

DATE: April 4, 2013, 2:08 p.m.

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  69. <h1>New Paste</h1>
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  76. </div> <form action="submit_paste.php" method="post" id="paste_form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  77. <input type="hidden" name="paste_text" id="paste_text"/>
  78. <input type="hidden" name="paste_title" id="paste_title"/>
  79. <input type="hidden" name="paste_expiration" id="paste_expiration"/>
  80. <input type="hidden" name="syntax_highlighting" id="syntax_highlighting"/>
  81. <input type="hidden" name="paste_visible" id="paste_visible"/>
  82. <input type="hidden" name="encrypted" value="false" id="encrypted"/>
  83. <input type="hidden" name="bitcoin_address" id="bitcoin_address"/>
  84. </form>
  85. <textarea id="_paste_text" name="_paste_text" cols=40 rows=15 style="width: 100%;"></textarea>
  86. <div class="form-horizontal">
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  89. <a href="#main" data-toggle="tab">Main</a>
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  92. <a href="#encrypt" data-toggle="tab">Encryption</a>
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  95. <a href="#bitcoin" data-toggle="tab">Earn Bitcoins</a>
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  108. <label class="control-label" for="_paste_expiration">Paste Expiration</label>
  109. <div class="controls">
  110. <select name="_paste_expiration" id="_paste_expiration">
  111. <option value="never" selected="selected">Never</option>
  112. <option value="15min">15 minutes</option>
  113. <option value="1hour">1 hour</option>
  114. <option value="1day">1 day</option>
  115. <option value="1week">1 week</option>
  116. <option value="1month">1 month</option>
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  130. <label class="control-label" for="_syntax_highlighting">Syntax Highlighting</label>
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  132. <select name="_syntax_highlighting" id="_syntax_highlighting">
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  154. <div class="tab-pane fade" id="encrypt">
  155. <fieldset>
  156. <p>You can encrypt your paste to prevent people viewing the content of your paste, unless the correct password is provided.
  157. The password isn't stored on the server and the encryption and decryption of the paste is processed client-side using Javascript.
  158. <br/><br/><b style="color: red;">Keep the password in a safe place, you can only decrypt your paste with it!</b></p>
  159. <div class="control-group">
  160. <div class="controls">
  161. <label class="checkbox">
  162. <input type="checkbox" id="show_password" onclick="showPassword()" autocomplete="off" checked="true"/>Show Password
  163. </label>
  164. </div>
  165. </div>
  166. <div class="control-group" id="group_encrypt_password">
  167. <label class="control-label" for="encrypt_password">Password</label>
  168. <div class="controls">
  169. <input type="text" id="encrypt_password" onchange="checkPassword()" onkeydown="checkPassword()" onkeyup="checkPassword()"/>
  170. </div>
  171. </div>
  172. <div class="control-group" id="group_encrypt_password_confirm">
  173. <label class="control-label" for="encrypt_password_confirm">Confirm Password</label>
  174. <div class="controls">
  175. <input type="text" id="encrypt_password_confirm" onchange="checkPassword()" onkeydown="checkPassword()" onkeyup="checkPassword()"/>
  176. </div>
  177. </div>
  178. <div class="alert alert-error" style="display: none;" id="password_alert">
  179. <strong>The passwords don't match.</strong>
  180. </div>
  181. <div class="control-group">
  182. <label class="control-label" for="generate_password">Generate Random Password</label>
  183. <div class="controls">
  184. <button class="btn" id="generate_password" onclick="generatePassword()">Generate</label>
  185. </div>
  186. </div>
  187. <div class="control-group">
  188. <label class="control-label" for="encrypt_button">Encrypt Paste</label>
  189. <div class="controls">
  190. <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="encryptPaste()" id="encrypt_button" disabled="true">Encrypt</button>
  191. </div>
  192. </div>
  193. </fieldset>
  194. </div>
  195. <div class="tab-pane fade" id="bitcoin">
  196. <fieldset>
  197. <p>You can earn bitcoins by providing a Bitcoin address. BitBin's ad revenue is shared based on the amount of hits your paste gets in comparison to all monetized pastes as whole.</p>
  198. <p>This feature is <b>NOT</b> recommended to be used with private pastes, as it allows people to see your private pastes if they know what Bitcoin address you have used!</p>
  199. <div class="control-group">
  200. <label class="control-label" for="_bitcoin_address">Bitcoin Address</label>
  201. <div class="controls">
  202. <input type="text" id="_bitcoin_address"/>
  203. </div>
  204. </div>
  205. </fieldset>
  206. </div>
  207. </div>
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  209. <div class="form-actions">
  210. <noscript><b style="color: red;">You need to have Javascript enabled in order to upload pastes.</b><br/></noscript>
  211. <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="submitPaste()">Submit Paste</button> </div>
  212. </div>
  213. <div class="span3">
  214. <div class="page-header">
  215. <h3>Newest Pastes</h3>
  216. </div>
  217. <table class="table table-condensed">
  218. <thead>
  219. <tr>
  220. <th>Title</th>
  221. <th>Age</th>
  222. </tr>
  223. </thead>
  224. <tbody><tr style="font-size: 80%;">
  225. <td><a href="tocP9PfQ">Untitled</a></td>
  226. <td>15m 10s</td>
  227. </tr><tr style="font-size: 80%;">
  228. <td><a href="Dl8EkxdU">LiNDSAY LOHAN NUDE</a></td>
  229. <td>15m 56s</td>
  230. </tr><tr style="font-size: 80%;">
  231. <td><a href="0WnUJ9oh">KE$HAAA !!</a></td>
  232. <td>23m 46s</td>
  233. </tr><tr style="font-size: 80%;">
  234. <td><a href="IrVl2YiF">SKYLARR GREYY !!</a></td>
  235. <td>28m 57s</td>
  236. </tr><tr style="font-size: 80%;">
  237. <td><a href="TyW4mVuK">Chris BROWNN !!</a></td>
  238. <td>31m 45s</td>
  239. </tr><tr style="font-size: 80%;">
  240. <td><a href="9jqj1Feo">Rihanna <3</a></td>
  241. <td>35m 41s</td>
  242. </tr><tr style="font-size: 80%;">
  243. <td><a href="A6MlWN65">Nickkii Minajj 2</a></td>
  244. <td>38m 24s</td>
  245. </tr><tr style="font-size: 80%;">
  246. <td><a href="2aoNVwCT">Untitled</a></td>
  247. <td>41m 44s</td>
  248. </tr><tr style="font-size: 80%;">
  249. <td><a href="7ccw0BRt">Alison Pill tweeted Naked Picks </a></td>
  250. <td>44m 16s</td>
  251. </tr><tr style="font-size: 80%;">
  252. <td><a href="4jPgHxJe">Nickkii Minajjj </a></td>
  253. <td>46m 9s</td>
  254. </tr></tbody>
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  271. </div>
  272. <br/>
  273. <div style="text-align: center;"><iframe scrolling="no" style="border: 0; width: 120px; height: 240px;" src="http://coinurl.com/get.php?id=37"></iframe></div> </div>
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  277. <p>&copy; <a href="mailto:contact@bitbin.it">BitBin</a> 2013 | <a href="tos.php">Terms of Service</a> | <a href="privacypolicy.php">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="assets.php">Credits</a> |
  278. Pastes uploaded: <b>4,656</b> | Paste hits: <b>2,313,473</b>
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  281. <script type="text/javascript">
  282. $('#paste_tabs main').click(function (e) {
  283. e.preventDefault();
  284. $(this).tab('show');
  285. })
  286. $(".alert").alert()
  287. function showPassword() {
  288. if (document.getElementById('show_password').checked == true) {
  289. document.getElementById("encrypt_password").type = "text";
  290. document.getElementById("encrypt_password_confirm").type = "text";
  291. }
  292. else {
  293. document.getElementById("encrypt_password").type = "password";
  294. document.getElementById("encrypt_password_confirm").type = "password";
  295. }
  296. }
  297. function checkPassword() {
  298. if (document.getElementById('encrypt_password').value != document.getElementById('encrypt_password_confirm').value) {
  299. // The passwords are different
  300. document.getElementById("group_encrypt_password").className = "control-group error";
  301. document.getElementById("group_encrypt_password_confirm").className = "control-group error";
  302. document.getElementById("password_alert").style.display = "block";
  303. document.getElementById("encrypt_button").disabled = true;
  304. return false;
  305. }
  306. else {
  307. // The passwords match!
  308. document.getElementById("group_encrypt_password").className = "control-group success";
  309. document.getElementById("group_encrypt_password_confirm").className = "control-group success";
  310. document.getElementById("password_alert").style.display = "none";
  311. document.getElementById("encrypt_button").disabled = false;
  312. return true;
  313. }
  314. }
  315. function encryptPaste() {
  316. // If the passwords don't match, don't encrypt'
  317. if (!checkPassword())
  318. return;
  319. var encryptButton = document.getElementById('encrypt_button');
  320. var generateButton = document.getElementById('generate_password');
  321. encryptButton.className = "btn btn-primary disabled";
  322. generateButton.className = "btn disabled";
  323. document.getElementById('encrypt_password').disabled = true;
  324. document.getElementById('encrypt_password_confirm').disabled = true;
  325. encryptButton.disabled = true;
  326. generateButton.disabled = true;
  327. var pasteText = document.getElementById("_paste_text");
  328. encryptButton.innerHTML = "Encrypting...";
  329. var password = document.getElementById('encrypt_password').value;
  330. pasteText.value = sjcl.encrypt(password, pasteText.value);
  331. pasteText.readOnly = true;
  332. document.getElementById('encrypted').value = true;
  333. encryptButton.innerHTML = "Encrypted!";
  334. }
  335. function generatePassword() {
  336. // Generate a random password
  337. var chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
  338. // The string will be 16 chars long
  339. var randomString = "";
  340. for (var i=1; i<=16; i++)
  341. {
  342. randomString += chars.charAt(Math.round(Math.random()*chars.length));
  343. }
  344. document.getElementById('encrypt_password').value = randomString;
  345. document.getElementById('encrypt_password_confirm').value = randomString;
  346. document.getElementById('show_password').checked = "checked";
  347. // Select the textbox
  348. document.getElementById('encrypt_password').select();
  349. checkPassword();
  350. showPassword();
  351. }
  352. function submitPaste() {
  353. // Get all of the stuff
  354. document.getElementById('paste_title').value = document.getElementById('_paste_title').value;
  355. document.getElementById('paste_text').value = document.getElementById('_paste_text').value;
  356. document.getElementById('paste_expiration').value = document.getElementById('_paste_expiration').value;
  357. document.getElementById('syntax_highlighting').value = document.getElementById('_syntax_highlighting').value;
  358. document.getElementById('paste_visible').value = document.getElementById('_paste_visible').value;
  359. document.getElementById('bitcoin_address').value = document.getElementById('_bitcoin_address').value;
  360. document.forms['paste_form'].submit();
  361. }
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