

DATE: Dec. 17, 2013, 4:52 a.m.

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HITS: 2988

  1. Dear friends,
  2. _________________________________________________________________________
  3. things are getting #Serious. i've decided to g0 dark and at the very least cUt ties with peop1e who aren't experienced enough to defend themS3lves from attack, and therefore be in the same Circles</#> that I am ______________________________operating in and going up against. Certain events have transpired, and as much as I love you all (you know who you are), I am going to have to love you and leave you, at least for now.
  4. Please stay off my public timeline for the moment. I'm going dark and talking to me exposes you and our connection, and therefore highlights you as a target, and a possible way to get to me.
  5. You all know my back channel. This will be reactivated when it is safe, or I will contact you some other way.
  6. Don't forget me but please keep your distance for now. I encourage you all to not be apathetic about your security, especially if you are going to continue with "Ops". I hope that you do as me abandoning the op is humiliating. I would hope that you continue benbala12 under Mouse.
  7. I'm sorry and will miss you, but I have to go. However, I will be watching. Never doubt it.
  8. One last thing. Please delete all conversations on twitter and elsewhere between yourselves and I. This is in case you get hacked or worse. Security is no joke and this is not a game.
  9. Until we meet again. I love u <3
  10. Charlie Farmer
  11. (This message will self destruct at 5am GMT Wednesday)

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