Safe and input friendly SLOW 1.5x FREEBITCO.IN SCRIPT 2022 (only run 5 minutes then refresh) 24hr 1x

SUBMITTED BY: boogeymanblue

DATE: Feb. 4, 2022, 3:11 p.m.

FORMAT: JavaScript

SIZE: 4.3 kB

HITS: 3909

  1. bconfig = {
  2. minWait: 3000,
  3. maxWait : 5000,
  4. odd : 1.5,
  5. bet : 0.00000002
  6. };
  7. //***********************************
  8. var add =;
  9. var x = add;
  10. var choice;
  11. var body = $('body');
  12. var maxWait = bconfig.maxWait;
  13. var minWait = bconfig.minWait;
  14. var c = 1;
  15. var roll;
  16. var hi = "hi";
  17. var lo = "lo";
  18. var sum = 0.00000000;
  19. var stopprofit = 1.00000000;
  20. var stoploss = -1.00000000;
  21. var y = 1;
  22. var state = 1 ;
  23. //*********************************
  24. var choiceroll = prompt("Please enter number of rolls", "10");
  25. roll = parseInt(choiceroll, 10);
  26. var rp = confirm("Do you want to stop the script on PROFIT");
  27. if (rp == true) {
  28. var choiceprofit= prompt("Please enter a value in Satoshi", "100");
  29. stopprofit = parseInt(choiceprofit, 10);
  30. }
  31. var rl = confirm("Do you want to stop the script on LOSS");
  32. if (rl == true) {
  33. var choiceloss= prompt("Please enter a negative value in Satoshi", "-50");
  34. stoploss = parseInt(choiceloss, 10);
  35. }
  36. function getRandomWait() {
  37. var wait;
  38. do {
  39. wait = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxWait) + 100;
  40. }
  41. while (wait < minWait);
  42. console.log(wait);
  43. return wait;
  44. }
  45. var init_balance = $('#balance').html();
  46. document.getElementById("double_your_btc_payout_multiplier").value = "1.5";
  47. rollDice = function(choice) {
  48. var balance = $('#balance').html();
  49. if (x < 0.00000001) {
  50. x = add;
  51. document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
  52. }
  53. var lenLose = $('#double_your_btc_bet_lose').html().length;
  54. //console.log(lenLose);
  55. var lenWin = $('#double_your_btc_bet_win').html().length;
  56. //console.log(lenWin);
  57. if (lenLose > 36 && lenWin == 0 && state == 1) {
  58. lenWin = 0;
  59. lenLose = 0;
  60. //x = x + add;
  61. y = y * 3;
  62. x = add * y;
  63. document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
  64. $('#double_your_btc_bet_' + choice + '_button').click();
  65. }else if (lenWin > 36 && lenLose == 0 && state == 1){
  66. lenWin = 0;
  67. lenLose = 0;
  68. if (x >= add * bconfig.odd * 2 ) {
  69. y = 1;
  70. x = add * y;
  71. document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
  72. }
  73. $('#double_your_btc_bet_' + choice + '_button').click();
  74. }
  75. c++;
  76. console.log("Roll number :"+c);
  77. sum = parseFloat(balance) - parseFloat(init_balance) ;
  78. if (((sum * 100000000) > stopprofit) || ((sum * 100000000) < stoploss)){
  79. console.log("Script stopped");
  80. state = 0;
  81. alert("Script stopped, " + " Profit = " + sum.toFixed(8).toString());
  82. location.reload();
  83. }
  84. }
  85. /*if (choice == null || choice == "") {
  86. choice = "hi";
  87. } else {
  88. }*/
  89. body.prepend(
  90. $('<div/>').attr('style',"position:fixed;top:50px;left:0;z-index:999;width:400px;background-color:#227d5c;color: white; text-align: center;")
  91. .append(
  92. $('<div/>').attr('id','autofaucet')
  93. .append($('<p/> text-align: center').text("Donate:"))
  94. .append($('<p/> text-align: center').text("1Jh72g1dBtnKjvP9wC4KSbEdVGNfpD8mDc"))
  95. .append($('<p/> text-align: center').text("Click to copy"))
  96. .append($('<p/>')
  97. )
  98. ).click(function(){
  99. var $temp = $('<input>').val("1Jh72g1dBtnKjvP9wC4KSbEdVGNfpD8mDc");
  100. body.append($temp);
  101. $;
  102. document.execCommand("copy");
  103. $temp.remove();
  104. })
  105. ).prepend($('<style/>')
  106. .text("#autofaucet p { margin: 0; margin-left: 0px; text-align: center; }")
  107. )
  108. document.getElementById("double_your_btc_stake").value = x.toFixed(8).toString();
  109. $('#double_your_btc_bet_' + hi + '_button').click();
  110. function main(n) {
  111. function timer(){ // create a unique function (scope) each time
  112. var k = i; // save i to the variable k
  113. setTimeout(()=>{
  114. if (state == 0){
  115. return;
  116. }else{
  117. if (k % 2 == 0){
  118. //console.log ("rolling high ..");
  119. rollDice("hi");
  120. }else{
  121. //console.log ("rolling low ..");
  122. rollDice("lo");
  123. }
  124. console.log ("Profit = " + sum.toFixed(8).toString());
  125. }
  126. },i*getRandomWait());
  127. }
  128. timer();
  129. }
  130. for(var i = 1; i < roll; i++) {
  131. main(i);
  132. }

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