US funding 'Israeli state terrorism' in military deal

SUBMITTED BY: mikevault

DATE: Oct. 9, 2016, 5:18 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 456

  1. Last month, the United States signed a $38bn record military aid deal with Israel, described as the "largest single pledge of military assistance in US history to any country". Traditionally, US military aid is provided to Israel on the provision that the bulk of the money is spent on United States war machinery and weapons.
  2. As such, many of the warplanes, rifles and bullets that Israel uses against Palestinians, often in ways that may amount to human rights violations, are manufactured and supplied by the US.
  3. While US domestic law under the Foreign Assistance Act states that "no security assistance may be provided to any country the government of which engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognised human rights", no US administration since 2000 has held Israel accountable.
  4. The US has continued providing unprecedented amounts of military aid to Israel, the largest recipient of US foreign aid, in violation of its own domestic laws and international human rights laws.
  5. Al Jazeera speaks to three Palestinians whose lives have been impacted by the US decision to turn a blind eye to Israel's misuse of US-manufactured and supplied tear gas, bulldozers and munitions to commit human rights violations against Palestinians.

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