$$$$Thunder Token has launched its own mining on mobile devices$$$$

SUBMITTED BY: thelostcarlos

DATE: Oct. 4, 2020, 10:27 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.4 kB

HITS: 519

  1. Thunder Token has launched its own mining on mobile devices. The token itself is already being traded on Coinmarketcap exchanges:
  2. https://coinmarketcap.com/ru/currencies/thunder-token
  3. 1) Move to:
  4. https://www.thundercore.com/thundercore-hub/
  5. 2) In the "PRODUCT" section, select the "ThunderCore Hub" and download the application;
  6. 3) Log in to the application through Gmail or Facebook;
  7. 4) After we go to "Home", then "Mining", at the very bottom click on "Bind a Referrer" and enter: GKRGBJ
  8. By entering this code, you will get additional speed for mining.
  9. With this mining, the application will not consume the battery, because it is PoS mining and tokens are mined from our balance.
  10. 5) Then we return back to “Mining” (token mining takes place on this page);
  11. 6)Next, we just leave the device with the “Mining” page open;
  12. You can also leave the device with mining for the night or during normal use, keep the application open in the background. As an option, for this mining, you can use several devices at once, if you have.
  13. 7) We also go to the main page, then in the "Wallet" section the application will give you 5 tokens from them and mining will start ...
  14. The minimum withdrawal amount is 1000 TT tokens. They can be exchanged for USDT ...
  15. Don`t forget to bind a referrer : GKRGBJ for 5 free TT That starts the mining

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