Roulette System 'Beat the Casino'


DATE: Oct. 20, 2017, 1:33 a.m.

UPDATED: Oct. 23, 2017, 8:14 a.m.

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HITS: 693

  1. >>[ list of my favourite roulette systems: ]<<
  2. Golden Rules for the Roulette System 'Beat the Casino'.
  3. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  4. As mentioned on my website, playing the roulette is a four part
  5. job, all four parts are necessary for a successful outcome of
  6. your efforts at the roulettetable. The four parts are:
  7. You personal behaviour
  8. The rules govering the roulettegame
  9. Where to place your bets
  10. How much to bet
  11. Your personal behaviour:
  12. 1. Never play when you are tired. Better stay on your sofa and go
  13. to casino tomorrow.
  14. 2. Never play when you are in a negative mood, only positive
  15. people win.
  16. 3. Don't take friends with you to boast how clever you are
  17. 4) Take enough money with you and set a limit for your loosing.
  18. Before going to the casino you must test your system and
  19. calculate how big a bankroll it claims for a succesful game. And
  20. then multiply this figure by four.
  21. 5) Don't forget that playing roulette is like doing business:
  22. calculation and budget is a must.
  23. 6) Don't drink alcohol, wine and beer. Just coffee, tea or water
  24. to keep your head clear and cool.
  25. 7) Stay calm.
  26. 8) Enjoy the atmosphere.
  27. 9) Don't get arrogant
  28. 10) Now and then take a walk in the fresh air (You don't loose a
  29. dime when you don't play)
  30. 11) Belive only in yourself
  31. 12) Belive in yourself and your system. Be confident. However,
  32. don't forget that any system has it's good runs and it's bad
  33. runs. One day it works marvelous, next day it's a misery. If it
  34. works bad at Table One, then try Table Two.
  35. 13) Don't listen to boasting people - 99 % are liars.
  36. 14) Don't discuss the game with other gamblers - concentrate on
  37. your own business.
  38. 15) Let your intuitution stay at home. It rarely works at
  39. roulette or other games.
  40. 16) Play carefully - very carefully.
  41. 17) Never utilize cheating or illegal devices.
  42. 18) The electronic scoreboard displaying the outcome of the
  43. spins is not 100 % reliable.
  44. 19) If you are not ready to bet, just wait for next spin
  45. 20) Keep an eye on your bankroll. Have you lost 50 % then admit
  46. it's not your day, stop the game, go to the bar and buy you a cup
  47. of coffee - if you don't get it free - and then go home. You
  48. can't win at each visit in the casino.
  49. 21) Never sit down at the playing tables - only keep standing.
  50. 22) Never play too long. 30 minutes is a long period in a gaming
  51. atmosphere. The longer you play, the higher are the odds for a
  52. loosing streak.
  53. 23) Have you problems earning money at the table where you play,
  54. then find another table.
  55. 24) Also in your casino people philfer chips. Keep an eye on the
  56. chips you have on the table. If you are missing one, then at once
  57. tell it the croupier. There is a video controlling the table.
  58. 25) Have you earned 50 % of your bankroll, then consider to stop
  59. the game
  60. 26) Have you earned 100 % of your bankroll, then STOP and go home
  61. at once. Leave the casino not being tempted playing again - and
  62. loosing your money. You also may put the money in a safe, that
  63. only can be opened next day.
  64. 27) Stick to your system, never never never jump from one system
  65. to another. If you don't have a system then buy one. A bad system
  66. is better than no system, as it takes you longer to loose your
  67. money - you have more fun of the game. Only in movies being an
  68. famous actor you can take a high pile of chips, place them on a
  69. random number and win - or you have a damned good luck.
  70. 28) Discipline - discipline - discipline and again discipline -
  71. the 'A to Z' for beating the casino.
  72. Never play with money you need for your family, household or business.
  73. You NEVER NEVER can solve your economical problems playing in a
  74. casino. When you play under pressure you are not in the right mood
  75. to earn money in a casinogame.
  76. As Mr. Winston Churchill once said: ' You may be up or you may be
  77. down, the whole question is to be back in the game.'
  78. Or
  79. Mr Oscar Wilde: 'People burned their fingers, because they never
  80. learned to play with the fire.'
  81. Follow these rules, they are very important -
  82. the basis for a successful game.
  83. This was Part One - the most important part of the system. Read,
  84. study and memorize the rules once more. And once again.
  85. * * * * * * * *
  86. And now to Part Two, I will tell you a little about the theory
  87. behind roulette.
  88. The layout of the roulette machine as we use it today was
  89. invented by a wellknown frenchmen Blaise Pascal, he was a famous
  90. mathematican and philosopher living in the years 1623 - 1662. It
  91. is said that he in 1655 constructed the layout of the machine to
  92. a friend, who he owed some money. Mr. Pascal was a clever man,
  93. he really was a genius as he constructed the roulette.
  94. The first roulette had no '0' or '00', which was added when the
  95. casinos found out that they could not earn money with only 36
  96. numbers from 1 to 36. Then they added two zeroes. A casinoowner
  97. in Baden-Baden in Germany took one away, played only with one
  98. '0', which was a big advantage to the players.
  99. Today you in Europe find '0', and in USA mostly '0' and '00'. The
  100. way the numbers are placed on the wheel is different for the two
  101. types. The layout of the tables are also a bit different.
  102. On both types you have numbers from 1 to 36, half black and half
  103. red:
  104. Black are: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28,
  105. 29, 31, 33, 35
  106. Red are: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30,
  107. 32, 34, 36
  108. Green are the '0'
  109. You may place your bets on full numbers (Plein) or on
  110. combinations of numbers,
  111. 1st, 2nd. or 3rd dozen or
  112. 1st, 2nd or 3rd coloumn ( the 36 numbers are placed in 3 coloums:
  113. 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31 and 34 in the 1st
  114. coloumn,
  115. 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32 and 35 in the 2nd
  116. coloumn,
  117. 3,6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33 and 36 in the 3rd
  118. coloumn.. Please note in 2nd coloumn you have 8 black and 4 red,
  119. in 3rd you have 4 black and 8 red.)
  120. The 'even money bets' are : Black / Red , Even / Uneven and
  121. Low(1 - 18) / High (19 - 36).
  122. In my systems we only will concentrate on the 'even money bets',
  123. as they are the combinations where you have the best chances for
  124. earning money.
  125. It is often discussed, whether it is possible to earn money
  126. playing the roulette. Mathematicans say, it is impossible due to
  127. the following:
  128. 1) The layout and mathematic behind roulette.
  129. 2) The ivory ball has no will and memory. It has no will to say:
  130. "This spin I will hit 36 red/even/ high, and in the next 20 spins
  131. I will only hit red.". The ball has no will, no memory, no brain.
  132. 3) Each spin is a whole new game independent from all previous
  133. spins.
  134. 4) Take a look on the wheel, when the ball is running in one
  135. direction and the wheel in the other. Note how it's running on
  136. the sides of the wheel and how it's direction is interrupted.
  137. Note also that sometimes it runs down in one cage and then jump
  138. over the wall to the neighbour!! Where it stops is only a
  139. matter of chance.
  140. What these clever people say ought to be right, but it is not 100
  141. % right. There are some laws governing the game. I will tell you:
  142. The wheel has 37 (38) numbers. If you make 37 (38)spins you don't
  143. get 37 (38) different numbers. Normally 12 of the numbers don't
  144. occur (The 1/3rd rule). It may vary from 9 to 17, but never 37
  145. different. Make a try, it's easy to control.
  146. In roulette history you never have seen more than 27 reds in a
  147. row. However in roulette anything is possible, but 50 blacks or
  148. reds after each other is very very unbelieveable.
  149. The blacks and reds (and the other even-money-bets) are coming in
  150. series. Not that they come systematical: 1 black, 1 red, 2
  151. blacks, 2 reds, 3 blacks, 3 reds, 4 blacks, 4 reds and so on. No,
  152. they come in a real mix-up. It's impossible in advance to say
  153. whether the next serie will have 4 reds, 2 blacks or 14 reds or
  154. will be a '0'. A single black or a single red is called an
  155. 'intermittens'.
  156. On a seperate sheet I will show you how many series and spins are
  157. needed to make a 12'er serie and a 20'er serie.
  158. You see, half of the spins are used to make small series: one's
  159. or two's.
  160. The ones's also are making series. Very often the spins come so:
  161. red, black, red, black, red (Zig-zag'ing up to 10 - 12 times),
  162. and you also often have up to four or more two's after each other
  163. (red, red, black, black, red, red, black, black).
  164. I have counted the numbers, that came out March 1993 at Table 1
  165. in Casino Bad Bentheim in Germany. See the seperate sheet.
  166. You see how random the numbers came out. For the whole month
  167. Number 33 came 52 times more than average, Number 10 came 40
  168. times less than average. The difference 92 is only 1 % of all
  169. spins, not very much. If you take day 1 - 5, add them together
  170. you will find a bigger percent-difference. That means that the
  171. more spins you have the smaller is the difference in percent. If
  172. you have enough spins, maybe 10.000.000 spins, you hardly see any
  173. difference. We gamblers just have to cope with maybe 150 spins a
  174. day.
  175. On March 27 the '8' didn't show up.
  176. You will also note the difference in black and red, in even and
  177. uneven and in high and low
  178. The roulette-game is based on the theory of probability, it's a
  179. game of chance.
  180. To be succesful you must work with the chances given by the
  181. casino and your own strategy.
  182. And never forget:
  183. It's impossible to say in advance, how the next spin will come
  184. out.
  185. * * * * * * *
  186. The third part of my lesson I have named :
  187. Where to place your bets !
  188. I just have written, that it is impossible to say, how the next
  189. spin will come out, and now I will give you a good advice about
  190. where to place your bets. Am I crazy - NO.
  191. Stay at Black/Red, at Even/Uneven or at High/Low. Your chances
  192. are much better.
  193. Set on Number 7, and if Number 7 comes out is it wonderful, you
  194. earn 35 chips, but it comes out only once out of 37 (38) spins,
  195. if you don't have a special agreement with Lady Luck. The '0'
  196. costs your whole bet.
  197. Place your bet on Red, it comes out every second spin, pays
  198. however only one piece. Of 37 spins the 18 spins bring you a
  199. chip,it is much nicer with many wins and not so difficult to hit
  200. the right one. The '0' costs only half your bet.
  201. Due to the '0' here in Europe, we loose 2.7 % of our capital when
  202. playing on numbers, dozens and coloumns. If you play Black/Red,
  203. Even/Uneven and High/Low you only loose 1,35 % because the
  204. casinos at these bettings only take away the half of your bet.
  205. Most of the serious people studying roulette play these chances.
  206. What I now write about Black/Red has the same validity for
  207. Even/Uneven and High/Low.
  208. Only is it easier to play Black/Red due to the electronic
  209. scoreboard at the roulette.
  210. How to place your bets:
  211. There are more rules, I have listed them here by importance:
  212. 1. There is an old fine rule: 'Follow the bank' or 'Follow the
  213. colour' or 'Follow the trend' or
  214. 'Stay
  215. with the winners'. That means that if last spin came out black,
  216. you again bet black.
  217. 2. However you often see 'Black, Red and Black', it zig-zags,
  218. then you follow the zig-zagging and bet Red. I have seen 12 zigzags,
  219. it's luck to get on that wagon.
  220. 3) Have you had f.ex. 4 or more 'blacks' followed by one 'red',
  221. you very often will see some blacks following the red. The red
  222. made a 'nose'. You don't follow the red but the black.
  223. 4) Have you had 'Black Black Red' then bet Red and if that bet
  224. was right bet Black and if right again Black, and if that also
  225. was right then Red and Red. You make 2'er-series.
  226. 5) Often the ball makes patterns f.ex ' Black Red Red Black',
  227. then try to follow with 'Red Red Black Red Red'. Keep an eye on
  228. these possibilities. You will learn there are many patterns to
  229. follow, but most pattern don't repeat themselves more than three times.
  230. 6) Don't forget there is only around 48 % chance for Black and
  231. the same for Red.
  232. * * * * * * * *
  233. Part 4 of my lesson:
  234. How much to bet ?
  235. Forget to bet the Martingale-system or the d'Alambert-system,
  236. they just ruin you.
  237. You know the Martingale betting: after loss just double up.
  238. Sooner or later you loose your money due to the maximum of the
  239. table. I have tried it for you. Forget Martingale.
  240. The d'Alambert is a bit better but no good. After loss add one
  241. chip and when you win deduct one chip. You also here loose your
  242. money, special due to the '0'.
  243. You bet in this way:
  244. Bettting System # 1:
  245. Rule: At winning you add one chip to the bet just won, at loosing
  246. you deduct two from the previous bet.
  247. Bet # 1:Start with one chip. Do you win let both stand as new
  248. bet.(Next bet is two chips).
  249. If you loose, only bet one chip.
  250. Bet # 2: Do you win again there are four chips on the table for
  251. you, but you take only one and bet three next time. And put the
  252. one in your pocket. Always put your winnings in a special pocket,
  253. that you can see how much you have earned.
  254. If you loose, your next bet is one chip.
  255. Bet # 3: Do you win again after betting three, there are six
  256. chips on the table fore you. Your new bet is four ( 3 + 1) and
  257. you have two for your pocket.
  258. Just go on in that way until you loose. Remember you started with
  259. one chip and have three in your pocket.
  260. If you loose, next bet is one chip (3 - 2).
  261. Bet # 4:You win again, your bet was four, there are eight chips
  262. on the table for you. Your next bet is five, and you can pocket
  263. three.
  264. If you loose, your next bet is two ( 4 - 2)
  265. Bet # 5: If you win, there are ten chips on the table for you.
  266. Next bet is six and you pocket four.
  267. If you loose, you have to say bye-bye to five, and your new bet
  268. is two chips lower, you bet three chips.
  269. Bet # 6: If you win again after betting six you have 12 chips on
  270. the table: Next bet is seven and you may pocket five.
  271. Above at Bet # 5 I wrote, that if you lost, you bet three. If you
  272. also loose these three, your next bet is one.
  273. However stop adding to your bet before you loose ! When has the
  274. time come ? It's impossible to give an exact answer to that
  275. question, but take a look on the list of series and you will see,
  276. that after a serie with six there is only around 9 % chance of
  277. getting a serie of 7 or more. If you bet 7, you have the chance
  278. for winning seven or the risk for loosing seven. The chance is
  279. 48.7 % for winning, 48.7 % for loosing and 2.6 % for '0' that
  280. takes 3½ away. It's your money, it's up to you to decide.
  281. Have you won 20 chips, you stop and take a break for fresh air
  282. and coffee. Or go home. Or put your earnings in a safe.
  283. Have you worked hard to earn 10 chips, you stop.
  284. Have you lost 10 chips, just stop and take a break or go home.
  285. The casiono opens tomorrow again and gives you a new chance.
  286. Never forget: Let the winnings run and stop the loosing. After
  287. betting 10 chips I however recommend to go back to one or two
  288. chips and start over again.
  289. Let us play some spins: (My old spins from Germany September 28, 1995)
  290. Betting System One:
  291. Bet chips: on Number came = Colour
  292. Earning/loss Total
  293. 1 B 11 B +1 +1
  294. 2 B 16 R - 2 -1
  295. 1 R 18 R +1 0
  296. 2 R 14 R + 2 +2
  297. 3 R 31 B - 3 -1
  298. 1 B 6 B +1 0
  299. 2 B 23 R - 2 -2
  300. 1 R 7 R +1 -1
  301. 2 R 25 R +2 +1
  302. 3 R 26 B -3 -2
  303. 1 B 11 B +1 -1
  304. 2 B 22 B +2 +1
  305. 3 R 1) 23 R +3 +4
  306. 4 R 16 R +4 +8
  307. 5 R 30 R +5 +13, we ought to take a break
  308. here as we have worked hard to earn 13 chips.
  309. Above at 1) we bet on red due to the pattern came: R R R B B
  310. B, and we saw R R R.
  311. This was followed by one Black, six Read, one Black (made a nose)
  312. and seven Red. Try to figure out how many chips we could have
  313. earned that afternoon..
  314. Another betting-system.
  315. Betting System # 2:
  316. This is another way of betting to recommend. It's an old bettingsystem,
  317. that also today is sold in USA. (New good betting systems
  318. are scarce.)
  319. You write a small row of numbers in this way: 1 2
  320. 3 4. Add these figures and you get 10, the game is to earn
  321. ten chips and then that game has finished.
  322. For your first bet: you add 1 and 4 is 5, you bet 5 chips.
  323. Next bet is 2 + 3 = 5.
  324. Let us go back to your first bet: 1 + 4 = 5. You didn't win the
  325. 5, and to your row of figures you add 5, so your figure-row is
  326. now: 1 2 3 4 5. Add the figures and you get 15 = the 5
  327. you lost and the 10 you want to earn.
  328. Your next bet is 1 + 5 = 6, which you win. Next bet is 2 + 4 = 6,
  329. which you also win, and you now bet 3, winning again, all in all
  330. you won 15 chips minus the 5 chips, you lost. It makes 10 chips,
  331. as you wanted to win.
  332. We make a new round and write 1 2 3 4.
  333. In first spin we loose 5 and our figure-row is now 1 2 3
  334. 4 5, and we bet 1 + 5 = 6
  335. In second spin we loose again and our figure-row is now 1 2
  336. 3 4 5 6. New bet is 1 + 6 = 7.
  337. In third spin we win and our figure-row is now 2 3 4 5
  338. and we bet 2 + 5 = 7
  339. In fourth spin we win and our figure-row is now 3 + 4 and we
  340. bet 3 + 4 = 7
  341. In fifth spin we loose and our figure row is now 3 4
  342. 7 and our new bet is 3 + 7 = 10
  343. In sixth spin we loose and our figure row is now 3 4 7
  344. 10, our new bet is 3 + 10 = 13
  345. In seventh spin we win 13 and our new figure-row is 4 + 7 and we bet 11 chips
  346. We win again and the round is finished. We have won 10 chips.
  347. If you mean that the 13 chips you have to bet after the sixth
  348. spin are too many, you can split them up in two games and make
  349. two new figure-rows: 3 4 7 10 to two games: 2 2
  350. 3 5 and 1 2 4 5 and play them after eachother.
  351. Take the spins I used above (Bettting System # 1) and use this
  352. betting system. The chipvalue is 1/5th of above, i.e. 10 chips
  353. have the value of two chips from system above. You will come out
  354. with a winning on 40 chips = 8 chips above.
  355. With the first system, you won 13 chips, your betting was higher,
  356. up to 5 chips equal with 25 of the chips used in Betting System #2.
  357. My impression is, that System # 2 doesn't involve as high risk as System # 1.
  358. You can within the rules of the casino decide the value of the
  359. chips. You should not make it higher than 2% of the betting maximum

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