bustabit methods. We will be going over 2 methods which will help you reach you make an enormous amount of profit. This method has personally made me bitcoins on bitcoins and if you follow this book right it will do the exact same for you too. Remember to gamble safe, these methods are not fool proof... they only drastically increase your chances of profiting.
  6. Goodluck,
  7. Deuces
  8. Contact Us
  9. With the purchase of the extreme package comes unlimited skype support. If you need any help or have any questions all feel free to add my skype and I will get to you as soon as I can.
  10. Skype: kapsieart
  11. With your extreme package also comes a mentoring service. Please add my skype as soon as possible so I can guide you through the e-book and play alongside you until you understand fully on how the methods work.
  12. Skype: kapsieart
  13. Introduction
  14. Say hello to your brand new money making method. Pay close attention to all details in this book and you could be on your way to making thousands of dollars with ease. Before we get into the methods I would just like to clear up a few things with regards to the e-book. This is gambling, play with what you can afford to lose, if you make use of this e-book you will definitely see your profits sky rocket in very little time. I know that feeling of losing your bitcoin but now I also know the feeling of having $1000’s worth of bitcoin in your wallet and I am going to help you achieve that. Bustabit can be a frustrating and tedious game but with patience and technique you can really do some damage to their bankroll. Go carefully over everything discussed in this book and you will be on your way to becoming a Bustabit legend for real!
  15. The following methods are in fact 100% my own. I have never looked in to anyone else’s methods because my own seem to work very well and efficiently for me. I am confident that my own methods will bring you some of the best profits possible. How? Well me along with the help of several bustabit members have tested through trial and error the best methods and have finally found what works best. All you simply have to do is go over my compiled list of findings to reach the heights I have.
  16. A few things I would also like to brush over are the following:
  17. 1. I will refer to all currency as bits to keep the book consistent. 1 million bits = 1 bitcoin so for example if I had 1,250,000 bits it would be the same as having 1.25btc. 2. This book is fully written in chronological order so I would suggest reading from start to end rather than just glancing over sections. Enjoy profiting!
  18. Table of Contents
  19. - Investing - Bet Timing & When to Bet - Method 1 (Low/Medium Risk | High Profit) - Method 2 (Low Risk | Medium Profit) - Withdrawing - Conclusion
  20. Investing
  21. Investing some bits in to the game can be very helpful because it gives you the opportunity to bet higher amounts resulting in faster profits. This may sound a bit wild but in my case I would put $100 which would give me around 200k bits to play around with. Now here is why a higher investment leads to more profit that also comes faster. With the first method comes a 1.33x bet so in order to double your money you would have to win 3 games. If I were to bet 100k @ 1.33x I would make 100k profit in 3 wins where as if I were to bet only 20k bits I would only make 20k bits every 3 matches. You goal to profit should be to win at least 4 games before losing one. This will result in 33% profit of your bet. The main goal is the get 3 wins to cover your bet and every win after that is pure profit.
  22. Bet Timing & When to Bet
  23. This is one of the most important parts to being successful in the game. I highly recommend you carefully read this bit a few times and really get it in your head.
  24. Before even going on Bustabit the very first thing you should do is open up notepad and plan all case scenarios to prevent you from making stupid decisions and/or getting wiped. Here is the following things you should not down:
  25. - Cash Out Limits (When to cash out, e.g. if you invest 250k bits and end up changing it to 1 bitcoin you will cash out 750k bits and keep 250k bits to keep playing with and never put your cash outs back in to the game!) - When to Break (If you end up like 30% of your investment you should take a break for maybe 15 mins, take a break go for a walk and refresh you mind to prevent dumb decisions)
  26. Bustabit can very easily also screw you over if you aren’t patient. Be very careful betting after a loss. You know when this could happen:
  27. Ok so this may be a bit extreme of an example but you should still be careful with your bets. Stick to the book!
  28. Now after your feel ready to bet you must first go to the history tab located at the bottom left of your screen and really try to look at the patterns of the green and red. Here are steps showing how to carefully analyze trends:
  29. Take a look at the latest trend which in my case would be:
  30. If you look at this carefully you will notice that there were 3 wins (green) in between 2 losses. This could potentially mean that the next 3 games are wins because that’s what the pattern is showing. Keep in mind that this isn’t guaranteed but it can seriously be really accurate sometimes. If you look at the aftermath you will see that the 3 wins after a loss trend happened a full 3 times before switching over to another trend:
  31. In this case you would have had 9 free wins which could have potentially been an insane amount of profit. So keep in mind that trends can be very helpful but at the same time follow your gut feeling. If you personally feel that it may be an early crash or the trend may change, then don’t bother going in as you want to only go in when you feel your chances of winning are the highest.
  32. Stick to your gut feeling. If you think that the next game might be an early crash don’t bother going in or go in with a smaller bet. This can save you so many times from losing money and if you combine your gut feeling with the trend analyzation it can be a deadly combo towards generating bitcoins.
  33. Method 1 (Low/Medium Risk | High Profit)
  34. Before beginning to use this method go on Bustabit and make sure the history has a fairly decent streak going. There should be in total greens then red. If that is the case move on and continue with this method otherwise wait 10 minutes and check again.
  35. Now that you have found some nice trends going on you will want to go in on the expected green rounds rather than every single round. So play your cards right and wait for the right times. What you will be doing here is betting 2/10 of your money @ 1.33x. So for example if I had 100k in my balance I would bet 20k @ 1.33x. With this method you are aiming to get only 3 wins before losing. Even if you get 3 wins before a loss you will profit considering the bonuses that Bustabit includes. I have found this method to be far more useful in most situations and as mentioned if you follow the trends well you can profit nice.
  36. As an example here is a picture of me going on bustabit right now:
  37. As you can see in 12 games there was a total of 10 games that would have been won compared to only 2 losses. This can clearly lead to mass amounts of profit with little risk. If you also include the trends part and don’t go in recklessly every round you will be likely to see an even bigger amount of profit.
  38. If you manage to miss some losses by following trends you can end up making yourself some pretty nice profit as shown here.
  39. This method in my personal opinion is one of my favorites because of its simplicity and profitability. As you can see some really nice money can be made if you manage to follow the trends correctly.
  40. Method 2 (Low Risk | Medium Profit)
  41. Bustabit can be quite fair of a game with a 50% chance that the multiplier goes over 2x and a slight chance that it skyrockets to crazy numbers that can lead to crazy amounts of profit. In this method we don’t look for a 50% chance though, we look for an 80%+ chance and this can be accomplished by betting high and pulling out @ 1.23x. Now normally there would be around a 20%-25% chance that it may crash before this but if you read over the trend analyzing section the chances of you losing become very slim. First things first hop into the history tab if you notice that there is no trend you can follow or the loss ratio is far higher than the win ratio then I suggest you go about your business for 5 minutes and then check again to see because we always want to make sure our chances of winning are at its highest, and yes it is random but I am a strong believer of following trends and if it’s all reds on that history tab get out of there. Ok so once you find a good time to go in set your auto cash out to 1.23x. This will prevent you from getting greedy because the chances of it crashing after 1.23x are likely. If you are unsure about how much to go in with I would suggest trying ¼ of your cash so I had 1000k I would do 250k bets @ 1.23x. At this rate I would be able to gain 250k every 4 rounds but I want to aim for at least winning 5 games before losing since this will get you into profit. After following this for a few games here is the profits I managed to rake in:
  42. That’s right, that’s around $535 USD in just 10 minutes. More realistically you will probably end up with a chart like this:
  43. My only goal would be to get those 5 wins in before losing one and if you manage to follow the trends you can get pile even 20 wins before losing one which really can lead to insane profits. In this picture you can more realistically what this method looks (prefer to be honest with you). Even though there are losses I adjust my bet accordingly and continue to rake in the wins to get that chart flying sky high. As you can see there is nothing special to it.
  44. If you notice or sense a loss streak just simply take a break and if it doesn’t end up happening just be happy knowing that at least you made the effort to try and avoid it (this helps practice your self-control and can be very useful in the game). Also a good time to go in is when there are 2 very early crashes back to back. Chances are the next one will be a win or at least above 1.23x.
  45. Withdrawals
  46. Before even beginning to bet set a number where you will withdraw at. This way you will be able to keep the money you were aiming for. For example, if I started with 75k I would aim for 300k before withdrawing but I would get up to 400k so I can withdraw 300k and continue to bet with the 100k left. I will repeat and repeat and if I fail to reach the goal I will call it a day or take a long break before depositing a small amount again. This way you don’t throw all your money away from frustration. This is quite simple to follow but if followed correctly can guarantee you to keep the profit you made.
  47. Conclusion
  48. As you can see this method is quite simple to follow and the profit can be ridiculous. In reality all the auto-bet scripts are non-sense and will make you little to no money. This is an honest method and will require a lot of patience if you are aiming for goals in a day like myself. Personally when I used to play bustabit a lot I would see myself making around 3 bitcoins a day just off this method. Manual betting can get tiring so I suggest you take several breaks to keep you mind fresh and sharp to prevent any stupid mistakes. If you follow this method correctly, you can see some serious profits as promised. What are you waiting for? Go rake in those bitcoins!

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