My Ayahuasca retreat and review of La Familia Medicina – Camino Do Amor


DATE: Sept. 15, 2014, 12:29 a.m.


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  1. Well Let me start by openly saying that I REGRET GOING TO THESE ARSEHOLES!
  2. I wish that I could get a refund I would take it in a heart beat, much to the disappointment of the Shaman, he’s family and helper in the ceremonies theses where above what I expected. The family is totally great mama help me with my mother issues as I expected only a woman could [her understanding of the damage done] While it may seen strange that I love and respect the work and efforts of those in the Ceremonies and still bag the place is not weird. When you think that during the third Ceremony I had a major break through with my depression it was fucking awesome! But it was all lost again after my visit with the camp manager Robert, after more of hes threats and intimidation, endless degrading of me and my condition and hes forceful views and opinions of me and everything about me and my life’s path so far...... read more please go to my blog

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