CoinChat Commands Explained


DATE: Nov. 27, 2013, 5:43 p.m.

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SIZE: 686 Bytes

HITS: 788

  1. Commands: /ignore [user to ignore] Hides all Messages form that User
  2. /unignore [user to uningore] Shows all messages from that user
  3. /join [room] Join A Room
  4. /pm [user] Send a private message to a User
  5. /tip [user] [amount] [note] Tip a user mbtc
  6. /ops or /listops {Displays channel ops}
  7. CHANNEL OP ONLY Commands
  8. /op [user] Give a user permission to use op only commands
  9. /deop [user] Take away the users permissions
  10. /kick [user] KickBan a user from the room
  11. /unkick [user] Undo's KickBan
  12. /set private {Only your friends can join}
  13. /unset private {Undo Set Private}
  14. /topic [new channel topic] Set the channel topic {The message when a user enters}

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