The secret, Believe And You Will Achieve!

SUBMITTED BY: bmanohar93

DATE: Oct. 5, 2016, 4:50 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 393

  1. Believe And You Will Achieve! New House In Less Than A Month!
  2. Since I started using The Secret in earnest again approximately 2 months ago, I have manifested a new job which I wrote about last week for the site, and now, a new house!
  3. I bought my current house about a year and a half ago and I guess I always knew it wasn’t a long-term arrangement. In March this year, I started thinking about buying a different house but I couldn’t find one within my budget and whenever I did bid on a house, I was outbid.
  4. I decided to try a new tactic based on watching The Secret movie again. I wrote out exactly what I wanted from my new house. I wanted a quiet, peaceful street as my current street was stressful with neighbours who constantly made noise. I wanted bigger bedrooms with space for larger wardrobes and I really wanted a garden as my current house had none.
  5. I found the ideal house 2 weeks ago but it was at the outer limit of what I could afford. However, the bidding had started far under the asking price, so I was okay at first. Then the bidding kept going up and up and I started to get stressed.
  6. If anything, my current street became even more stressful to live on, and I realised that I was manifesting that. So I began to visualise a quiet, empty street near my current house and I visualised opening the gate of my new house, walking up to the front door and unlocking it. I pictured the house exactly as I would want it to be once it was re-decorated. I also wrote my name and my new address on a Post-It note and stuck it to my phone cover. I repeated that visualisation over and over again. I started to make concrete plans to sell my current house and got an estate agent out to value it. I began to get my current house prepped for sale and visited the new area regularly to soak in it’s vibes.
  7. I believed so much that everything would work out that I began to relax and the stress at my current home began to diminish overnight.
  8. Yesterday, I went to a sale agreement and today I paid the deposit on my new house. I am absolutely ecstatic with the results I have had and I can’t wait to manifest other things, starting with a smooth and fast sale process for both houses!
  9. Thank you so much to Rhonda and the entire team of The Secret!

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