other method


DATE: Dec. 15, 2013, 3:38 a.m.

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HITS: 4158

  1. this is for folks who for whatever reason,unrevoked 3.22 does not work to get them root access.
  2. this could also be used if youve got a replacement device thats not setup,and you could care less about installing a recovery. this still requires unrevokeds drivers to be set up,so you can root with unrevoked 3.32 after downgrading,but otherwise,it prolly is a lil quicker since you dont need to download and run unrevoked 3.22.
  3. alternately,use this if you just like ADB if your proficient in adb,feel free to remove the images from mini-adb_inc,and place them and the zergRush tool into whatever folder you typically push files from.
  4. like above,this is intended for someone whose never installed ADB or entered command lines before.
  5. 1)download these files,and save them somewhere you can easily find them:
  6. unrevokeds modified usb drivers public:windows_hboot_driver_install [RootWiki]
  7. mini-adb_inc(contains misc image,flash image,and some basic adb tools)Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
  8. md5: a793cc0142e1cd18f60849894bbc47cd
  9. PB31IMG for 2.2 PB31IMG.zip
  10. md5: 31bb1611a0fa8197d447c0438426717e
  11. zergRush tool from xda: Revolutionary - zergRush local root 2.2/2.3 - xda-developers
  12. md5: 55ac17ad7d8c93583f19afb9c1138dc2
  13. **make sure to check the md5 sums match those listed!**
  14. if you dont have an md5 sum verifier on your PC,there are many out there for free. heres an example: Home of the MD5summer
  15. 3)prepare to downgrade
  16. -extract the mini-adb_inc .zip. place the extracted folder on the root of your c\ drive. it comtains mtd0,flash_image,and some adb tools.
  17. -extract zergRush.zip. take the image inside,and either copy/paste or drag it into your mini-adb_inc folder
  18. -place the PB31IMG of 2.2 on the root of your sd card. rename PB31IMG. now is a good time to verify that your SD card is formatted "FAT32" by right clicking on the drive that is your phones sd card,then click "properties". if you find your card is formated anything else,youll have to re-format it. start by backing up all files to your PC as reformatting WILL wipe it clean. using your PC,do a full format to FAT32. you can then transfer the files back. *this is important-as your phone will not find the downgrade PB31IMG unless your card is formatted to FAT 32,and the file is correctly named.
  19. 4)downgrade with adb. make sure your phone is charged to 100% before starting.
  20. -on windows 7,click the start bubble and type "command" in the search box. this should open a small black command window. from this point forward,all code will be in bold so you know what lines to copy and paste(or type,if you really want to type them all in). additional comments will be blue,and should not be copy/pasted. please note that each line is one command. copy/paste it into the prompt in your command window,and push enter. one line at a time.
  21. at the end of the post,is a copy of my session,to show what the outputs of the entered lines should look like. hopefully,its a little less scary when you know that youre getting the right responses to the things you enter.
  22. -make sure phone is plugged in and usb debugging checked on in charge only mode
  23. -at the promt in your command window:
  24. cd c:\mini-adb_inc this should change your command promt to "mini-adb_inc",indicating youre using that directory.
  25. adb devices this should output your phones serial number,indicating its recognized
  26. md5sums mtd0.img it should output a few things.at the end you should see this number 34307be744275f1db1dd16af04c37839
  27. md5sums flash_image again,it will output some things,then you should see this number: 0098a7dd6600b55fac34fc6645be5d7a
  28. md5sums zergRush again,output stuff, then this number:4a32187446c284c2b975845f3ab9ffc4
  29. *all those numbers must match exactly. if they do then you can procede.
  30. adb push zergRush /data/local/
  31. adb shell this will change your promt to a $
  32. chmod 755 /data/local/zergRush
  33. /data/local/zergRush
  34. this will cause zergRush to start,and it shoudl say "found a gingerbread!" followed by a bunch of other funny stuff.
  35. last thing it says will be: Killing ADB and restarting as root... enjoy!
  36. you should then be returned to your "mini-adb_inc>" prompt
  37. adb push flash_image /data/local/
  38. adb push mtd0.img /sdcard/
  39. adb shell your prompt should change to a #
  40. cd /data/local
  41. chmod 0755 /data/local/flash_image
  42. cd /data/local
  43. ./flash_image misc /sdcard/mtd0.img
  44. you can now downgrade back to 2.2,so you can run "unrevoked forever" to regain s-off
  45. exit to get out of your adb shell,and back to the "mini-adb_inc" prompt
  46. adb reboot bootloader this will boot your phone to "fastboot" select "bootloader" with the power button.
  47. hopefully what you will see now,is a blue status bar as your phone finds the PB31IMG,unpacks it,checks it,then asks if youd like to update. select yes to update with the volume up rocker. if youve never installed a full ruu in hboot,it will take a few minutes,so dont panic. place the phone gently down somewhere where it wont fall and spit out the battery. let it do its thing. push power to reboot when prompted.
  48. let the phone fully boot,then place in disk drive mode and immediately delete PB31IMG from your sd card,as it will interefere with running unrevoked forever.
  49. download unrevoked forever from here: unrevoked3 recovery reflash tool, v3.32
  50. run unrevoked(extract the contents,right click on "reflash",run as adminstrator if possible). this time,it will root you,and turn the secure flag off on your radio. this is good,as it will allow you to always flash things that werent signed and approved by htc. you can flash new radios and recoveries,and flash any ruu you wish. the secure flag is in the radio,so running ruus or even accepting OTAs will not over-ride it. you will always stay s-off.
  51. and heres what you should see when entering the commands(my copy/pastes are in red):

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