part 14 paragraph


DATE: June 1, 2013, 2:57 a.m.

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HITS: 9741

  1. --15--
  2. The restriction pattern in Fig. 2 specifies that the sen--
  3. tence to be generated should contain a transitive verb
  4. which belongs to either semantic class C1 or C2. The verb
  5. should govern (I) a noun as the subject of the sentence,
  6. (2) an object which is to be selected from the words in
  7. semantic class C15 or the specified words W 1 and W2, and
  8. (3) an adverb which does not belong to semantic class C19.
  9. The subject of the sentence should not govern an adjective.
  10. As illustrated in the pattern, each node in a pattern
  11. contains a word class and selection restrictions which are
  12. positively or negatively specified in terms of semantic
  13. class(es), specific word(s) or a word class. Restriction
  14. patterns are stored in the following form: Q-PIP2..oPn.
  15. Q is a single pattern, or a combination of patterns, and
  16. PIP2...P n are single restriction patterns. Essentially,
  17. Q-PIP2...Pn is e rule which specifies that if a sentence
  18. (or string of sentences) whose sentence skeleton(s) matches
  19. Q, then it can be followed by a sentence whose sentence
  20. skeleton is one of these Ps. Thus, one of these Ps is
  21. randomly selected to be used as a restriction pattern for
  22. a succeeding sentence. The pattern selection procedure is
  23. not yet coded. At present, strings of restriction patterns
  24. are given directly to the pattern selection routine. The
  25. generation program generates strings of sentences under
  26. the control oz direction of the restrictions specified in
  27. the patterns. The use of restriction patterns to control

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