

DATE: April 9, 2013, 2:41 p.m.

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  20. Japanese このサイトについて - 翻訳
  21. File: 1365503614813.jpg-(1004 KB, 2336x3504, 1346234713498.jpg)
  22. GI
  23. 1004 KB
  24. Anonymous (ID: P+mWMGmk) 04/09/13(Tue)06:33:34 No.471412403
  25. Replies: >>471414283 >>471414737 >>471414897 >>471415589 >>471415642 >>471415980 >>471416025 >>471416630 >>471417040 >>471417343 >>471417510 >>471418647 >>471419653 >>471419796 >>471422497 >>471422779 >>471423692 >>471425071 >>471426481 >>471429587 >>471430753 >>471431037 >>471431414 >>471432183 >>471432816 >>471435776
  26. What's the single most arousing image you have ever seen?
  27. This one is up there for me.
  28. >>
  29. Anonymous (ID: P+mWMGmk) 04/09/13(Tue)06:35:08 No.471412541
  30. Replies: >>471414453 >>471422073 >>471425235 >>471430694 >>471431448 >>471432134
  31. File: 1365503708559.jpg-(28 KB, 364x720, 1346307012762.jpg)
  32. GI
  33. 28 KB
  34. OP:
  35. ..and this gets honorable mention
  36. >>
  37. Anonymous (ID: +4h2kF0M) 04/09/13(Tue)06:52:17 No.471414283
  38. Replies: >>471414569 >>471414647 >>471414790 >>471415781
  39. >>471412403 (OP)
  40. I liked that pic until i noticed her big toe is ripped off probably poor hygiene ughhh
  41. >>
  42. Anonymous (ID: CgafdS3B) 04/09/13(Tue)06:53:52 No.471414453
  43. Replies: >>471414548 >>471414602
  44. File: 1365504832474.jpg-(101 KB, 1024x801, 1351126114492.jpg)
  45. GI
  46. 101 KB
  47. >>471412541
  48. same girl
  49. >>
  50. Anonymous (ID: DcmiI/uz) 04/09/13(Tue)06:54:44 No.471414548
  51. >>471414453
  52. no
  53. >>
  54. Anonymous (ID: pysdzlP6) 04/09/13(Tue)06:55:05 No.471414569
  55. Replies: >>471417864 >>471433797
  56. >>471414283
  57. Considering Faye's outrageous case of genital warts, that's not so far off the mark.
  58. >>
  59. Anonymous (ID: CgafdS3B) 04/09/13(Tue)06:55:19 No.471414602
  60. File: 1365504919656.jpg-(172 KB, 1024x768, 1351125935244.jpg)
  61. GI
  62. 172 KB
  63. >>471414453
  64. possibly same girl
  65. >>
  66. Anonymous (ID: 6bJWB4IV) 04/09/13(Tue)06:55:47 No.471414647
  67. >>471414283
  68. cannot unsee
  69. >>
  70. Anonymous (ID: EonJExDf) 04/09/13(Tue)06:56:47 No.471414736
  71. Replies: >>471414838 >>471428560 >>471434898
  72. File: 1365505007351.jpg-(107 KB, 1512x1008, 889234242424242.jpg)
  73. GI
  74. 107 KB
  75. Probably has to be this one, at least for what I can remember and have saved.
  76. >>
  77. Anonymous (ID: rQ1TX/rF) 04/09/13(Tue)06:56:48 No.471414737
  78. Replies: >>471416451
  79. File: 1365505008045.jpg-(65 KB, 640x960, 1365086995587.jpg)
  80. GI
  81. 65 KB
  82. >>471412403 (OP)
  83. one of the most annoying pics ive possible ever seen, everytime i look at that picture my boner leaves the room and makes me wanna barf
  84. >>
  85. Anonymous (ID: UJfDkVyL) 04/09/13(Tue)06:57:16 No.471414790
  86. >>471414283
  87. god damnit you've completely ruined it for me
  88. >>
  89. Anonymous (ID: wDvjDWP4) 04/09/13(Tue)06:57:44 No.471414838
  90. >>471414736
  91. are you me?
  92. >>
  93. Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/09/13(Tue)06:58:19 No.471414897
  94. >>471412403 (OP)
  95. Reported.
  96. You're not supposed to ask for CP.
  97. >>
  98. Anonymous (ID: dRSGWsqT) 04/09/13(Tue)06:58:49 No.471414953
  99. Replies: >>471415367 >>471415385
  100. File: 1365505129560.jpg-(120 KB, 428x286, 1362039610888.jpg)
  101. GI
  102. 120 KB
  103. This
  104. >>
  105. Anonymous (ID: 8dd5R6VM) 04/09/13(Tue)06:59:49 No.471415060
  106. Replies: >>471418643 >>471424198 >>471426010 >>471433212
  107. File: 1365505189629.jpg-(280 KB, 1280x1005, 1361370872624.jpg)
  108. GI
  109. 280 KB
  110. >>
  111. Anonymous (ID: +4dc1DpZ) 04/09/13(Tue)07:00:06 No.471415089
  112. Replies: >>471416635 >>471432485
  113. File: 1365505206096.jpg-(747 KB, 2326x1560, 1344595509209.jpg)
  114. GI
  115. 747 KB
  116. im goin for this one
  117. >>
  118. Anonymous (ID: +4dc1DpZ) 04/09/13(Tue)07:01:30 No.471415219
  119. Replies: >>471424418 >>471424716 >>471425098
  120. File: 1365505290035.jpg-(137 KB, 1124x1600, 1360007030854.jpg)
  121. GI
  122. 137 KB
  123. also this
  124. >>
  125. Anonymous (ID: s1QCFlRf) 04/09/13(Tue)07:02:03 No.471415281
  126. Replies: >>471415780
  127. File: 1365505323371.jpg-(768 KB, 2808x4212, nice.jpg)
  128. GI
  129. 768 KB
  130. this
  131. >>
  132. Anonymous (ID: 70KT3IOt) 04/09/13(Tue)07:02:49 No.471415358
  133. File: 1365505369262.jpg-(250 KB, 996x1236, panties (105).jpg)
  134. GI
  135. 250 KB
  136. this one is up there for me
  137. akso OP's pic is up there
  138. >>
  139. Anonymous (ID: 8dd5R6VM) 04/09/13(Tue)07:02:59 No.471415367
  140. Replies: >>471415520
  141. File: 1365505379630.png-(441 KB, 500x669, 1352637962176.png)
  142. GI
  143. 441 KB
  144. >>471414953
  145. Imagine being really shit at sexing, and only being able to hit the black ring. Or missing the target entirely.
  146. >>
  147. Anonymous (ID: 6wjAwwr0) 04/09/13(Tue)07:03:15 No.471415385
  148. >>471414953
  149. ma nigger
  150. >>
  151. Anonymous (ID: xVjyBwuM) 04/09/13(Tue)07:03:16 No.471415389
  152. Replies: >>471415482
  153. File: 1365505396652.jpg-(75 KB, 489x728, tumblr_mgopj2Aq331rr9ejao1_500.jpg)
  154. GI
  155. 75 KB
  156. To quote Pierce Hawthorne: "There's just something about a breast that's never been touched by white hands..."
  157. >>
  158. Anonymous (ID: 6wjAwwr0) 04/09/13(Tue)07:04:12 No.471415482
  159. >>471415389
  160. you don't know.
  161. >>
  162. Anonymous (ID: +4dc1DpZ) 04/09/13(Tue)07:04:29 No.471415520
  163. Replies: >>471416115
  164. File: 1365505469543.jpg-(124 KB, 500x667, 1359291273390.jpg)
  165. GI
  166. 124 KB
  167. >>471415367
  168. pic semi related
  169. >>
  170. Anonymous (ID: 70KT3IOt) 04/09/13(Tue)07:04:50 No.471415549
  171. Replies: >>471415946
  172. File: 1365505490390.jpg-(282 KB, 1200x762, 1364789093726.jpg)
  173. GI
  174. 282 KB
  175. >>
  176. Anonymous (ID: stQZ5E7K) 04/09/13(Tue)07:05:01 No.471415569
  177. Replies: >>471415946
  178. File: 1365505501737.jpg-(442 KB, 3000x2250, 1310801286168.jpg)
  179. GI
  180. 442 KB
  181. Look tbh, I've probably seen better, and I could easily find one with just a chick, but this one gets me every time all the same.
  182. >>
  183. Anonymous (ID: 9xEaG0vw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:05:14 No.471415589
  184. >>471412403 (OP)
  185. >> Have phobia of bathtubs after years of telling people mental illness doesn't exist
  186. >> Scared of this picture, makes me cringe when zoomed.
  187. >>
  188. Anonymous (ID: 6iycyYbT) 04/09/13(Tue)07:05:43 No.471415642
  189. >>471412403 (OP)
  190. http://pastebin.com/6XrWRYmn check it
  191. >>
  192. Anonymous (ID: 70KT3IOt) 04/09/13(Tue)07:06:23 No.471415702
  193. Replies: >>471415982
  194. File: 1365505583782.jpg-(318 KB, 2000x1333, spread (345).jpg)
  195. GI
  196. 318 KB
  197. >>
  198. Anonymous (ID: 5w5rBHLX) 04/09/13(Tue)07:07:02 No.471415756
  199. File: 1365505622540.jpg-(241 KB, 1600x1064, 1302083315597.jpg)
  200. GI
  201. 241 KB
  202. Urgh
  203. >>
  204. Anonymous (ID: vTAxvJnh) 04/09/13(Tue)07:07:15 No.471415780
  205. Replies: >>471416041
  206. >>471415281
  207. 100% that girl is on webcam now.
  208. http://livejsamine.org/latest (middle right of screen!?!?!!)
  209. >>
  210. Anonymous (ID: 3qOXMMYm) 04/09/13(Tue)07:07:15 No.471415781
  211. Replies: >>471415897
  212. >>471414283
  213. or maybe, just maybe she dropped somthing on it
  214. >>
  215. Anonymous (ID: 9xEaG0vw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:07:37 No.471415818
  216. File: 1365505657519.jpg-(383 KB, 2032x1354, 0009669880.jpg)
  217. GI
  218. 383 KB
  219. Just going through the images I think qualify in my fap folder
  220. 1/?
  221. >>
  222. Anonymous (ID: lhRSUVsV) 04/09/13(Tue)07:07:48 No.471415840
  223. File: 1365505668159.jpg-(197 KB, 1280x960, 1365433816398.jpg)
  224. GI
  225. 197 KB
  226. this
  227. >>
  228. Anonymous (ID: 2JnTZYwt) 04/09/13(Tue)07:08:03 No.471415874
  229. File: 1365505683246.jpg-(50 KB, 500x375, image.jpg)
  230. GI
  231. 50 KB
  232. >>
  233. Anonymous (ID: 9xEaG0vw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:08:08 No.471415880
  234. File: 1365505688754.jpg-(32 KB, 600x450, 0009935828.jpg)
  235. GI
  236. 32 KB
  237. Obligory
  238. >>
  239. Anonymous (ID: 5w5rBHLX) 04/09/13(Tue)07:08:19 No.471415897
  240. >>471415781
  241. I dropped a cinderblock on my toe when I was a kid.
  242. It turned black and was pushed off by a second toenail that grew out from under it.
  243. This guy could be right.
  244. >>
  245. Anonymous (ID: 2CwK8xLf) 04/09/13(Tue)07:08:40 No.471415936
  246. Replies: >>471417605
  247. File: 1365505720304.jpg-(46 KB, 768x576, arch.jpg)
  248. GI
  249. 46 KB
  250. >>
  251. Anonymous (ID: /Avd4v/m) 04/09/13(Tue)07:08:41 No.471415937
  252. File: 1365505721702.jpg-(153 KB, 640x480, 1358335315151.jpg)
  253. GI
  254. 153 KB
  255. Pretty much this.
  256. >>
  257. Anonymous (ID: Ced/v06U) 04/09/13(Tue)07:08:47 No.471415946
  258. >>471415549
  259. Please tell me you have sauce?
  260. >>471415569
  261. That Jennifer White and Kasey Chase?
  262. >>
  263. Anonymous (ID: x6jg9hyt) 04/09/13(Tue)07:09:03 No.471415980
  264. Replies: >>471416068
  265. File: 1365505743123.png-(1.41 MB, 770x1024, 0524302043.png)
  266. GI
  267. 1.41 MB
  268. >>471412403 (OP)
  269. >>
  270. Anonymous (ID: +4dc1DpZ) 04/09/13(Tue)07:09:04 No.471415982
  271. Replies: >>471418356
  272. File: 1365505744528.jpg-(166 KB, 1200x675, 1353196604173.jpg)
  273. GI
  274. 166 KB
  275. >>471415702
  276. my spine just twisted
  277. >>
  278. Anonymous (ID: sPImsvyT) 04/09/13(Tue)07:09:33 No.471416025
  279. File: 1365505773106.jpg-(134 KB, 984x1228, 669106627-main.jpg)
  280. GI
  281. 134 KB
  282. >>471412403 (OP)
  283. Now you know.
  284. >>
  285. Anonymous (ID: GwFaW61Q) 04/09/13(Tue)07:09:41 No.471416041
  286. >>471415780
  287. lol faggot
  288. >org
  289. >>
  290. Anonymous (ID: x6jg9hyt) 04/09/13(Tue)07:10:02 No.471416068
  291. File: 1365505802534.jpg-(493 KB, 1280x924, 1346651005971.jpg)
  292. GI
  293. 493 KB
  294. >>471415980
  295. >>
  296. Anonymous (ID: 9xEaG0vw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:10:05 No.471416073
  297. Replies: >>471426334
  298. File: 1365505805250.jpg-(231 KB, 1280x854, 0495482531.jpg)
  299. GI
  300. 231 KB
  301. Who needs nudity
  302. 3/?
  303. >>
  304. Anonymous (ID: g39QGZe4) 04/09/13(Tue)07:10:43 No.471416115
  305. Replies: >>471416295
  306. >>471415520
  307. fake
  308. >>
  309. Anonymous (ID: T/caKgos) 04/09/13(Tue)07:10:56 No.471416137
  310. File: 1365505856303.jpg-(701 KB, 1209x889, 1341059271341.jpg)
  311. GI
  312. 701 KB
  313. >>
  314. Anonymous (ID: YO4vUV5R) 04/09/13(Tue)07:11:09 No.471416163
  315. File: 1365505869032.jpg-(40 KB, 482x640, 1352987335952.jpg)
  316. GI
  317. 40 KB
  318. posting my favourites
  319. >>
  320. Anonymous (ID: 5w5rBHLX) 04/09/13(Tue)07:11:13 No.471416170
  321. Replies: >>471423860
  322. File: 1365505873476.jpg-(81 KB, 750x1000, 1302104311212.jpg)
  323. GI
  324. 81 KB
  325. That look.
  326. Unf unf unf unf
  327. >>
  328. Anonymous (ID: 9xEaG0vw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:11:32 No.471416204
  329. Replies: >>471426782 >>471432404
  330. File: 1365505892517.jpg-(188 KB, 1200x1600, 128524276588.jpg)
  331. GI
  332. 188 KB
  333. 4/?
  334. >>
  335. Anonymous (ID: HI6OwBNQ) 04/09/13(Tue)07:11:50 No.471416242
  336. Replies: >>471423873 >>471433823
  337. File: 1365505910003.jpg-(114 KB, 900x669, image.jpg)
  338. GI
  339. 114 KB
  340. >>
  341. Anonymous (ID: YO4vUV5R) 04/09/13(Tue)07:11:54 No.471416248
  342. Replies: >>471417138
  343. File: 1365505914540.jpg-(241 KB, 639x768, 1362540181231.jpg)
  344. GI
  345. 241 KB
  346. >>
  347. Anonymous (ID: 2CwK8xLf) 04/09/13(Tue)07:12:01 No.471416267
  348. Replies: >>471416581
  349. File: 1365505921781.jpg-(863 KB, 1920x1080, 1347707983968.jpg)
  350. GI
  351. 863 KB
  352. >>
  353. Anonymous (ID: +4dc1DpZ) 04/09/13(Tue)07:12:22 No.471416295
  354. File: 1365505942288.jpg-(54 KB, 571x570, 1279576393386.jpg)
  355. GI
  356. 54 KB
  357. >>471416115
  358. >>
  359. Anonymous (ID: YO4vUV5R) 04/09/13(Tue)07:12:32 No.471416310
  360. File: 1365505952766.jpg-(309 KB, 1200x803, 1353021684698.jpg)
  361. GI
  362. 309 KB
  363. >>
  364. Anonymous (ID: kmZI2SMZ) 04/09/13(Tue)07:13:23 No.471416383
  365. Replies: >>471417082 >>471425969
  366. File: 1365506003076.jpg-(358 KB, 953x800, 1345927083002.jpg)
  367. GI
  368. 358 KB
  369. >>
  370. Anonymous (ID: 9xEaG0vw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:13:52 No.471416428
  371. Replies: >>471422548
  372. File: 1365506032504.jpg-(59 KB, 540x696, 1351847762703.jpg)
  373. GI
  374. 59 KB
  375. 5/?
  376. >>
  377. Anonymous (ID: BV0nSFpo) 04/09/13(Tue)07:14:09 No.471416451
  378. Replies: >>471426201
  379. >>471414737
  380. strange, i get the same reaction from that slavic fucked in the face whore
  381. >>
  382. Anonymous (ID: eLYsPTDZ) 04/09/13(Tue)07:14:30 No.471416478
  383. File: 1365506070553.jpg-(139 KB, 1200x1600, bubbles.jpg)
  384. GI
  385. 139 KB
  386. definitely this
  387. >>
  388. Anonymous (ID: FDmk16zx) 04/09/13(Tue)07:15:15 No.471416558
  389. Replies: >>471416929 >>471422584
  390. File: 1365506115385.jpg-(115 KB, 1500x1067, 1360621224092.jpg)
  391. GI
  392. 115 KB
  393. Got no "single most". Have a few cherrypicks.
  394. >>
  395. Anonymous (ID: 9xEaG0vw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:15:19 No.471416563
  396. File: 1365506119587.jpg-(281 KB, 846x1600, 1269703453410.jpg)
  397. GI
  398. 281 KB
  399. Always
  400. 6/?
  401. >>
  402. Anonymous (ID: NM+3jyso) 04/09/13(Tue)07:15:28 No.471416581
  403. Replies: >>471417107
  404. >>471416267
  405. faptastic
  406. >>
  407. Anonymous (ID: +dBZU7bY) 04/09/13(Tue)07:16:01 No.471416630
  408. >>471412403 (OP)
  409. I liked it until i noticed how fucking freckly she is, freckles gross me the fuck out.
  410. >>
  411. Anonymous (ID: apLJYZjo) 04/09/13(Tue)07:16:03 No.471416635
  412. Replies: >>471417548
  413. >>471415089
  414. >that sofa
  415. What the fuck? Did someone paint that?
  416. >>
  417. Anonymous (ID: mZJNvNvl) 04/09/13(Tue)07:16:19 No.471416668
  418. Replies: >>471422325 >>471424048
  419. File: 1365506179909.jpg-(1.25 MB, 2550x3400, cu-cmoretz-la-party-mar20__1_.jpg)
  420. GI
  421. 1.25 MB
  422. Out of all fap pics I have, this one wins.
  423. She looks like Miranda Lawson from ME.
  424. >>
  425. Anonymous (ID: 9xEaG0vw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:16:32 No.471416685
  426. File: 1365506192264.jpg-(103 KB, 610x760, 1277881637179.jpg)
  427. GI
  428. 103 KB
  429. 7/?
  430. Lol post one I dun goofed.
  431. >>
  432. Anonymous (ID: FDmk16zx) 04/09/13(Tue)07:16:47 No.471416712
  433. File: 1365506207249.jpg-(107 KB, 1280x960, 1364064692339.jpg)
  434. GI
  435. 107 KB
  436. Cherrypick #2
  437. >>
  438. Anonymous (ID: FDmk16zx) 04/09/13(Tue)07:17:34 No.471416783
  439. File: 1365506254626.jpg-(331 KB, 1333x1000, 1364065321354.jpg)
  440. GI
  441. 331 KB
  442. Cherrypick #3
  443. >>
  444. Anonymous (ID: FDmk16zx) 04/09/13(Tue)07:18:12 No.471416843
  445. File: 1365506292827.gif-(459 KB, 500x400, 1363281529652.gif)
  446. GI
  447. 459 KB
  448. Cherrypick #4, animooted
  449. >>
  450. Anonymous (ID: 9xEaG0vw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:19:04 No.471416929
  451. File: 1365506344884.jpg-(406 KB, 2282x1447, 1283270613656.jpg)
  452. GI
  453. 406 KB
  454. >>471416558
  455. Always this view man I agree with you
  456. 8/? I think
  457. >>
  458. Anonymous (ID: 2QFi003q) 04/09/13(Tue)07:19:22 No.471416954
  459. Replies: >>471420931
  460. File: 1365506362353.jpg-(96 KB, 766x1000, 1336521652453.jpg)
  461. GI
  462. 96 KB
  463. >>
  464. Anonymous (ID: c7lRcITc) 04/09/13(Tue)07:19:23 No.471416957
  465. That's totally Faye Reagan.
  466. >>
  467. Anonymous (ID: YO4vUV5R) 04/09/13(Tue)07:19:43 No.471416989
  468. Replies: >>471417835 >>471418253
  469. File: 1365506383819.gif-(1.4 MB, 326x360, 1353017422857.gif)
  470. GI
  471. 1.4 MB
  472. this gif is a winner
  473. >>
  474. Anonymous (ID: 9xEaG0vw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:19:58 No.471417013
  475. Replies: >>471433869
  476. File: 1365506398737.jpg-(499 KB, 2048x1536, 1286031406164.jpg)
  477. GI
  478. 499 KB
  479. 9/? probly most fapped to picture, nfi why...
  480. >>
  481. Anonymous (ID: LXPCCUx2) 04/09/13(Tue)07:20:11 No.471417030
  482. Replies: >>471417238 >>471418594
  483. File: 1365506411358.jpg-(324 KB, 1920x1080, 1342185768579.jpg)
  484. GI
  485. 324 KB
  486. that's the one
  487. >>
  488. Anonymous (ID: 4Y5CSxi+) 04/09/13(Tue)07:20:17 No.471417040
  489. >>471412403 (OP)
  490. ugh, right toe boner killer
  491. >>
  492. Anonymous (ID: 6wjAwwr0) 04/09/13(Tue)07:20:38 No.471417082
  493. >>471416383
  494. wat
  495. >>
  496. Anonymous (ID: 2CwK8xLf) 04/09/13(Tue)07:20:55 No.471417107
  497. Replies: >>471417241
  498. File: 1365506455406.jpg-(70 KB, 480x626, phasadsda74_jpg_480x9999_(...).jpg)
  499. GI
  500. 70 KB
  501. >>471416581
  502. thank you sir. please, enjoy another from my folder
  503. >>
  504. Anonymous (ID: FDmk16zx) 04/09/13(Tue)07:20:59 No.471417112
  505. Replies: >>471417285
  506. File: 1365506459656.jpg-(420 KB, 2592x1944, cherrypick5.jpg)
  507. GI
  508. 420 KB
  509. and #5
  510. Hope you enjoyed.
  511. >>
  512. Anonymous (ID: MKjUxJv5) 04/09/13(Tue)07:21:10 No.471417123
  513. File: 1365506470184.jpg-(94 KB, 693x1100, 1365120685774.jpg)
  514. GI
  515. 94 KB
  516. Because fuck reality
  517. >>
  518. Anonymous (ID: 8dd5R6VM) 04/09/13(Tue)07:21:26 No.471417138
  519. Replies: >>471417371
  520. File: 1365506486837.jpg-(83 KB, 600x800, amateur-emo-selfies11_big.jpg)
  521. GI
  522. 83 KB
  523. >>471416248
  524. I wonder if that's Amia Moretti.
  525. >>
  526. Anonymous (ID: 9xEaG0vw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:21:50 No.471417168
  527. Replies: >>471419329
  528. File: 1365506510985.jpg-(239 KB, 1280x960, 1297407334950.jpg)
  529. GI
  530. 239 KB
  531. 10/?
  532. >>
  533. Anonymous (ID: /I0JoWPm) 04/09/13(Tue)07:22:10 No.471417201
  534. Replies: >>471426889 >>471429594
  535. File: 1365506530793.jpg-(67 KB, 457x655, 1363351682838.jpg)
  536. GI
  537. 67 KB
  538. >>
  539. Anonymous (ID: FDmk16zx) 04/09/13(Tue)07:22:32 No.471417238
  540. >>471417030
  541. Did you do color correction on that? I have the same pic, but a lot more subdued, color-wise
  542. >>
  543. Anonymous (ID: 2CwK8xLf) 04/09/13(Tue)07:22:37 No.471417241
  544. File: 1365506557556.jpg-(477 KB, 800x800, 90efbcceca7593e80885941ac(...).jpg)
  545. GI
  546. 477 KB
  547. >>471417107
  548. didn't see the pre-post with this one, whops.
  549. please, accept this apology
  550. >>
  551. Anonymous (ID: JQzs6DwX) 04/09/13(Tue)07:23:07 No.471417281
  552. Replies: >>471417423
  553. File: 1365506587011.gif-(1.63 MB, 248x180, 1337395816692.gif)
  554. GI
  555. 1.63 MB
  556. >>
  557. Anonymous (ID: wbzzhsI7) 04/09/13(Tue)07:23:11 No.471417285
  558. >>471417112
  559. thought this was hawt
  560. then i saw the scars
  561. >>boobjob
  562. now i'm sad.
  563. fuckin plastic titties.
  564. >>
  565. Anonymous (ID: bfUz32NQ) 04/09/13(Tue)07:23:47 No.471417331
  566. anything of zunechan, imho best thing happened to b, ever.
  567. >>
  568. Anonymous (ID: YO4vUV5R) 04/09/13(Tue)07:23:47 No.471417332
  569. File: 1365506627929.jpg-(65 KB, 480x640, 1362911601189.jpg)
  570. GI
  571. 65 KB
  572. dat ass
  573. >>
  574. Anonymous (ID: 9xEaG0vw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:23:58 No.471417342
  575. File: 1365506638168.jpg-(125 KB, 1024x768, e6558bf0.jpg)
  576. GI
  577. 125 KB
  578. 11/?
  579. And done. FUCK
  580. >>
  581. Anonymous (ID: RvXJ76BE) 04/09/13(Tue)07:23:58 No.471417343
  582. >>471412403 (OP)
  583. Honestly she's not hot at all but found 300 pics of my friend's wife. I've came to her more times then I could count.
  584. >>
  585. Anonymous (ID: OsjP+eNI) 04/09/13(Tue)07:24:05 No.471417353
  586. Replies: >>471417486 >>471417591 >>471417909 >>471418248 >>471419410 >>471421435 >>471423584 >>471425693
  587. File: 1365506645103.jpg-(219 KB, 700x800, 1333281202.jpg)
  588. GI
  589. 219 KB
  590. I am in love with this woman and her big fake tits
  591. >>
  592. Anonymous (ID: 96ohS8YN) 04/09/13(Tue)07:24:18 No.471417371
  593. >>471417138
  594. It is.
  595. Faggot.
  596. Speaking of Amia Moretti why the fuck did she get implants? RUINED.
  597. >>
  598. Anonymous (ID: 6kAGOO1A) 04/09/13(Tue)07:24:53 No.471417418
  599. File: 1365506693411.jpg-(61 KB, 600x449, 1292681606578.jpg)
  600. GI
  601. 61 KB
  602. >>
  603. Anonymous (ID: /d05VYB/) 04/09/13(Tue)07:24:56 No.471417423
  604. >>471417281
  605. gigi river, my nigger
  606. >>
  607. Anonymous (ID: YO4vUV5R) 04/09/13(Tue)07:25:23 No.471417457
  608. File: 1365506723119.jpg-(85 KB, 523x700, 1352950963924.jpg)
  609. GI
  610. 85 KB
  611. this one also
  612. >>
  613. Anonymous (ID: FDmk16zx) 04/09/13(Tue)07:25:46 No.471417486
  614. Replies: >>471418248
  615. >>471417353
  616. Never has "funbags" seemed so approriate a word. I'd play with those tits till the cows come home.
  617. >>
  618. Anonymous (ID: d5EhOjym) 04/09/13(Tue)07:26:02 No.471417510
  619. >>471412403 (OP)
  620. This just reminds me of Genital Wards. Don't know why.
  621. >>
  622. Anonymous (ID: 3bieqmHK) 04/09/13(Tue)07:26:14 No.471417520
  623. File: 1365506774010.jpg-(142 KB, 800x600, 18587_amateur_animal+prin(...).jpg)
  624. GI
  625. 142 KB
  626. I am a "lingerie/stockings" man. It is my favorite thing to see on a sexy woman.
  627. >>
  628. Anonymous (ID: ZkN9eU/D) 04/09/13(Tue)07:26:31 No.471417548
  629. File: 1365506791457.jpg-(93 KB, 705x960, Waat.jpg)
  630. GI
  631. 93 KB
  632. >>471416635
  633. I FUCKIN love that sofa!
  634. Dude! IKEA might have it
  635. >>
  636. Anonymous (ID: FDmk16zx) 04/09/13(Tue)07:26:59 No.471417587
  637. File: 1365506819852.jpg-(103 KB, 525x700, 1265910620739.jpg)
  638. GI
  639. 103 KB
  640. >>
  641. Anonymous (ID: 96ohS8YN) 04/09/13(Tue)07:27:04 No.471417591
  642. Replies: >>471418248
  643. >>471417353
  644. Those are fake? Damn, they don't look fake. She must have a good doctor.
  645. Yeah I'd rail the shit out of her also.
  646. >>
  647. Anonymous (ID: A24+YbGf) 04/09/13(Tue)07:27:05 No.471417596
  648. Replies: >>471417708
  649. File: 1365506825708.jpg-(224 KB, 1280x952, fap.jpg)
  650. GI
  651. 224 KB
  652. >>
  653. Anonymous (ID: w3oPILk0) 04/09/13(Tue)07:27:12 No.471417605
  654. Replies: >>471417785
  655. >>471415936
  656. more from her?
  657. >>
  658. Anonymous (ID: stQZ5E7K) 04/09/13(Tue)07:28:21 No.471417708
  659. File: 1365506901268.jpg-(26 KB, 600x617, uwotmate.jpg)
  660. GI
  661. 26 KB
  662. >>471417596
  663. >>
  664. Anonymous (ID: xpa8/DYP) 04/09/13(Tue)07:28:59 No.471417773
  665. File: 1365506939678.png-(37 KB, 217x119, hnnngh.png)
  666. GI
  667. 37 KB
  668. this bad boy right here
  669. >>
  670. Anonymous (ID: 2CwK8xLf) 04/09/13(Tue)07:29:03 No.471417785
  671. >>471417605
  672. I can't find any, but if it exists I wouldn't mind having it at all.
  673. >>
  674. Anonymous (ID: FDmk16zx) 04/09/13(Tue)07:29:27 No.471417814
  675. File: 1365506967622.jpg-(118 KB, 900x1200, 1266882787848.jpg)
  676. GI
  677. 118 KB
  678. >>
  679. Anonymous (ID: 2JnTZYwt) 04/09/13(Tue)07:29:30 No.471417819
  680. File: 1365506970670.jpg-(68 KB, 1016x660, image.jpg)
  681. GI
  682. 68 KB
  683. took me a while but i found it.
  684. most beautiful picture i have ever seen
  685. >>
  686. Anonymous (ID: NS04PBbb) 04/09/13(Tue)07:29:37 No.471417835
  687. Replies: >>471418050 >>471424393
  688. File: 1365506977793.png-(185 KB, 400x330, ariana makes me cream.png)
  689. GI
  690. 185 KB
  691. >>471416989
  692. Link to video pls
  693. Also this.
  694. >>
  695. Anonymous (ID: 96ohS8YN) 04/09/13(Tue)07:30:01 No.471417864
  696. Replies: >>471418045
  697. >>471414569
  698. >genital warts
  699. At least she's a porn star and shit, and has an excuse. I'm a 30 year old dude who's only fucked 6 chicks and got the genital warts. It's pretty fucking lame.
  700. >>
  701. Anonymous (ID: /rVVIjYy) 04/09/13(Tue)07:30:32 No.471417909
  702. Replies: >>471417989
  703. >>471417353
  704. those aren't fakes
  705. >>
  706. Anonymous (ID: PVsgPw+G) 04/09/13(Tue)07:31:24 No.471417989
  707. >>471417909
  708. The nipples are fucking incredible, that's why I thought that they were real.
  709. >>
  710. Anonymous (ID: EoRgQ7Tv) 04/09/13(Tue)07:31:54 No.471418019
  711. Replies: >>471418509
  712. File: 1365507114102.jpg-(199 KB, 1047x698, 1360898675896.jpg)
  713. GI
  714. 199 KB
  715. >>
  716. Anonymous (ID: 3bieqmHK) 04/09/13(Tue)07:32:11 No.471418045
  717. Replies: >>471418163
  718. >>471417864
  719. that sucks bro. I got the herpes years ago, before I got married. At least there is a medication that I can take when the shit starts to flare up.
  720. >>
  721. Anonymous (ID: BV0nSFpo) 04/09/13(Tue)07:32:16 No.471418050
  722. File: 1365507136700.jpg-(455 KB, 1051x1280, 1346100632433.jpg)
  723. GI
  724. 455 KB
  725. >>471417835
  726. german amateur blonde riding fishnet
  727. sadly thats the only good part of the video
  728. also, cant remember name
  729. >>
  730. Anonymous (ID: 96ohS8YN) 04/09/13(Tue)07:32:19 No.471418056
  731. File: 1365507139696.jpg-(38 KB, 494x480, alex-cry_a1f41b.jpg)
  732. GI
  733. 38 KB
  734. Anyway here's mine, either this or one of the several other pics of this girl.
  735. Her face isn't bad, but to me she has the perfect fucking body. I know most of you probably like 'em skinny, and I don't mind skinny, but this right here is my shit.
  736. >>
  737. Anonymous (ID: FDmk16zx) 04/09/13(Tue)07:32:47 No.471418110
  738. Replies: >>471422272
  739. File: 1365507167088.jpg-(43 KB, 612x800, 1272385040368.jpg)
  740. GI
  741. 43 KB
  742. This one I find absurdly arousing precisely because she looks spent and ruined from childbirth. Feeds some primitive fantasy of picking up a sex-starved single mother.
  743. >>
  744. Anonymous (ID: k+/Qn6Gw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:33:13 No.471418154
  745. File: 1365507193470.jpg-(580 KB, 960x1280, 1335307979479.jpg)
  746. GI
  747. 580 KB
  748. just fucking perfect tits
  749. >>
  750. Anonymous (ID: RvXJ76BE) 04/09/13(Tue)07:33:23 No.471418163
  751. Replies: >>471418428
  752. >>471418045
  753. Got them too.. from my fuckjing ex wife..
  754. >>
  755. Anonymous (ID: 8dd5R6VM) 04/09/13(Tue)07:34:17 No.471418248
  756. File: 1365507257872.jpg-(488 KB, 768x1024, Tanya Barbie Lieder.jpg)
  757. GI
  758. 488 KB
  759. >>471417353
  760. >>471417486
  761. >>471417591
  762. I'm going to go ahead and say those are real.
  763. >>
  764. Anonymous (ID: HpH5o02t) 04/09/13(Tue)07:34:19 No.471418253
  765. Replies: >>471418759
  766. >>471416989
  767. does anybody has the full vid? or moar of her?
  768. >>
  769. Anonymous (ID: k+/Qn6Gw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:34:43 No.471418289
  770. File: 1365507283592.jpg-(53 KB, 800x512, 1307551163734.jpg)
  771. GI
  772. 53 KB
  773. >>
  774. Anonymous (ID: XL1ZFTji) 04/09/13(Tue)07:35:15 No.471418356
  775. >>471415982
  776. sauce??????????
  777. >>
  778. Anonymous (ID: 3bieqmHK) 04/09/13(Tue)07:35:59 No.471418428
  779. Replies: >>471418752
  780. >>471418163
  781. how often does your shit hurt ?
  782. I am pretty lucky, I may get an outbreak once every 18 months or so, but when it happens, it hurts like fuck all.
  783. >>
  784. Anonymous (ID: 8dd5R6VM) 04/09/13(Tue)07:36:39 No.471418509
  785. Replies: >>471432104
  786. File: 1365507399591.jpg-(46 KB, 648x901, 1326577190356.jpg)
  787. GI
  788. 46 KB
  789. >>471418019
  790. Now those are fakes. Terrible shame.
  791. >>
  792. Anonymous (ID: iRL5UE3/) 04/09/13(Tue)07:36:49 No.471418529
  793. File: 1365507409702.jpg-(428 KB, 3600x2700, 1364976029643.jpg)
  794. GI
  795. 428 KB
  796. Fucking gingerpuss/puddems/whatever...
  797. dat body
  798. >>
  799. Anonymous (ID: YDryk7Ds) 04/09/13(Tue)07:37:26 No.471418594
  800. >>471417030
  801. I love photos like this. Tight legs, round ass, big juicy pussy.
  802. Want more
  803. >>
  804. Anonymous (ID: FDmk16zx) 04/09/13(Tue)07:37:41 No.471418613
  805. File: 1365507461289.jpg-(1.16 MB, 2048x1536, 1296510342305.jpg)
  806. GI
  807. 1.16 MB
  808. >>
  809. Anonymous (ID: mKZ3PYQL) 04/09/13(Tue)07:37:56 No.471418643
  810. Replies: >>471419045
  811. File: 1365507476912.jpg-(945 KB, 4000x2667, 1359508533343.jpg)
  812. GI
  813. 945 KB
  814. >>471415060
  815. Jesus, even her anus is a pretty pink in contrast to her soft pale skin. *SCHWINNNNG*
  816. >>
  817. Anonymous (ID: WTR2i7oJ) 04/09/13(Tue)07:38:01 No.471418647
  818. Replies: >>471419220
  819. >>471412403 (OP)
  821. >>
  822. Anonymous (ID: RvXJ76BE) 04/09/13(Tue)07:39:00 No.471418752
  823. Replies: >>471419280
  824. >>471418428
  825. I let mine go untreated for a long time (single/broke/no insurace/ not looking for sex)
  826. I had 2 that were like water drop size and 4-5 tiny ones and they never hurt or anything.
  827. Getting them taken care of finally on Thurs.
  828. >>
  829. Anonymous (ID: YO4vUV5R) 04/09/13(Tue)07:39:01 No.471418759
  830. Replies: >>471419870
  831. >>471418253
  832. I think it is on the 'top viewed' of all time section in either you porn or red tube
  833. >>
  834. Anonymous (ID: JDiG6Ihe) 04/09/13(Tue)07:39:42 No.471418828
  835. Replies: >>471418974
  836. i once saw a amateur pic of a nude blonde girl wearing an apron bent over in front of the open with her lovely ass showing
  837. never been able to find it since - that would be my post
  838. >>
  839. Anonymous (ID: z6u54UVc) 04/09/13(Tue)07:39:54 No.471418853
  840. Replies: >>471419020
  841. File: 1365507594009.jpg-(159 KB, 972x729, 1360154212973.jpg)
  842. GI
  843. 159 KB
  844. This.
  845. >>
  846. Anonymous (ID: 2CwK8xLf) 04/09/13(Tue)07:41:12 No.471418974
  847. Replies: >>471419290
  848. File: 1365507672399.jpg-(99 KB, 660x758, 1349627088270.jpg)
  849. GI
  850. 99 KB
  851. >>471418828
  852. this?
  853. >>
  854. Anonymous (ID: NOHvGvOi) 04/09/13(Tue)07:41:19 No.471418991
  855. Replies: >>471419137
  856. File: 1365507679467.jpg-(42 KB, 800x600, DSCN0066.jpg)
  857. GI
  858. 42 KB
  859. >>
  860. Anonymous (ID: ktumv1fo) 04/09/13(Tue)07:41:33 No.471419020
  861. Replies: >>471419184 >>471419254
  862. >>471418853
  863. isnt that the girl from disney
  864. brenda something
  865. >>
  866. Anonymous (ID: k+/Qn6Gw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:41:48 No.471419042
  867. File: 1365507708554.jpg-(47 KB, 375x500, 1316227986709.jpg)
  868. GI
  869. 47 KB
  870. >>
  871. Anonymous (ID: 96ohS8YN) 04/09/13(Tue)07:41:49 No.471419045
  872. >>471418643
  873. I don't want to burst your bubble and whatnot, but you know that's just cause she bleaches it right?
  874. >>
  875. Anonymous (ID: HIi0Vgyf) 04/09/13(Tue)07:42:12 No.471419086
  876. File: 1365507732829.jpg-(932 KB, 3060x3985, 8c7309f4b06a7d422f4587ec0(...).jpg)
  877. GI
  878. 932 KB
  879. every. single. time.
  880. >>
  881. Anonymous (ID: NOHvGvOi) 04/09/13(Tue)07:42:37 No.471419137
  882. Replies: >>471419210 >>471419650
  883. File: 1365507757495.jpg-(48 KB, 800x600, DSCN0068.jpg)
  884. GI
  885. 48 KB
  886. >>471418991
  887. >>
  888. Anonymous (ID: NIDQTe2g) 04/09/13(Tue)07:43:07 No.471419184
  889. File: 1365507787761.png-(40 KB, 142x165, donald prepare.png)
  890. GI
  891. 40 KB
  892. >>471419020
  893. dude i wish that was brenda song i just want to hurt her with my dick
  894. >>
  895. Anonymous (ID: NOHvGvOi) 04/09/13(Tue)07:43:21 No.471419210
  896. Replies: >>471419349 >>471419650
  897. File: 1365507801604.jpg-(44 KB, 800x600, DSCN0065.jpg)
  898. GI
  899. 44 KB
  900. >>471419137
  901. >>
  902. Anonymous (ID: 2JnTZYwt) 04/09/13(Tue)07:43:25 No.471419220
  903. >>471418647
  904. more like whats wrong with her fucked up face and body
  905. >>
  906. Anonymous (ID: k+/Qn6Gw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:43:45 No.471419254
  907. Replies: >>471419550 >>471420349
  908. File: 1365507825393.jpg-(258 KB, 1298x1160, 1307988566031.jpg)
  909. GI
  910. 258 KB
  911. >>471419020
  912. Brenda Song? No it isn't.
  913. >>
  914. Anonymous (ID: 3bieqmHK) 04/09/13(Tue)07:43:55 No.471419280
  915. >>471418752
  916. good luck bro, that shit is no joke.
  917. >>
  918. Anonymous (ID: JDiG6Ihe) 04/09/13(Tue)07:44:01 No.471419290
  919. Replies: >>471419697
  920. >>471418974
  921. no, but that is a nice one
  922. the one i'm thinking of is shot from behind and the girl is a little bit thicker
  923. captcha: another plessisf
  924. >>
  925. Anonymous (ID: 21DNCx8g) 04/09/13(Tue)07:44:22 No.471419329
  926. >>471417168
  927. sause any1?
  928. >>
  929. Anonymous (ID: NOHvGvOi) 04/09/13(Tue)07:44:36 No.471419349
  930. Replies: >>471419451
  931. File: 1365507876792.jpg-(44 KB, 800x600, DSCN0072.jpg)
  932. GI
  933. 44 KB
  934. >>471419210
  935. >>
  936. Anonymous (ID: 7k0anj6K) 04/09/13(Tue)07:45:13 No.471419410
  937. >>471417353
  938. fuck puffy salami nipples
  939. >>
  940. Anonymous (ID: NOHvGvOi) 04/09/13(Tue)07:45:37 No.471419451
  941. Replies: >>471419557 >>471419664 >>471419768 >>471419882
  942. File: 1365507937401.jpg-(47 KB, 800x600, DSCN0070.jpg)
  943. GI
  944. 47 KB
  945. >>471419349
  946. >>
  947. Anonymous (ID: 2QFi003q) 04/09/13(Tue)07:46:01 No.471419483
  948. Replies: >>471420449
  949. File: 1365507961474.jpg-(306 KB, 1920x1080, ujelly.jpg)
  950. GI
  951. 306 KB
  952. I has a small serie of vids, she has others masturbating, dont know her name
  953. >>
  954. Anonymous (ID: x+gaN12Q) 04/09/13(Tue)07:46:20 No.471419523
  955. File: 1365507980631.jpg-(171 KB, 1440x900, a14.jpg)
  956. GI
  957. 171 KB
  958. >>
  959. Anonymous (ID: 96ohS8YN) 04/09/13(Tue)07:46:40 No.471419550
  960. Replies: >>471419882
  961. >>471419254
  962. Goddamn, haven't seen this one in a while.
  963. >>
  964. Anonymous (ID: NOHvGvOi) 04/09/13(Tue)07:46:42 No.471419557
  965. Replies: >>471419763 >>471421159
  966. File: 1365508002349.jpg-(697 KB, 717x960, image_1364919280718247.jpg)
  967. GI
  968. 697 KB
  969. >>471419451
  970. >>
  971. Anonymous (ID: bKdwPrmg) 04/09/13(Tue)07:47:12 No.471419614
  972. File: 1365508032721.jpg-(32 KB, 596x373, v91mj.jpg)
  973. GI
  974. 32 KB
  975. >>
  976. Anonymous (ID: 8dd5R6VM) 04/09/13(Tue)07:47:35 No.471419650
  977. File: 1365508055203.gif-(1.99 MB, 299x404, Zahia-Dehar-2MB.gif)
  978. GI
  979. 1.99 MB
  980. >>471419210
  981. >>471419137
  982. Have you actually looked at her face? Most arousing images?
  983. Please stop.
  984. >>
  985. Anonymous (ID: OejKS3S3) 04/09/13(Tue)07:47:36 No.471419653
  986. >>471412403 (OP)
  987. >arousing
  988. Yeah... i thought her face was pixelated
  989. >>
  990. Anonymous (ID: 96ohS8YN) 04/09/13(Tue)07:47:39 No.471419664
  991. >>471419451
  992. Dude. Fucking ew. She has an old lady face.
  993. >>
  994. Anonymous (ID: 2CwK8xLf) 04/09/13(Tue)07:47:57 No.471419697
  995. File: 1365508077551.jpg-(108 KB, 750x1000, good_morning_by_HeretyczkaA.jpg)
  996. GI
  997. 108 KB
  998. >>471419290
  999. sorry /b/ro. have this as consolation
  1000. >>
  1001. Anonymous (ID: NOHvGvOi) 04/09/13(Tue)07:48:39 No.471419763
  1002. File: 1365508119396.jpg-(30 KB, 800x600, DSCN0414 (Medium).jpg)
  1003. GI
  1004. 30 KB
  1005. >>471419557
  1006. >>
  1007. Anonymous (ID: 7k0anj6K) 04/09/13(Tue)07:48:44 No.471419768
  1008. >>471419451
  1009. pls stop
  1010. >>
  1011. Anonymous (ID: arLDp3ux) 04/09/13(Tue)07:48:56 No.471419796
  1012. >>471412403 (OP)
  1013. You are missing the pic after when she shits in the bath...
  1014. >>
  1015. Anonymous (ID: HpH5o02t) 04/09/13(Tue)07:49:35 No.471419870
  1016. >>471418759
  1017. yes but it is only 2minutes long. I haven't found the full vid or another by this chick.
  1018. >>
  1019. Anonymous (ID: k+/Qn6Gw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:49:44 No.471419882
  1020. File: 1365508184261.jpg-(388 KB, 799x600, 1318921538423.jpg)
  1021. GI
  1022. 388 KB
  1023. >>471419451
  1024. Yes, we get that you're trolling with an ugly chick. Thanks.
  1025. >>471419550
  1026. dem classics man
  1027. >>
  1028. Anonymous (ID: YO4vUV5R) 04/09/13(Tue)07:50:07 No.471419930
  1029. Replies: >>471420051 >>471420332
  1030. I'm wondering how some people find some of this shit arousing.
  1031. are you that fucking ugly yourself that you even lower your own standards on the internet?
  1032. >>
  1033. Anonymous (ID: ktumv1fo) 04/09/13(Tue)07:51:13 No.471420051
  1034. Replies: >>471420249
  1035. >>471419930
  1036. >stop liking things i don't like
  1037. >>
  1038. Anonymous (ID: k+/Qn6Gw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:52:31 No.471420173
  1039. File: 1365508351300.jpg-(34 KB, 480x640, 1319996646265.jpg)
  1040. GI
  1041. 34 KB
  1042. >>
  1043. Anonymous (ID: YO4vUV5R) 04/09/13(Tue)07:53:15 No.471420249
  1044. Replies: >>471421625
  1045. File: 1365508395890.jpg-(57 KB, 268x240, 1360922946657.jpg)
  1046. GI
  1047. 57 KB
  1048. >>471420051
  1049. lol I aint mad and I never implied that.
  1050. >>
  1051. Anonymous (ID: 8dd5R6VM) 04/09/13(Tue)07:54:14 No.471420332
  1052. Replies: >>471420974
  1053. File: 1365508454148.jpg-(60 KB, 600x505, 1223733059049_ib4f.jpg)
  1054. GI
  1055. 60 KB
  1056. >>471419930
  1057. >I'm so fucking inured to erotic images because of all the hot bitches I pwn
  1058. >>
  1059. Anonymous (ID: 7CcFxsDv) 04/09/13(Tue)07:54:22 No.471420349
  1060. Replies: >>471420478 >>471420590 >>471421096
  1061. >>471419254
  1062. >>471419254
  1063. Holy fucking what. Is there more of that?
  1064. >>
  1065. Anonymous (ID: 2QFi003q) 04/09/13(Tue)07:55:12 No.471420439
  1066. File: 1365508512790.jpg-(545 KB, 1333x2000, 001.jpg)
  1067. GI
  1068. 545 KB
  1069. also roberta murgo
  1070. >>
  1071. Anonymous (ID: 9CoEma/G) 04/09/13(Tue)07:55:17 No.471420449
  1072. >>471419483
  1073. just search for "girlfriend riding" and eventually you'll find it
  1074. >>
  1075. Anonymous (ID: 7CcFxsDv) 04/09/13(Tue)07:55:33 No.471420478
  1076. >>471420349
  1077. >>471420349
  1078. Psych, google image searched it like a big boy. There's a bunch of that. Nice.
  1079. >>
  1080. Anonymous (ID: k+/Qn6Gw) 04/09/13(Tue)07:56:49 No.471420590
  1081. File: 1365508609265.jpg-(368 KB, 2168x2128, 1321854840345.jpg)
  1082. GI
  1083. 368 KB
  1084. >>471420349
  1085. Not that I know of. But it is old as fuck. Like, I'm pretty sure it's at least 6 years old.
  1086. >>
  1087. Anonymous (ID: xbYLdkWG) 04/09/13(Tue)07:58:49 No.471420785
  1088. Replies: >>471420932 >>471421065
  1089. File: 1365508729945.jpg-(515 KB, 1200x900, POVHaydenPanettiere.jpg)
  1090. GI
  1091. 515 KB
  1092. Made this quicky fake a couple years ago
  1093. >>
  1094. Anonymous (ID: A5NaMRqJ) 04/09/13(Tue)08:00:20 No.471420931
  1095. >>471416954
  1096. Knock up before entering?
  1097. >>
  1098. Anonymous (ID: 8dd5R6VM) 04/09/13(Tue)08:00:23 No.471420932
  1099. >>471420785
  1100. Why?
  1101. >>
  1102. Anonymous (ID: arLDp3ux) 04/09/13(Tue)08:00:47 No.471420974
  1103. Replies: >>471431034
  1104. File: 1365508847127.jpg-(115 KB, 667x505, 1365508454148.jpg)
  1105. GI
  1106. 115 KB
  1107. >>471420332
  1108. >>
  1109. Anonymous (ID: LWQgKeRI) 04/09/13(Tue)08:01:32 No.471421063
  1110. Replies: >>471421152 >>471421523
  1111. File: 1365508892730.jpg-(110 KB, 683x1024, 1357644609973.jpg)
  1112. GI
  1113. 110 KB
  1114. Are gifs allowed? If not, this is one of my favorites.
  1115. >>
  1116. Anonymous (ID: e2mUNiXW) 04/09/13(Tue)08:01:33 No.471421065
  1117. >>471420785
  1118. give me the psd and ill make it fabulous
  1119. >>
  1120. Anonymous (ID: 2zR+uYhE) 04/09/13(Tue)08:01:55 No.471421096
  1121. >>471420349
  1122. Shes got one more useful mouth than you have
  1123. >>
  1124. Anonymous (ID: rupU0g6S) 04/09/13(Tue)08:02:24 No.471421152
  1125. >>471421063
  1126. There have been a few gifs posted.
  1127. Go for it.
  1128. >>
  1129. Anonymous (ID: T/caKgos) 04/09/13(Tue)08:02:27 No.471421159
  1130. Replies: >>471421736
  1131. >>471419557
  1132. is it weird that this arousing me?
  1133. >>
  1134. Anonymous (ID: pjuUcrIs) 04/09/13(Tue)08:05:25 No.471421435
  1135. File: 1365509125533.gif-(1.82 MB, 310x187, 920.gif)
  1136. GI
  1137. 1.82 MB
  1138. >>471417353
  1139. Who is she?
  1140. >>
  1141. Anonymous (ID: PVsgPw+G) 04/09/13(Tue)08:06:16 No.471421523
  1142. >>471421063
  1143. Sauce?
  1144. >>
  1145. Anonymous (ID: 2JnTZYwt) 04/09/13(Tue)08:07:21 No.471421625
  1146. >>471420249
  1147. funny. no one ever mentioned anything about mad. you must be mad
  1148. >>
  1149. Anonymous (ID: RkwAt518) 04/09/13(Tue)08:07:25 No.471421640
  1150. File: 1365509245032.gif-(1.89 MB, 422x420, 1365267638499.gif)
  1151. GI
  1152. 1.89 MB
  1153. >>
  1154. Anonymous (ID: 8dd5R6VM) 04/09/13(Tue)08:08:25 No.471421736
  1155. File: 1365509305913.gif-(1.35 MB, 233x285, Alizé_dance.gif)
  1156. GI
  1157. 1.35 MB
  1158. >>471421159
  1159. Hey. Everyone gets hot for red ribbon. only natural.
  1160. >>
  1161. Anonymous (ID: T/caKgos) 04/09/13(Tue)08:09:40 No.471421851
  1162. Replies: >>471422154 >>471422331 >>471422426 >>471422461 >>471423287 >>471423656
  1163. File: 1365509380703.jpg-(127 KB, 700x640, 1364621721089.jpg)
  1164. GI
  1165. 127 KB
  1166. pic related, the perfect 10
  1167. >>
  1168. Anonymous (ID: b0U6y13y) 04/09/13(Tue)08:11:38 No.471422013
  1169. File: 1365509498999.jpg-(264 KB, 750x800, 123456hg4y.jpg)
  1170. GI
  1171. 264 KB
  1172. All you niggers post shit pictures
  1173. >>
  1174. Anonymous (ID: tZXTIQdV) 04/09/13(Tue)08:12:20 No.471422069
  1175. Replies: >>471422250
  1176. File: 1365509540970.jpg-(252 KB, 800x600, 57d2d68d5cd12c8948b7462d9(...).jpg)
  1177. GI
  1178. 252 KB
  1179. >>
  1180. Anonymous (ID: f99fGrVI) 04/09/13(Tue)08:12:25 No.471422073
  1181. File: 1365509545669.jpg-(978 KB, 1000x1500, ayaka-sayama-9.jpg)
  1182. GI
  1183. 978 KB
  1184. >>471412541
  1185. Need moar - have never gotten more. Try harder for both of us.
  1186. >>
  1187. Anonymous (ID: b0U6y13y) 04/09/13(Tue)08:13:25 No.471422154
  1188. Replies: >>471422312 >>471422354
  1189. File: 1365509605622.jpg-(82 KB, 500x500, 1365145076102.jpg)
  1190. GI
  1191. 82 KB
  1192. >>471421851
  1193. >posts pic of gf/crush
  1194. >calls her a perfect 10
  1195. how much of a faggot can you be?
  1196. >>
  1197. Anonymous (ID: b0U6y13y) 04/09/13(Tue)08:14:34 No.471422250
  1198. File: 1365509674859.jpg-(101 KB, 1200x704, ef0226668286fab1ddb20a96a(...).jpg)
  1199. GI
  1200. 101 KB
  1201. >>471422069
  1202. >>
  1203. Anonymous (ID: WS1Vmx9i) 04/09/13(Tue)08:14:47 No.471422272
  1204. >>471418110
  1205. until some asshole comes along and points out the wedding band she's wearing
  1206. >>
  1207. Anonymous (ID: T/caKgos) 04/09/13(Tue)08:15:07 No.471422312
  1208. Replies: >>471422430
  1209. >>471422154
  1210. motherfucker i wish i knew her
  1211. >>
  1212. Anonymous (ID: /RIzHO69) 04/09/13(Tue)08:15:12 No.471422325
  1213. File: 1365509712366.jpg-(113 KB, 621x960, 421642_429625547073751_55(...).jpg)
  1214. GI
  1215. 113 KB
  1216. >>471416668
  1217. I still cant get over how much it looks like some wanna be model I know...
  1218. Flurf Whitaker is her name
  1219. >>
  1220. Anonymous (ID: /rVVIjYy) 04/09/13(Tue)08:15:15 No.471422331
  1221. Replies: >>471422425
  1222. >>471421851
  1223. I hate tits like that
  1224. >>
  1225. Anonymous (ID: /ttV8KBl) 04/09/13(Tue)08:15:31 No.471422354
  1226. Replies: >>471422486
  1227. >>471422154
  1228. It's a fucking nude. Who cares what he calls her.
  1229. >>
  1230. Anonymous (ID: tZXTIQdV) 04/09/13(Tue)08:15:58 No.471422410
  1231. File: 1365509758914.jpg-(235 KB, 984x1400, 38d583c3eda624360cad8a1ac(...).jpg)
  1232. GI
  1233. 235 KB
  1234. >>
  1235. Anonymous (ID: T/caKgos) 04/09/13(Tue)08:16:07 No.471422425
  1236. >>471422331
  1237. then you're missing out buddy!
  1238. >>
  1239. Anonymous (ID: /RIzHO69) 04/09/13(Tue)08:16:09 No.471422426
  1240. Replies: >>471423339
  1241. >>471421851
  1242. Dude her proportions are worse than snookie's.
  1243. >>
  1244. Anonymous (ID: b0U6y13y) 04/09/13(Tue)08:16:12 No.471422430
  1245. Replies: >>471422575
  1246. File: 1365509772048.jpg-(153 KB, 1223x1024, 1365504201491.jpg)
  1247. GI
  1248. 153 KB
  1249. >>471422312
  1250. Allow me to change your opinion.
  1251. >>
  1252. Anonymous (ID: 2JnTZYwt) 04/09/13(Tue)08:16:31 No.471422461
  1253. Replies: >>471422640
  1254. >>471421851
  1255. HAHAHAHA
  1256. >dat terrible face
  1257. >dat barrel body
  1258. >dem ugly tits
  1259. >>
  1260. Anonymous (ID: b0U6y13y) 04/09/13(Tue)08:16:43 No.471422486
  1261. >>471422354
  1262. It's a crappy nude. People with taste care.
  1263. >>
  1264. Anonymous (ID: i+U+7RW6) 04/09/13(Tue)08:16:47 No.471422497
  1265. Replies: >>471422635 >>471423482
  1266. >>471412403 (OP)
  1267. DAT RIGHT TOENAIL!! cannot unsee
  1268. >>
  1269. Anonymous (ID: RNlR3g+b) 04/09/13(Tue)08:17:16 No.471422548
  1270. File: 1365509836961.jpg-(9 KB, 200x200, pikadickjew.jpg)
  1271. GI
  1272. 9 KB
  1273. >>471416428
  1274. at first i thougt her leg looks weird... until i realised it was the arm of an other girl
  1275. >>
  1276. Anonymous (ID: T/caKgos) 04/09/13(Tue)08:17:26 No.471422575
  1277. >>471422430
  1278. didn't work brah, but nice
  1279. >>
  1280. Anonymous (ID: MXI5wR5p) 04/09/13(Tue)08:17:34 No.471422584
  1281. >>471416558
  1282. I don't know what the fuck it is with that chick and tanlines? it's fucking weird
  1283. >>
  1284. Anonymous (ID: I5ICCZq5) 04/09/13(Tue)08:17:38 No.471422591
  1285. Replies: >>471422709
  1286. File: 1365509858203.jpg-(242 KB, 1600x1200, gre.jpg)
  1287. GI
  1288. 242 KB
  1289. >>
  1290. Anonymous (ID: b0U6y13y) 04/09/13(Tue)08:18:03 No.471422635
  1291. Replies: >>471423482
  1292. >>471422497
  1293. besides the fact she has the face of a tree trunk
  1294. >>
  1295. Anonymous (ID: T/caKgos) 04/09/13(Tue)08:18:08 No.471422640
  1296. Replies: >>471422761 >>471423449
  1297. >>471422461
  1298. lol shut up you virgin
  1299. >>
  1300. Anonymous (ID: b0U6y13y) 04/09/13(Tue)08:18:50 No.471422709
  1301. File: 1365509930761.gif-(433 KB, 245x169, 1365309796938.gif)
  1302. GI
  1303. 433 KB
  1304. >>471422591
  1305. >>
  1306. Anonymous (ID: 2JnTZYwt) 04/09/13(Tue)08:19:26 No.471422761
  1307. Replies: >>471422898 >>471422935
  1308. >>471422640
  1309. lol shut up you desperate virgin that has to lower your standards to broken faced girls with man bodies
  1310. >>
  1311. Anonymous (ID: r7Sz21pG) 04/09/13(Tue)08:19:36 No.471422779
  1312. File: 1365509976818.jpg-(82 KB, 480x640, image.jpg)
  1313. GI
  1314. 82 KB
  1315. >>471412403 (OP)
  1316. >>
  1317. Anonymous (ID: XnWxp8dO) 04/09/13(Tue)08:19:59 No.471422818
  1318. Replies: >>471422935
  1319. File: 1365509999889.jpg-(1.21 MB, 3000x2000, 1363779032727.jpg)
  1320. GI
  1321. 1.21 MB
  1322. >myfacewhen
  1323. no one post Lexi
  1324. >>
  1325. Anonymous (ID: T/caKgos) 04/09/13(Tue)08:20:38 No.471422898
  1326. >>471422761
  1327. >use same insult
  1328. >adds on more words to try and cover it up
  1329. go team retard
  1330. >>
  1331. Anonymous (ID: b0U6y13y) 04/09/13(Tue)08:21:01 No.471422935
  1332. >>471422761
  1333. This nigger is right
  1334. >>471422818
  1335. Lexi is hot, but not the single most arousing thing you'll ever see
  1336. >>
  1337. Anonymous (ID: i4DkBgoB) 04/09/13(Tue)08:24:34 No.471423287
  1338. Replies: >>471423381
  1339. >>471421851
  1340. That is no where near a ten... Those tits alone are about a 6...
  1341. >>
  1342. Anonymous (ID: XnWxp8dO) 04/09/13(Tue)08:24:59 No.471423339
  1343. File: 1365510299615.gif-(486 KB, 320x181, snookipunch.gif)
  1344. GI
  1345. 486 KB
  1346. >>471422426
  1347. >>
  1348. Anonymous (ID: T/caKgos) 04/09/13(Tue)08:25:25 No.471423381
  1349. Replies: >>471424337
  1350. >>471423287
  1351. oh i forgot the part where everyone had the exact same definition of a 10, my bad
  1352. you stupid fucking cunt
  1353. >>
  1354. Anonymous (ID: n1X6oMqb) 04/09/13(Tue)08:26:02 No.471423449
  1355. >>471422640
  1356. seriously, unattractive. dont get me wrong, id still hit it, but i have no standards whatsoever and besides that, im married so the thought of any new pussy is like a long lost dream but theres no way that dude with the saggy tits is a 10, unless your trolling.
  1357. >>
  1358. Anonymous (ID: TK9NVr0l) 04/09/13(Tue)08:26:19 No.471423482
  1359. >>471422497
  1360. >>471422635
  1361. the nipples always threw me off.
  1362. >>
  1363. Anonymous (ID: koMileoH) 04/09/13(Tue)08:27:16 No.471423584
  1364. >>471417353
  1365. sauce
  1366. >>
  1367. Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/09/13(Tue)08:27:57 No.471423656
  1368. >>471421851
  1369. didnt know this was a
  1370. >YLYL thread
  1371. I lost
  1372. >>
  1373. Anonymous (ID: EEMUp5eM) 04/09/13(Tue)08:28:19 No.471423692
  1374. >>471412403 (OP)
  1375. this skanky genital wart whore? really?
  1376. >>
  1377. Anonymous (ID: Whg6aqlw) 04/09/13(Tue)08:30:03 No.471423860
  1378. >>471416170
  1379. My god. This right here.
  1380. Got source?
  1381. >>
  1382. Anonymous (ID: APmjv7ko) 04/09/13(Tue)08:30:08 No.471423873
  1383. >>471416242
  1384. time to fap!
  1385. >>
  1386. Anonymous (ID: APmjv7ko) 04/09/13(Tue)08:31:45 No.471424048
  1387. Replies: >>471425036
  1388. File: 1365510705536.jpg-(75 KB, 637x955, huehuehue.jpg)
  1389. GI
  1390. 75 KB
  1391. >>471416668
  1392. Out of all fap pics I have, this one wins.
  1393. She looks like Miranda Lawson from ME.
  1394. >>
  1395. Anonymous (ID: JCFSCZfp) 04/09/13(Tue)08:33:16 No.471424198
  1396. Replies: >>471425665
  1397. >>471415060
  1398. name?
  1399. >>
  1400. Anonymous (ID: 2JnTZYwt) 04/09/13(Tue)08:34:30 No.471424337
  1401. >>471423381
  1402. i forgot the part where there are bottom feeders like you that lust after ugly girls because youll never get anything else
  1403. >>
  1404. Anonymous (ID: jZVfab1b) 04/09/13(Tue)08:34:38 No.471424349
  1405. Replies: >>471431023
  1406. File: 1365510878915.jpg-(196 KB, 1360x1399, 1303503895043.jpg)
  1407. GI
  1408. 196 KB
  1409. >>
  1410. Anonymous (ID: GzM7n2hl) 04/09/13(Tue)08:34:55 No.471424373
  1411. Stoya
  1412. >>
  1413. Anonymous (ID: pZCBGvsE) 04/09/13(Tue)08:35:08 No.471424393
  1414. >>471417835
  1415. she's hot as but she's dating a fucking jewnoskian
  1416. who the fuck does that
  1417. >>
  1418. Anonymous (ID: INDs6KRg) 04/09/13(Tue)08:35:24 No.471424418
  1419. Replies: >>471424609
  1420. >>471415219
  1421. sauce for the love of god sauce
  1422. >>
  1423. Anonymous (ID: jZVfab1b) 04/09/13(Tue)08:36:03 No.471424494
  1424. File: 1365510963860.jpg-(58 KB, 599x800, 1305305376990.jpg)
  1425. GI
  1426. 58 KB
  1427. >>
  1428. Anonymous (ID: hsKxsXsC) 04/09/13(Tue)08:37:00 No.471424598
  1429. File: 1365511020217.jpg-(52 KB, 512x682, dredaysick.jpg)
  1430. GI
  1431. 52 KB
  1432. >>
  1433. Anonymous (ID: 2JnTZYwt) 04/09/13(Tue)08:37:05 No.471424609
  1434. File: 1365511025613.jpg-(6 KB, 200x200, image.jpg)
  1435. GI
  1436. 6 KB
  1437. >>471424418
  1438. hey big boy
  1439. you like?
  1440. >>
  1441. Anonymous (ID: Lsk1Vmqz) 04/09/13(Tue)08:38:11 No.471424716
  1442. >>471415219
  1443. easily the best in this thread, imo
  1444. >>
  1445. Anonymous (ID: S8AJiK8x) 04/09/13(Tue)08:38:40 No.471424761
  1446. File: 1365511120467.jpg-(385 KB, 1506x851, 1333437263955.jpg)
  1447. GI
  1448. 385 KB
  1449. This is why /b/ sucks. You're supposed to grab the best fap picture you have, not dump a bunch of non-arousing shit. This is probably my favorite I have.
  1450. >>
  1451. Anonymous (ID: JRIzfw01) 04/09/13(Tue)08:41:00 No.471425030
  1452. File: 1365511260511.jpg-(215 KB, 600x743, 1358369481182.jpg)
  1453. GI
  1454. 215 KB
  1455. >>
  1456. Anonymous (ID: 0+/uyV57) 04/09/13(Tue)08:41:04 No.471425036
  1457. >>471424048
  1458. I was gonna call you an idiot. Then I saw the post to which you were replying. Nicely done.
  1459. >>
  1460. Anonymous (ID: jNw7V6zW) 04/09/13(Tue)08:41:21 No.471425068
  1461. Replies: >>471425150 >>471425896
  1462. File: 1365511281406.jpg-(51 KB, 500x337, tumblr_mayi1vf94Y1rheuu8o1_500.jpg)
  1463. GI
  1464. 51 KB
  1465. This
  1466. >>
  1467. Anonymous (ID: HErGkPFC) 04/09/13(Tue)08:41:24 No.471425071
  1468. >>471412403 (OP)
  1469. rightfoot :right toenail=brown shit around
  1470. left foot: unclipped nails.
  1471. body:brown cancer spots and near her pussy: shaven pimples.
  1472. Face: freckles, freckles everywhere.
  1473. worst pornstar/10
  1474. >>
  1475. Anonymous (ID: yVX9H5EQ) 04/09/13(Tue)08:41:35 No.471425098
  1476. >>471415219
  1477. why can't there be more girls looking like this, it's all i need
  1478. >>
  1479. Anonymous (ID: APmjv7ko) 04/09/13(Tue)08:42:09 No.471425150
  1480. Replies: >>471425268 >>471425376
  1481. >>471425068
  1482. She's missing her fucking legs.
  1483. >>
  1484. Anonymous (ID: KwRwm3a5) 04/09/13(Tue)08:42:57 No.471425235
  1485. File: 1365511377747.jpg-(17 KB, 460x259, 1364033593889.jpg)
  1486. GI
  1487. 17 KB
  1488. >>471412541
  1489. yeah i lost to this
  1490. >>
  1491. Anonymous (ID: W2xAF5IC) 04/09/13(Tue)08:43:15 No.471425268
  1492. >>471425150
  1493. No shit. its amputee porn..shits weird
  1494. >>
  1495. Anonymous (ID: 0+/uyV57) 04/09/13(Tue)08:44:14 No.471425365
  1496. Replies: >>471434529
  1497. File: 1365511454380.jpg-(72 KB, 736x850, 1310282660114.jpg)
  1498. GI
  1499. 72 KB
  1500. >>
  1501. Anonymous (ID: wPp5A2it) 04/09/13(Tue)08:44:19 No.471425376
  1502. Replies: >>471425702
  1503. File: 1365511459681.jpg-(194 KB, 998x545, Gaston wat.jpg)
  1504. GI
  1505. 194 KB
  1506. >>471425150
  1507. I read that in an Irish accent.
  1508. Luls were had.
  1509. >Mfw I saw amputee porn.
  1510. >>
  1511. Anonymous (ID: hBO/K10r) 04/09/13(Tue)08:47:04 No.471425665
  1512. >>471424198
  1513. stoya
  1514. >>
  1515. Anonymous (ID: KinJKjMK) 04/09/13(Tue)08:47:19 No.471425693
  1516. File: 1365511639285.jpg-(16 KB, 336x338, 1365000026433.jpg)
  1517. GI
  1518. 16 KB
  1519. >>471417353
  1520. >>
  1521. Anonymous (ID: APmjv7ko) 04/09/13(Tue)08:47:23 No.471425702
  1522. File: 1365511643231.jpg-(9 KB, 378x366, 1358829682326.jpg)
  1523. GI
  1524. 9 KB
  1525. >>471425376
  1526. >mfw I wrote that in an irish accent.
  1527. >>
  1528. Anonymous (ID: GzM7n2hl) 04/09/13(Tue)08:48:41 No.471425849
  1529. Replies: >>471430036
  1530. File: 1365511721908.jpg-(389 KB, 1068x1600, jennifer_white_outdoor_je(...).jpg)
  1531. GI
  1532. 389 KB
  1533. >>
  1534. Anonymous (ID: hBO/K10r) 04/09/13(Tue)08:49:07 No.471425896
  1535. >>471425068
  1536. dem nubs
  1537. >>
  1538. Anonymous (ID: ztGo3Iie) 04/09/13(Tue)08:49:51 No.471425969
  1539. >>471416383
  1540. >Pic related
  1541. >Girl with dick mouth dick rapes her girlfriend
  1542. >with her dick mouth
  1544. >>
  1545. Anonymous (ID: R9Zo8zaK) 04/09/13(Tue)08:50:12 No.471426010
  1546. >>471415060
  1547. Stoya
  1548. >>
  1549. Anonymous (ID: qa+kRoZC) 04/09/13(Tue)08:50:27 No.471426047
  1550. Replies: >>471427239
  1551. File: 1365511827977.jpg-(59 KB, 480x400, 1350950419270.jpg)
  1552. GI
  1553. 59 KB
  1554. >>
  1555. Anonymous (ID: pwLclmJP) 04/09/13(Tue)08:51:04 No.471426116
  1556. File: 1365511864313.jpg-(847 KB, 1599x993, 1363752504902.jpg)
  1557. GI
  1558. 847 KB
  1559. >>
  1560. Anonymous (ID: R9Zo8zaK) 04/09/13(Tue)08:51:37 No.471426180
  1561. File: 1365511897816.jpg-(111 KB, 480x854, image.jpg)
  1562. GI
  1563. 111 KB
  1564. >>
  1565. Anonymous (ID: S8AJiK8x) 04/09/13(Tue)08:51:50 No.471426195
  1566. File: 1365511910100.jpg-(105 KB, 427x640, 1331363239577.jpg)
  1567. GI
  1568. 105 KB
  1569. This DESTROYS my penis.
  1570. >>
  1571. Anonymous (ID: oivxLOKE) 04/09/13(Tue)08:51:52 No.471426201
  1572. >>471416451
  1573. >implying slavic fucked in the face whores aren't the best
  1574. >>
  1575. Anonymous (ID: 2JnTZYwt) 04/09/13(Tue)08:52:18 No.471426237
  1576. File: 1365511938573.jpg-(20 KB, 218x190, image.jpg)
  1577. GI
  1578. 20 KB
  1579. >>471426096
  1580. hi
  1581. >>
  1582. Anonymous (ID: yas203WM) 04/09/13(Tue)08:52:42 No.471426291
  1583. Replies: >>471426613 >>471426739
  1584. File: 1365511962742.jpg-(1014 KB, 2336x3504, 1365503614813.jpg)
  1585. GI
  1586. 1014 KB
  1587. fixed toe
  1588. >>
  1589. Anonymous (ID: jdA2Ct9W) 04/09/13(Tue)08:53:13 No.471426334
  1590. >>471416073
  1591. Somebody X ray?
  1592. >>
  1593. Anonymous (ID: szlG/p5V) 04/09/13(Tue)08:54:48 No.471426481
  1594. File: 1365512088349.png-(310 KB, 640x480, 1363181413109.png)
  1595. GI
  1596. 310 KB
  1597. >>471412403 (OP)
  1598. >>471412403 (OP)
  1599. >>471412403 (OP)
  1600. >>471412403 (OP)
  1601. >>471412403 (OP)
  1602. >>471412403 (OP)
  1603. >>471412403 (OP)
  1604. >>
  1605. Anonymous (ID: Mb5O4REG) 04/09/13(Tue)08:55:58 No.471426613
  1606. >>471426291
  1607. ahhhhh
  1608. bonar rising
  1609. >>
  1610. Anonymous (ID: HErGkPFC) 04/09/13(Tue)08:57:17 No.471426739
  1611. >>471426291
  1612. 1/10 plz fix the mistakes
  1613. >>
  1614. Anonymous (ID: /E/JloQa) 04/09/13(Tue)08:57:43 No.471426782
  1615. >>471416204
  1617. >>
  1618. Anonymous (ID: okoYPs19) 04/09/13(Tue)08:58:40 No.471426889
  1619. File: 1365512320349.jpg-(121 KB, 640x306, girlswithgunsredhed.jpg)
  1620. GI
  1621. 121 KB
  1622. >>471417201
  1623. fuckin' sexy
  1624. and i haven't seen one girl with a gun
  1625. >>
  1626. Anonymous (ID: PixwE8dc) 04/09/13(Tue)09:01:45 No.471427239
  1627. >>471426047
  1628. who is this ?! moar
  1629. >>
  1630. Anonymous (ID: Gynii7lp) 04/09/13(Tue)09:13:17 No.471428560
  1631. >>471414736
  1632. those are really shitty countertops, they should visit the home depot
  1633. >>
  1634. Anonymous (ID: xxMj/rf0) 04/09/13(Tue)09:18:06 No.471429117
  1635. File: 1365513486396.jpg-(650 KB, 2724x1732, 1316715943805.jpg)
  1636. GI
  1637. 650 KB
  1638. >>
  1639. Anonymous (ID: RtagssV9) 04/09/13(Tue)09:22:14 No.471429567
  1640. File: 1365513734205.jpg-(240 KB, 1159x1728, 750387.jpg)
  1641. GI
  1642. 240 KB
  1643. >>
  1644. Anonymous (ID: AReujF7T) 04/09/13(Tue)09:22:26 No.471429587
  1645. >>471412403 (OP)
  1646. The fuck's wrong with her toe
  1647. >>
  1648. Anonymous (ID: 8ktR9kmB) 04/09/13(Tue)09:22:29 No.471429594
  1649. >>471417201
  1650. posted this earlier in a league of legends thread
  1651. >>
  1652. Anonymous (ID: xxMj/rf0) 04/09/13(Tue)09:23:20 No.471429716
  1653. File: 1365513800539.jpg-(625 KB, 3015x2031, 57578578.jpg)
  1654. GI
  1655. 625 KB
  1656. >>
  1657. Anonymous (ID: yas203WM) 04/09/13(Tue)09:23:51 No.471429782
  1658. File: 1365513831135.jpg-(1013 KB, 2336x3504, 1365503614813.jpg)
  1659. GI
  1660. 1013 KB
  1661. tried to fix 'mistakes' seems wrong to remove all faye's freckles, I like freckles.
  1662. >>
  1663. Anonymous (ID: xxMj/rf0) 04/09/13(Tue)09:24:35 No.471429869
  1664. File: 1365513875906.jpg-(514 KB, 2827x1762, 866866.jpg)
  1665. GI
  1666. 514 KB
  1667. >>
  1668. Anonymous (ID: q9SUzZd2) 04/09/13(Tue)09:25:42 No.471430004
  1669. Replies: >>471430317 >>471430495 >>471432251 >>471433558
  1670. File: 1365513942741.jpg-(331 KB, 719x1073, Gaben.jpg)
  1671. GI
  1672. 331 KB
  1673. /thread
  1674. >>
  1675. Anonymous (ID: xxMj/rf0) 04/09/13(Tue)09:25:58 No.471430035
  1676. File: 1365513958147.jpg-(183 KB, 867x1194, 47474.jpg)
  1677. GI
  1678. 183 KB
  1679. >>
  1680. Anonymous (ID: Ced/v06U) 04/09/13(Tue)09:26:00 No.471430036
  1681. >>471425849
  1682. Her looks have gone downhill recently sadly
  1683. >>
  1684. Anonymous (ID: 65tHMdCL) 04/09/13(Tue)09:28:16 No.471430317
  1685. Replies: >>471430856
  1686. >>471430004
  1687. >/threading yourself
  1688. >>
  1689. Anonymous (ID: 2JnTZYwt) 04/09/13(Tue)09:29:46 No.471430495
  1690. >>471430004
  1691. ive bever lost this hard before
  1692. >>
  1693. Anonymous (ID: qyOZiXv1) 04/09/13(Tue)09:30:24 No.471430573
  1694. File: 1365514224887.jpg-(132 KB, 768x1024, 1315118080352.jpg)
  1695. GI
  1696. 132 KB
  1697. This.
  1698. >>
  1699. Anonymous (ID: dgg/jVp9) 04/09/13(Tue)09:31:35 No.471430694
  1700. >>471412541
  1701. Holy fucking MOAR.
  1702. >>
  1703. Anonymous (ID: RjXVWp/R) 04/09/13(Tue)09:32:03 No.471430753
  1704. File: 1365514323817.jpg-(43 KB, 530x399, 13787-0f8fd8-530-399.jpg)
  1705. GI
  1706. 43 KB
  1707. >>471412403 (OP)
  1708. >>
  1709. Anonymous (ID: q9SUzZd2) 04/09/13(Tue)09:33:03 No.471430856
  1710. >>471430317
  1711. >fucking urself becus ur probably gay
  1712. >>
  1713. Anonymous (ID: Ml8MJMDb) 04/09/13(Tue)09:34:35 No.471431023
  1714. >>471424349
  1715. this
  1716. >>
  1717. Anonymous (ID: I2siGGRx) 04/09/13(Tue)09:34:44 No.471431034
  1718. >>471420974
  1719. Shit! It's Ainsley!
  1720. >>
  1721. Anonymous (ID: RjXVWp/R) 04/09/13(Tue)09:34:45 No.471431037
  1722. Replies: >>471431224
  1723. File: 1365514485982.jpg-(145 KB, 1125x1500, aa_us009.jpg)
  1724. GI
  1725. 145 KB
  1726. >>471412403 (OP)
  1727. .
  1728. >>
  1729. Anonymous (ID: sLd2Thxr) 04/09/13(Tue)09:34:54 No.471431050
  1730. Replies: >>471435947
  1731. File: 1365514494329.jpg-(160 KB, 1280x853, mla009_197.jpg)
  1732. GI
  1733. 160 KB
  1734. >>
  1735. Anonymous (ID: RjXVWp/R) 04/09/13(Tue)09:36:24 No.471431224
  1736. File: 1365514584217.jpg-(140 KB, 1125x1500, aa_us010.jpg)
  1737. GI
  1738. 140 KB
  1739. >>471431037
  1740. >>
  1741. Anonymous (ID: 5WzN+nwz) 04/09/13(Tue)09:36:55 No.471431293
  1742. Replies: >>471431517
  1743. File: 1365514615755.jpg-(324 KB, 2048x1536, 413825_422458881107683_14(...).jpg)
  1744. GI
  1745. 324 KB
  1746. Off Facebook
  1747. >>
  1748. Anonymous (ID: XIA3ibLj) 04/09/13(Tue)09:37:57 No.471431414
  1749. File: 1365514677042.jpg-(63 KB, 500x510, tumblr_mbgj0cJPlc1r95357o(...).jpg)
  1750. GI
  1751. 63 KB
  1752. >>471412403 (OP)
  1753. leagueporn dot blogspot dot com
  1754. >>
  1755. Anonymous (ID: 65tHMdCL) 04/09/13(Tue)09:38:12 No.471431448
  1756. >>471412541
  1757. This definitely wins out.
  1758. Asians, man... fucking perfection
  1759. >>
  1760. Anonymous (ID: rxeo9j7n) 04/09/13(Tue)09:38:49 No.471431517
  1761. >>471431293
  1762. disgusting czech asses
  1763. >>
  1764. Anonymous (ID: Ced/v06U) 04/09/13(Tue)09:41:50 No.471431840
  1765. File: 1365514910523.jpg-(169 KB, 1280x853, 1359544994014.jpg)
  1766. GI
  1767. 169 KB
  1768. >>
  1769. Anonymous (ID: 2JnTZYwt) 04/09/13(Tue)09:42:16 No.471431895
  1770. >>471431532
  1771. check em
  1772. >>
  1773. Anonymous (ID: QS1IhQlt) 04/09/13(Tue)09:42:19 No.471431904
  1774. File: 1365514939528.jpg-(340 KB, 800x1511, jodie-marsh-slut-006.jpg)
  1775. GI
  1776. 340 KB
  1777. Because she looks like she would be the filthiest slut imaginable.
  1778. >>
  1779. Anonymous (ID: LWU6Dihw) 04/09/13(Tue)09:43:07 No.471431989
  1780. File: 1365514987850.jpg-(26 KB, 288x383, 1355768974490.jpg)
  1781. GI
  1782. 26 KB
  1783. >>
  1784. Anonymous (ID: 0ejiFiJo) 04/09/13(Tue)09:43:58 No.471432104
  1785. >>471418509
  1786. Nurse, I'm gonna need a source on this image stat.
  1787. >>
  1788. Anonymous (ID: Uw/RFzuu) 04/09/13(Tue)09:44:09 No.471432134
  1789. Replies: >>471432331 >>471435063
  1790. File: 1365515049064.jpg-(58 KB, 471x750, meowwww.jpg)
  1791. GI
  1792. 58 KB
  1793. >>471412541
  1794. Reminded me of this
  1795. >>
  1796. Anonymous (ID: vpcdGebG) 04/09/13(Tue)09:44:40 No.471432183
  1797. Replies: >>471432410
  1798. File: 1365515080328.jpg-(307 KB, 737x1000, z-1362383408990.jpg)
  1799. GI
  1800. 307 KB
  1801. >>471412403 (OP)
  1802. >>
  1803. Anonymous (ID: LWU6Dihw) 04/09/13(Tue)09:45:22 No.471432251
  1804. File: 1365515122085.gif-(512 KB, 400x272, gabe.gif)
  1805. GI
  1806. 512 KB
  1807. >>471430004
  1808. >>
  1809. Anonymous (ID: Ced/v06U) 04/09/13(Tue)09:46:04 No.471432331
  1810. Replies: >>471433205 >>471435063
  1811. File: 1365515164860.jpg-(164 KB, 1322x1999, fuck ears.jpg)
  1812. GI
  1813. 164 KB
  1814. >>471432134
  1815. >>
  1816. Anonymous (ID: XIA3ibLj) 04/09/13(Tue)09:46:36 No.471432404
  1817. Replies: >>471432859
  1818. >>471416204
  1819. looks like my little sister
  1820. also, boned little sister
  1821. >>
  1822. Anonymous (ID: vpcdGebG) 04/09/13(Tue)09:46:39 No.471432410
  1823. Replies: >>471432464
  1824. File: 1365515199105.jpg-(232 KB, 856x1200, z-x-1354671556696.jpg)
  1825. GI
  1826. 232 KB
  1827. >>471432183
  1828. >>
  1829. Anonymous (ID: vpcdGebG) 04/09/13(Tue)09:47:12 No.471432464
  1830. Replies: >>471432534
  1831. File: 1365515232336.jpg-(176 KB, 1024x768, z-x-tumblr_ll2bx9u1il1qhwk8p.jpg)
  1832. GI
  1833. 176 KB
  1834. >>471432410
  1835. >>
  1836. Anonymous (ID: T/N12HL3) 04/09/13(Tue)09:47:21 No.471432485
  1837. >>471415089
  1838. holy shit thaat sofa is hot
  1839. >>
  1840. Anonymous (ID: VEjmq8Fj) 04/09/13(Tue)09:47:35 No.471432512
  1841. File: 1365515255796.jpg-(28 KB, 600x398, 18.jpg)
  1842. GI
  1843. 28 KB
  1844. >>
  1845. Anonymous (ID: vpcdGebG) 04/09/13(Tue)09:47:48 No.471432534
  1846. Replies: >>471432667
  1847. File: 1365515268714.jpg-(610 KB, 1020x1440, z-x-1348114947354.jpg)
  1848. GI
  1849. 610 KB
  1850. >>471432464
  1851. >>
  1852. Anonymous (ID: vpcdGebG) 04/09/13(Tue)09:48:58 No.471432667
  1853. Replies: >>471433067 >>471433327
  1854. File: 1365515338299.jpg-(235 KB, 960x1280, z-1363602024215.jpg)
  1855. GI
  1856. 235 KB
  1857. >>471432534
  1858. >>
  1859. Anonymous (ID: jtMIfI52) 04/09/13(Tue)09:50:21 No.471432816
  1860. Replies: >>471433017
  1861. File: 1365515421354.jpg-(127 KB, 800x887, katerina-olendzskaia-16[1].jpg)
  1862. GI
  1863. 127 KB
  1864. >>471412403 (OP)
  1865. Katerina Olendzskaia looks literally unreal.
  1866. >>
  1867. Anonymous (ID: OSOKEEk2) 04/09/13(Tue)09:50:44 No.471432859
  1868. >>471432404
  1869. pic of little sister whom you boned
  1870. >>
  1871. Anonymous (ID: NcsCgyy6) 04/09/13(Tue)09:52:08 No.471433017
  1872. >>471432816
  1873. serious case of white girl ass there
  1874. >>
  1875. Anonymous (ID: RwJIs+aI) 04/09/13(Tue)09:52:14 No.471433031
  1876. >>471431532
  1877. im going to release it anyway, anyone interested?
  1878. >>
  1879. Anonymous (ID: vpcdGebG) 04/09/13(Tue)09:52:28 No.471433067
  1880. File: 1365515548163.png-(1.12 MB, 800x900, z-1355851112009.png)
  1881. GI
  1882. 1.12 MB
  1883. >>471432667
  1884. >Fairies on my dick.
  1885. >>
  1886. Anonymous (ID: hLhGPYYm) 04/09/13(Tue)09:52:43 No.471433103
  1887. File: 1365515563264.jpg-(57 KB, 341x733, qhpNi1qj0.jpg)
  1888. GI
  1889. 57 KB
  1890. >>
  1891. Anonymous (ID: H326IgG9) 04/09/13(Tue)09:53:49 No.471433205
  1892. Replies: >>471435063
  1893. >>471432331
  1895. lol I'm a tard when it comes to her
  1896. >>
  1897. Anonymous (ID: jZwEx7fT) 04/09/13(Tue)09:53:50 No.471433207
  1898. File: 1365515630285.png-(272 KB, 320x480, 337838764.png)
  1899. GI
  1900. 272 KB
  1901. >>
  1902. Anonymous (ID: SlM/Vfgi) 04/09/13(Tue)09:53:52 No.471433212
  1903. >>471415060
  1904. HNNNNNG
  1905. >>
  1906. Anonymous (ID: OSOKEEk2) 04/09/13(Tue)09:54:52 No.471433327
  1907. >>471432667
  1908. I'm spending more time looking at the reflection searching for the camera than getting aroused.
  1909. >>
  1910. Anonymous (ID: GxdbhrnN) 04/09/13(Tue)09:56:45 No.471433558
  1911. File: 1365515805279.jpg-(1.05 MB, 3328x4992, Gaben HD.jpg)
  1912. GI
  1913. 1.05 MB
  1914. >>471430004
  1915. >not having high res gaben
  1916. >>
  1917. Anonymous (ID: /qjJReh2) 04/09/13(Tue)09:58:36 No.471433780
  1918. File: 1365515916935.jpg-(94 KB, 768x1024, 1363840589272.jpg)
  1919. GI
  1920. 94 KB
  1921. >>
  1922. Anonymous (ID: i+Jm2uCf) 04/09/13(Tue)09:58:46 No.471433797
  1923. >>471414569
  1924. sauce on that please? heard about some gif
  1925. >>
  1926. Anonymous (ID: o5oTd5RZ) 04/09/13(Tue)09:58:57 No.471433823
  1927. >>471416242
  1928. is there a story behind this. lol.
  1929. >>
  1930. Anonymous (ID: IqWfx38T) 04/09/13(Tue)09:59:21 No.471433869
  1931. Replies: >>471434087
  1932. >>471417013
  1933. it's the mention of the holocaust in the background in juxtapostion with the christmas theme thats doing it for me
  1934. >>
  1935. Anonymous (ID: RwJIs+aI) 04/09/13(Tue)09:59:54 No.471433942
  1936. Replies: >>471434508
  1937. >>471431532
  1938. anyone?
  1939. >>
  1940. Anonymous (ID: /qjJReh2) 04/09/13(Tue)10:00:26 No.471434000
  1941. File: 1365516026609.png-(797 KB, 1680x1050, Screen Shot 2012-11-24 at(...).png)
  1942. GI
  1943. 797 KB
  1944. >>
  1945. Anonymous (ID: c0kNJxol) 04/09/13(Tue)10:01:08 No.471434087
  1946. File: 1365516068666.gif-(144 KB, 126x126, 1359452993767.gif)
  1947. GI
  1948. 144 KB
  1949. >>471433869
  1950. this.
  1951. >>
  1952. Anonymous (ID: c0kNJxol) 04/09/13(Tue)10:01:51 No.471434182
  1953. Replies: >>471434713 >>471435040
  1954. File: 1365516111480.gif-(519 KB, 450x338, 1359175293909.gif)
  1955. GI
  1956. 519 KB
  1957. also this is one of my top ones
  1958. >>
  1959. Anonymous (ID: 2JnTZYwt) 04/09/13(Tue)10:04:32 No.471434508
  1960. >>471433942
  1961. DO IT FAGGOT
  1962. >>
  1963. Anonymous (ID: kQUttzXx) 04/09/13(Tue)10:04:43 No.471434529
  1964. >>471425365
  1965. ^___________^ moar if u can
  1966. >>
  1967. Anonymous (ID: 65tHMdCL) 04/09/13(Tue)10:06:12 No.471434713
  1968. File: 1365516372138.jpg-(71 KB, 559x598, 41564685.jpg)
  1969. GI
  1970. 71 KB
  1971. >>471434182
  1972. >>
  1973. Anonymous (ID: hPVUqPak) 04/09/13(Tue)10:07:53 No.471434898
  1974. >>471414736
  1975. fkkin hawt
  1976. >>
  1977. Anonymous (ID: B00jtZv+) 04/09/13(Tue)10:08:03 No.471434931
  1978. Replies: >>471435132
  1979. File: 1365516483805.jpg-(1.48 MB, 1200x1658, 1362471927876.jpg)
  1980. GI
  1981. 1.48 MB
  1982. >>
  1983. Anonymous (ID: kQUttzXx) 04/09/13(Tue)10:08:57 No.471435040
  1984. >>471434182
  1985. arf arf where are these girls AFK? where are theyyy?
  1986. >>
  1987. Anonymous (ID: H326IgG9) 04/09/13(Tue)10:09:08 No.471435063
  1988. File: 1365516548973.jpg-(90 KB, 900x1360, aHR0cDovL3d3dy5jaGVycnlud(...).jpg)
  1989. GI
  1990. 90 KB
  1991. >>471432134
  1992. >>471432331
  1993. >>471433205
  1994. related
  1995. >>
  1996. Anonymous (ID: H326IgG9) 04/09/13(Tue)10:09:41 No.471435132
  1997. >>471434931
  1998. trap, seen these
  1999. >>
  2000. Anonymous (ID: 1jdA2LZk) 04/09/13(Tue)10:09:43 No.471435139
  2001. Replies: >>471435253
  2002. File: 1365516583176.jpg-(380 KB, 1600x1200, 1334115418091.jpg)
  2003. GI
  2004. 380 KB
  2005. >>
  2006. Anonymous (ID: h9guuIIy) 04/09/13(Tue)10:09:50 No.471435161
  2007. File: 1365516590298.jpg-(101 KB, 680x679, 1364143630063.jpg)
  2008. GI
  2009. 101 KB
  2010. >>
  2011. Anonymous (ID: kQUttzXx) 04/09/13(Tue)10:10:36 No.471435253
  2012. >>471435139
  2013. bahahaha I remember her, what a troll
  2014. >>
  2015. Anonymous (ID: i+Jm2uCf) 04/09/13(Tue)10:14:09 No.471435683
  2016. File: 1365516849698.jpg-(99 KB, 1248x824, 1362252141528.jpg)
  2017. GI
  2018. 99 KB
  2019. >>
  2020. Anonymous (ID: MM6a9rAo) 04/09/13(Tue)10:14:51 No.471435776
  2021. Replies: >>471436249
  2022. File: 1365516891807.jpg-(6 KB, 221x228, thats_my_fetish.jpg)
  2023. GI
  2024. 6 KB
  2025. >>471412403 (OP)
  2026. >freckles
  2027. >wet from water
  2028. >dat intense look
  2029. >perfect tits
  2030. OP, today you're not a faggot, and I actually agree with you.
  2031. >>
  2032. Anonymous (ID: WC9MvsLI) 04/09/13(Tue)10:16:04 No.471435947
  2033. >>471431050
  2034. source
  2035. >>
  2036. Anonymous (ID: 6ZURgeno) 04/09/13(Tue)10:18:19 No.471436249
  2037. Replies: >>471436440 >>471436448
  2038. >>471435776
  2039. genital warts
  2040. >>
  2041. Anonymous (ID: kxgN5Ucq) 04/09/13(Tue)10:19:40 No.471436440
  2042. >>471436249
  2043. I can't actually see them, where are they?
  2044. >>
  2045. Anonymous (ID: kQUttzXx) 04/09/13(Tue)10:19:44 No.471436448
  2046. Replies: >>471436963
  2047. >>471436249
  2048. That's not warts, that's just red bumps you often get after shaving. I know because I shave my pubes and get them and my ex got them when she shaved
  2049. >>
  2050. Anonymous (ID: omqm4DtB) 04/09/13(Tue)10:23:24 No.471436941
  2051. File: 1365517404504.jpg-(146 KB, 667x1000, yessirriee.jpg)
  2052. GI
  2053. 146 KB
  2054. lolyep
  2055. >>
  2056. Anonymous (ID: MM6a9rAo) 04/09/13(Tue)10:23:30 No.471436963
  2057. Replies: >>471437189
  2058. >>471436448
  2059. This is very true. I get those too. The skin in that area is a bit sensitive, so if you don't take care of it properly after shaving you get that.
  2060. >>
  2061. Anonymous (ID: dVTJsbzn) 04/09/13(Tue)10:24:43 No.471437149
  2062. File: 1365517483053.jpg-(217 KB, 550x734, xxx.jpg)
  2063. GI
  2064. 217 KB
  2065. >!
  2066. >>
  2067. Anonymous (ID: kxgN5Ucq) 04/09/13(Tue)10:24:59 No.471437189
  2068. >>471436963
  2069. Everyone gets those, I get them after shaving my face even. Folliculitis i think
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