carding tutorial


DATE: Aug. 6, 2013, 2:40 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 4.4 kB

HITS: 797

  1. Basic Information:
  2. This tutorial is for the begginers in carding items from internet shops. This is not about carding a laptop or even a gaming console, this is about carding small items which you can send too your drop points which do not need to be signed.
  3. How to find a drop point:
  4. Finding a drop point can be a easy task if you know what you are looking for, when I found my first drop point it was in a house up for sale which had not been visited in along time so I then knew that I could use it for sending my items, so what i did was found out the agency selling it which I can not say, then made a fake little sign with the agencys name and a little information saying that you should put all parcels round the back and I even found a signiture so i put that on there and my fake phone number.
  5. There is another way to get a drop point, you can use somone elses which either means you might have too pay them or card them items when they need them, but the advantage of that is they can somtimes sign for items which we will not need in this tutorial.
  6. Getting Credit Cards (CC's):
  7. You may have heard the term CC which means 'Credit Card', there are a few types:
  8. Visa
  9. Mastercard
  10. Amex
  11. Discovery
  12. It is upto you which too choose but I have always used visa. But there is a common problem which is when you try too card a item and it goes on about VBV which is a type of security for the card which is against fraudsters, normally too get past the vbv, you need the Date Of Birth (DOB) which can be easily attained if you know there email and have facebook, you can just search there email and hope they have facebook and get the DOB.
  13. Or you can buy Fulls which are CreditCards with all the information including there DOB and all other information possibly needed.
  14. Now, too get hold of Credit Cards, you will need too either hack them from a online store or buy them from a legit dealer, (Becareful There Are Many Rippers Who Will Give You Dead Cards).
  15. Checking Credit Cards:
  16. There are many places too check cards.
  17. It does not flag cards and works by donating too a website a sum of only 5GBP
  18. How too stay anonymouse:
  19. The most secure way too stay hidden is to use somthing called SOCKS, they are high anonimity and very secure. But, don't guy buy any SOCKS, buy the ones which are located in the country of your card, for example, if the website I am carding is from USA and my card is a USA one, you will get some SOCKS which are based in the USA.
  20. Lets Get Carding:
  21. The website we will be carding is
  22. I have ordered many games from there for my Xbox 360 and non of them have needed too be signed which means they have a nice fast delivery.
  23. Ok, so first we need the following:
  24. Credit Card < Make sure it is not dead and that it works, use the checker >
  25. SOCKS < Use SOCKS which are in the same country as your CC >
  26. Drop Point < Make sure it is setup and ready and that you have the address >
  27. Fake Email < When ever you make a new email, make sure you use a SOCK >
  28. Start up your SOCKS
  29. Make a New Email with the SOCKS
  30. Make a New Account on Play-Asia with the Socks
  31. Choose a Game which ships too your country eg. Street Fighter IV
  32. Make sure it is region free or works in your country
  33. Click Add Too Shopping Cart
  34. Click My Cart at the Top Of The Screen
  35. Click Checkout Then Login
  36. Click Next Step
  37. Now, when you are at the shipping part, choose Economy Air Bubble because if you chose somthing like 'FEDEX' you will need too sign
  38. Yes it will take longer but we want too be sure the package does arrive.
  39. Then CLick next step
  40. Now, put the details of the Drop Points Address into there and make the same name as on the card & make a phone number up.
  41. Click next step
  42. The confirm if the address is right then click Next Step again
  43. Now, here is the important part, you need to put the CC information into the box
  44. It shoudl look somthing like this
  45. Card Number*
  46. Expiry Date
  47. Security Code
  48. Cardholders Name
  49. Now just enter the details in and click next step!
  50. That shoudl be it, it might send you a email too your fake email so make sure your SOCKS are still running
  51. Also, whenever you check your fake email make sure you use your SOCKS, you want no traces too your IP at All!

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