How To Get Free Unlimited Domains


DATE: Feb. 9, 2014, 11:16 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 1118

  1. Domain Method:
  2. Step 1: Go here:
  3. Step 2: Click the "Build your website" towards the bottom, then click "Create your website".
  4. Step 3: Sign in with your Google account.
  5. Step 4: Next, make a Homesteam Account with information you will remember.
  6. Step 5: Do all of the steps, and select any theme as you will be deleting it later.
  7. Step 6: After you finished those three things, click domain on the left sidebar and create your domain.
  8. Step 7: Enter fake details and use your VCC and wait around 48 hours for the domain to register.
  9. If you need a VCC:
  10. Step 1: Download "TextFree" or any similar app from the app store.
  11. Step 2: Make a free account.
  12. Step 3: Go to and click sign up.
  13. Step 4: Set country as canada and enter the number textfree gave you.
  14. Step 5: Have it call you and then set the 4 digit pin as anything.
  15. Step 6: Sign into the bancore, and create the VCC.
  16. Step 7: Copy the VCC info down, logout. Logout of the TextFree account.
  17. Step 8: Rinse and repeat.
  18. Enjoy

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