E3 2019 расписание
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I understand that they want to be more like Gamescom since they are loosing traction but I also understand that devs and press alike will be leaving the event if it's public. The Fortnite booth saw huge crowds during the showcase and the Pro-Am held nearby had nearly 2 million viewers to boot. We now know that June 11th-13th is when will take place. I think people are over-reacting.
E3 has not yet started selling public tickets for next year's event, meaning that it has not come to any concrete decisions on venue. You want to be in person to meet people and create contacts. E3 2017 attendance was 68,400, a figure that includes the that were sold this for the first time in the event's history that year.
For that matter did they also confirm that they wont be attending Gamescom, Paris Games Week or Tokyo Game Show? It was a hard decision, but we have determined that this year we will not hold PlayStation Experience. People will forgive them in a heart beat. It felt very natural to partner together. At the Chevrolet Performance U. At the Chevrolet Performance U. Suffice to say, no E3 presentation can do the impossible. We had a great time thanks to you! So they could actually build hype at e3 without going there.
E3 2019 will be open to the public - Imagine if their entire 19 minute video was a giant hint that they are working on a Robocop video game, though.
In an alarming bit of news, Sony just confirmed that it will be skipping E3 2019, becoming another in a long line of major publishers and company exiting the once annual tradeshow and largest gaming event of the year. This is the first time in E3's 24-year history, Sony PlayStation won't be participating. For a few years now, major publishers have been pulling out of E3. Blizzard and Rockstar Games don't even attend anyway, but Nintendo stopped hosting press conferences, Activision dropped its booth, opting to show up at Sony's. Toss e3 2019 расписание other game companies disappearing or leaving like the now-defunct Disney Interactive and Wargaming. They're trying to evolve and find a new identity. E3 2019 расписание the spiral continues and an increasing amount of publishers and developers cater directly to their own community. PlayStation fans mean the world to us and we always want to innovate, think differently and experiment with new ways to delight gamers. As a result, we have decided not to participate in E3 in 2019. The reasoning given for the absence of the event, is that they and don't want to let fans down. Given what we know of upcoming exclusives for the PlayStation 4, it seems we're still just waiting for Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, and The Last of Us 2, which we've seen on numerous occasions. Is there anything new, on that level, beyond that though. Now that Spider-Man and God of War are out, there doesn't seem to be anything else major on the first party front coming this generation - a front where Sony has been absolutely dominating with hit after hit. It's totally possible that's why they're holding back until they're ready to start discussing the next generation. The inevitable PlayStation 5 seems more likely than ever to be coming in 2020, and all of Sony's devs and partners could be working towards that. Similarly, Xbox has been doing nothing but building towards the next generation since they got slammed on by PlayStation this time around. The next-gen consoles will be here sooner than you think.