Hey Royal I’ve been reading your messages and I feel bad for your man. I definitely agree on your message about how people are wasting their money on these products! I really hate the fact that these so called gurus don’t seem to give a damn about you guys, really pisses me off. But anyway, my advice to you would be to move on. Seriously man! What’s the point chasing someone who doesn’t feel the same way about you? Your wasting your life bro! Be the alpha male, find someone else who appreciates you and don’t want to waste your time! There are many good genuine women out there! Its her loss, she obviously doesn’t feel the same way so why bother? Chances are if she sees that your are moving on, she will feel jealous because you are not under her control anymore! Instead she appreciate you more. One thing I’ve learned about women is that they like a men who’s got options, they like knowing you could be with anyone else but instead you are with them, they will hold you up much higher and appreciate you more especially if you are a great person. So don’t chase! Give her space, when you talk to your ex, you have to keep it on a friend level. No more I love you or I miss you she already knows that! Instead be casual n talk about other things. Try and be objective in your outlook of life, see now and then you have to see it as it is. Unfortunately this woman doesn’t feel the same way anymore and if there is nothing you can do well move on and live your life for goodness sakes. Never lower yourself for anyone, you should have higher standards of yourself! Don’t allow someone to waste your time, you have just got to try! Try and try again! No matter how hard it is to move on! Love should be mutual not one way!! Remember put yourself higher! You deserve someone who has time for you! So come on guys stop all of this!! Be men and dictate your lives! Life is not a fairy-tale!! Its harsh! But its the truth! Find someone who appreciates you! Be a gentleman, treat them well but give them space, don’t be clingy, again and again make decisions for them,don’t be forced to say you love them. Say it if you mean it and don’t say it all the time until it looses it’s meaning! Same thing with complements. Don’t allow bullshit from them, don’t be afraid to show your serious side but no violence! Be unpredictable and don’t do the same things all the time. Remember that COMMUNICATION is very important! Don’t be afraid to say how you feel. Don’t be afraid to have friends especially female friends. Let them know you have OPTIONS. Basically Just be yourself of but an alpha male version of yourself. Dictate you life!